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@Xpert74 - 02.09.2021 01:29

I knew going into the game that it had something to do with transness, but I still didn't quite pick up on what was going on until near the end. I actually was thinking for awhile that it was Emily who was trans, and that the story was going to be about supporting her through that. Overall though, I really liked it a bunch. And yeah, considering how horribly transness was handled in Deadly Premonition, it really felt like Swery took notes from that when making this game. I have yet to play Deadly Premonition 2, so I can't comment on that, but I really found The Missing to be emotionally impactful and impressive - even moreso than I was expecting going into it. Good stuff :3

@mackerelundercover - 01.04.2021 07:23

This is a prime example of a video thumbnail that is far superior to the video itself
