Superpowers You Can Get RIGHT NOW!

Superpowers You Can Get RIGHT NOW!

World List

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Check out these superpowers you can get right now! From flying to telekinesis and superhuman strength, this top 10 list of superhero gadgets can turn you into batman or superman today!

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10. Telekinesis
It might seem odd that arguably one of the most beneficial superpowers are so low on this list, but it'll make sense before long. Telekinesis is the ability to move things with your mind. Seen by such comic book characters as Jean Grey, Professor X, and more, the stronger your mind is, and the more control you have over your power, the more you can lift.

9. Immunity To Pain
Another interesting one, but also one that's dangerous in its own right, is being able not to feel pain. Now, you might think, "Why would I want such a thing?" Well, when your body feels pain, it doesn't just affect the body, it affects the mind and your emotional state. You have to react to the pain, or focus to block it out.

8. Iron Suit
If there's one thing that comics have taught us over the years, it's that you don't need to have "real" superpowers to be a superhero. Characters like Batman, Wildcat, and Iron Man prove that if you have the skills, you can do what's necessary to get the job done. Of those three, Iron Man has one of the most desired "superpowers" in the form of his Iron Man suit.

7. Wall Crawling
Spider-Man is one of the most popular superhero characters of all time. And because of that, he is beloved for many of his powers. While I wish I was going to use this post about getting a real-life Spider-Sense, I sadly have to talk about one of his other powers. No, not webshooting, the other one, wall-crawling.

6. Bulletproof
Today's world is violent, massively so in fact. And one of the biggest perpetrators of this violence is guns. Many people fear being shot, so you wouldn't be laughed at for wanting to be bulletproof. There are many characters that are bulletproof for one reason or another. Superman is because of his connection to the sun, Luke Cage is legendary for his whole body being bulletproof because of an accident.

5. Healing
While many superpowers are based on being able to do something offensively, or even defensively, one power that most people agree would be cool to have no matter who they were is healing. Made most famous by Wolverine, having a healing factor would be dramatically epic.

4. Invisibility
When people ask each other what superpower they want, invisibility is often near the top, and it's not hard to see why. It's practical, used by my superheroes and supervillains like Invisible Woman, Doctor Doom, and it can be one that you can use in everyday life. It makes perfect sense why people would want it. So, are we close to it? Yes, actually certain variations of invisibility are available right now.

3. Super Speed
Ah, another one of the holy grail superpowers, super speed. The Flash, Quicksilver, Jay Garrick, and more have wielded speed for all sorts of great things...and bad things, but that's beside the point.

2. Super Strength
The OTHER major holy grail superpower is super strength. Being able to life up cars with one hand, or punch through solid stone without a scratch to your hand. It's a very pleasing and intriguing thought. Even though some of us would just want to be the Hulk so we could smash things...not me though!

1. Flight
The top 3 of this left are truly some of the superpowers people wish they had the most. But the biggest one in many polls is Flight. So many heroes and villains and characters fly there's no time to run them all down. However, the appeal of the power is worth talking about.


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