LIVE: ‘Ukraine War is Over’, Jeffrey Sachs Makes Fiery Speech At EU Parliament, Challenges America!

LIVE: ‘Ukraine War is Over’, Jeffrey Sachs Makes Fiery Speech At EU Parliament, Challenges America!

Hindustan Times

3 дня назад

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@patrickhowell5382 - 01.03.2025 19:06

Zelensky should go home and have an election and seek asylum in Europe. This man is a dictator travelling the world and being accepted.

@patrickhowell5382 - 01.03.2025 19:09

The world, NATO, and Zelensky should be observed that Putin has been restraining his hands on Ukraine and avoided WW3, which Zelensky has been pushing. Zelensky is the devil and disrespected his country, President Trump, VP Vance, and the people of America. Zelenzky had the opportunity to stop this war earlier in the war and refuse.

@Iceangel000g - 01.03.2025 20:34

Europe not

@erdizencirli6972 - 01.03.2025 20:36

Thank you Jeffrey Sachs you are truly a human and a scholar. I hope that people and politicians open their eyes and ears and listen and reflect on all that you say. It is so refreshing to hear the truth.

@dennismiller5235 - 01.03.2025 21:31

He knows what he’s talking about. That’s what they were supposed to do, but it didn’t.

@nataljamakova - 01.03.2025 21:31

Sadly no one will ever listen

@Unicorn-Black - 01.03.2025 21:45

Did this idiot ever said something true? Anyone can come up with one time he was right? Why is he even have citizenship? Or is he just an entertainment (so he does not need to be right) just a traitor...

@markchesters8861 - 01.03.2025 21:51

How ironic that Sachs mocks britain by using British comedians known as Monty python.

@yevgeniyakhvan3512 - 01.03.2025 23:13

Просто полная противоположность трампу!!

@johndill9186 - 02.03.2025 00:38

World peace will never be as long as neo nazi zionism runs American and European policy, both national and international. Trump does not care.

@Propelled - 02.03.2025 00:59

Sustainable development is a party unto its own: Marxism.

@aldozilli1293 - 02.03.2025 02:15

Jeffrey Sachs repeating Russian propaganda. Don't be duped.

As a Professor he should know that Russia already has borders with 6 NATO countries and that NATO is a voluntary DEFENSIVE pact and that Russia were invited to be part of it before they started invading Azerbaijan, Georgia and now Ukraine.

NATO was and always has been the Russian excuse for invasion and reconstructing the old USSR.

@VeteranHedonist - 02.03.2025 02:27

I can't believe Trump said we can stop the war if you let us take your precious minerals, etc.
Trump has got into bed with Putin. He's scared of him. "I'm really tough President Trump is scared of Putin. 😂 Even us Brits who Americans hate all of a sudden wouldn't give in to putin. Just like the second world war where we started bad but defended our islands, apart from the Channel islands close to France. We had to wait til the Japanese bombed the crap out of Pearl Harbour before the Americans helped out. They were late for the first world war too.
The Europeans don't need America anymore, and to be fair to the U.S. We shouldn't need to rely on them anymore. They'll be busy with China soon anyway, and the Chinese could wipe America off the map. Trump is playing a dangerous game. If anyone starts WW3 it will be him, despite everything he says about bringing peace to the world. I wouldn't trust him if my life depended on it, which it doesn't.
Trump getting into bed with Putin and school ground name calling at a countries leader in public was sickening to watch. They trapped him into that. They knew what they were going to say, before they said it, because they were saying what their boss "Putin" told them to say. They've lost the worlds respect. The decent people of the worlds respect anyway. I feel sorry for our once close allies, that didn't vote for Trump. (I nearly called him an orange war profiteer then, but that would make me as bad as him). Yes I have empathy for our friends over the pond that didn't vote Trump. They were calling Zelenski for not wearing a suit, while another Billionaire who hasn't been democratically voted in (Musk) walks round the oval office with basball caps on and casual clothes. What has what you're wesring got to do with respect? We shouldn't push our way of life and traditions on other people. Especially when it's a president or prime minister of a country or nation.
In one day, Trump, who nearly had me at first. I believed he was actually going to end the war in Ukraine for the Ukrainian people and the war in Israel, but I should of known better. He wants to turn the Gaza Strip American and has a massive dream of turning it into Trump Land, which will be as cheesy and shit as Dolly world. (As much as I love Dolly Parton). Making hotel complexes and casinos after kicking the inhabitants out. He doesn't care about Israel or Palestine, or the people of either. He cares about money. That's what happens when you vote for a billionaire criminal. The majority of the world are angered by what Trump did to Zelenski (whether you like him or not) today. The world, especially Europe, would and will be better off without America. Europe and the other countries that Trump has been shouting about should all join together and put tariffs on the US, but we won't because we're not horrible, liars and conmen/women. He's definitely gone down in most of the worlds estimations now. Can he get any lower?
Rant over.

