This video covers the key information you need to plan your vacation to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, including a brief history, the best time to visit, what to see & do, and the cost of a one week all-inclusive vacation during winter. Additional excursion costs are included below in this description.
00:00 Introduction
00:30 A brief history of Punta Cana
01:00 Best time to visit Punta Cana
01:17 What to see & do in Punta Cana
01:26 Bavaro Beach
01:52 Altos de Chavón
02:15 Campos De Golf De Punta Cana
02:27 Saona Island
02:44 Santo Domingo
03:09 Manati Park
03:29 El Limon Waterfalls
03:38 Average cost for a one week all-inclusive vacation
04:18 Summary
#puntacana #dominicanrepublic #bavarobeach #bavaropuntacana #altosdechavon #camposdegolf #saonaisland #santodomingo #manatipark #ellimonwaterfall #top10
(Please note prices may vary based on when prices are quoted and exchange rates at that time. Prices quoted below are based on research conducted in Nov 2024).
Altos de Chavón Tour: $83-125 USD ($ CAD) per person.
Campos de golf de Punta Cana: $129 - 400 USD ($180-560 CAD) per person.
Saona Island Excursion: $90 USD ($138 CAD) per person.
Day Excursion to Santo Domingo: $100-150 USD ($140-210 CAD) per person.
Manati Park: From $35 USD ($49 CAD) per person.
Day Excursion to Samana & El Limon Waterfalls: $110–$225 USD ($154–$315 CAD) per person.