@zarifaagaeva4583 - 02.03.2025 03:16

Interesting, who peid to him, Putin or Trump?

@RD-mn9se - 02.03.2025 03:50

So sick of men and their endless fighting! Pointless. The ones that actually fight aren't the ones starting the wars. Those ones are hiding somewhere because they are cowards. Then we have to listen to endless males blabbing on and on and on about how great they are, how smart they are, how they are the best at everything.........blah, blah, blah. Give it a rest. Give the adults some peace.

@GrandmaEllen - 02.03.2025 04:29

Jeffrey Sachs has his own agenda. Think critically. He's an apologist and his agenda is not out in the open.

@Softouch333 - 02.03.2025 04:50

Anyone who has been paying attention since the Bay of Pigs, and Gulf of Tonkin, knows the neocons idea of unipolar hegemony has guided US foreign intervention since the 60’s. Zelenski was bought and paid for by the CIA and the neocons. What we don’t know is the promises Obama, Biden ,and Sullivan, and Blinken made to Zelenski and why he feels betrayed. Trump has completely upset the status quo. Zelenski has evidence of Biden corruption, but can he present it without ending up in front of his own firing squad.?

@billlawson5571 - 02.03.2025 04:54

Thank you Mr Sachs you have renewed my hopes for humanity, somebody has to get America off this road train I believe driven by Israel and the yankee elites!

@wholeness - 02.03.2025 05:15

Literally breaks the guinness book world record for the longest truth bomb sheesh 🤯Sachs for President

@smurray0000 - 02.03.2025 05:42

It was refreshing to hear your speech and to be told the truth about the corrupt U.S. and their manipulative control they have had over the world for so long. After the theatrics we witnessed in the Oval office this past Friday a true staged event to humiliate President Zelinsky provoked by J.D. Vance. It sickened me and I felt ill. How can you say the Europeans need to talk to Putin and work thing out and that there is hope with Trump to bring peace. My God your dealing with an unpredictable mad man and Putin too cannot be trusted and goes back on his word. Two egotistical narcissistic very sick men who haven't a conscience and who are more interested in popularity and made for T.V. ratings! Maybe Zelinsky didn't do everything right, but he sure did not deserve to be ambushed and to be so disrespected that way. Yes, he needs help but I for one am glad that when he could speak with both Trump and Vance yelling at him, he stood up for himself, for his country and for the proud Ukraniane people!! Putin, Vance and Trump are all about domination and control and I do not know how you can trust these men to make any kind of deal. Zelinsky will never get the security assurances he wanted by handing over Ukraine's earth minerals. Trump and Putin have no honor and their word counts for nothing. So I hope the E.U. gets their act together...the U.S.A. has made it clear who's side they are on. So maybe you know most of the players and were their to witness much of the disgusting deals that were made over the year's always at the expense of the people! I do not see how you negotiate with Putin he is a known killer and liar and his people can't even have fair elections. He's a dictator and that's what they do! So thank you for enlightening us, but after Friday I am doubtful the war will be ending any time soon.

@damchoewangchuk6623 - 02.03.2025 05:59

I wish your recommendations be followed for the stability and peace in the world

@damchoewangchuk6623 - 02.03.2025 05:59

I wish your recommendations be followed for the stability and peace in the world

@lanadey573 - 02.03.2025 07:45

he do not looks indepedend he is prorussian and do not care about other

@marirosy55 - 02.03.2025 08:28

Continue talking all you want about America and Trump; the thing is that WE WILL NOT GIVE ANOTHER PENNY FOR THIS WAR. UKRAINE NEEDS TO PAY BACK THE BILLIONS AMERICANS WORKED FOR.

@lynneclarke6265 - 02.03.2025 10:39

I find his comments highly suspicious and wonder who the hell he works for.
I am definitely no fan of the US who have far too much bullying influence upon the rest of the world. But anyone who claims ‘know everything’ about Russia and says that Putin has no intention of invading neighbouring countries is either lying or is woefully misguided. He’s in the process of doing that right now!
Ask Lithuania about that - are they worried - you bet they are and so are many other former victims of Russian occupation and who suffered under that occupation that includes Poland.
If Putin has no intention to invade, why did he do it TWICE - first taking Crimea and now his vanity war in Ukraine. You know, the one he actually said could be completed taken in THREE DAYS!!

NATO should kick out the US. As a group the remaining countries are well able to oppose any further Russian incursions. Russia has already shown its woeful state of modern equipment. Some of their troops are using WW2 weapons! Plus the fact that Ukraine could hold Russia to task and make them fight for every inch gained shows the incompetence of Russian military leadership.

America is the largest blowfly in the ointment. They say all the right things - well mostly and definitely not now - but they’re not truly interested in creating a stable Europe, everything is transactional for them. - ‘What’s in it for us’.
All Europeans are well aware of that, given their shared experiences dealing with the US during the big wars. The UK is definitely no paragon of virtue but at least they honoured treaties and turned up to help as soon as the wars started.
What did the US do — they sat back and made a shitload of money out of BOTH allies and Germany. They were reluctantly dragged into WW2 when attacked by Japan, an ally of Germany. A large number of politicians in DC were active supports of communism…plus of course the likes of Ford who was making a lot money from sales of vehicles to Germany.

@Telrunya598 - 02.03.2025 12:54

Leaders of the world, grab your notebooks so you never forget.

@PtzdaVam - 02.03.2025 13:32

you never include Russia or even Belarus, coz you historical rusophobes here is a problem

@annaiva5837 - 02.03.2025 13:51

a cheap pro-russian bla-bla man with "his own opinion"

@teenangel68 - 02.03.2025 15:05

Mr.Sachs is a very intelligent man and everything he said made complete sense. Thank you Sir!

@Anna-vg3ne - 02.03.2025 15:42

Not a fan of the US at all and agree that they have done so much evil for their own profit. But to state that they are solely responsible for the war that Putin started and not mentioning that he usurped power for 25 years, created totalitarianism and that Russia has invaded Georgia and Chechnya before to control them and same with Ukraine. Ukraine did not join NATO so who says they stopped being neutral? Being neutral for Putin means staying under his control. So why haven’t NATO invaded and taken over Russia now when it’s weak if this was the intention? They would not even let Ukraine join NATO now or in the visible future because they are afraid of tiran putin and his nuke. Russian Strelkov-Girkin has admitted himself that he has invaded Ukraine first in 2014 and this is how war started and it was with support of Putin. Ukraine just wanted to be independent from Russia controlled president and be democratic and part of EU, which Putin couldn’t afford. Europe has joined NATO on their own will to be protected because they remember USSR times. So why if this video is true hasnt NATO yet invaded Russia or hasnt given enough weapons to Ukraine to take over Russia with Ukraines hands? Why have they given so less considering the level of the war?

As a Russian myself born and raised in Estonia, interesting to hear about my own country and it’s “russophobia” while I am well taken care of and treated here in Estonia. I have great free education, job, free healthcare and social security. My cousin has rare anti immune disease and is still alive thanks to huge European funding of his meds, he says he would be dead by now if he lived in Russia since they do not help people with same disease there. I am grateful every day that I was born here instead of Russia. Of course there are some nationalists here that may be hateful, but there are people like that everywhere and I don’t care as long as it’s not on the state level and no-one says it out loud. I speak Estonian and Estonians really appreciate it and always nice to me. There are really few countries in the world with multiple official state languages and I understand that Estonia has difficult relationship with russia due to occupation. They don’t take it out on Russians here though. They care for people. What about Russia and the language minorities there? There are tons and their languages are not state languages either and nobody can get citizenship without russian language. I am not talking about discrimination and hate for minorities on the state level, they are blaming them for everything there and deport illegaly. Why doesnt Jeff talk about that? Putin doesn’t care about russians in Russia or anywhere in the world, he is just a regular corrupted bloodthirsty grandpa and russsians in Estonia would give their life to not be “saved” by Putin.

@mikker29y - 02.03.2025 16:39

The Russian invaders need to get out of Ukraine, if they do that the war ends

@user-zm3ur8lm5z - 02.03.2025 18:25

Wow, this was hugely enlightening. Thank you Mr. Sachs.

@Poldernaboar - 02.03.2025 19:05

Woow, this is opening the box of pandora, thanks 😱👍👍👍

@stuligin - 02.03.2025 19:47

Trumps trying to save the world from global communism and control , forever, alas ,democrats, the eu have screwed everything.

@tombombadil9123 - 02.03.2025 20:16

Jeff's been the director of the Earth Institute at Columbia since 1995. It's amazing what progress they've made in sustainable development in those 30 years

@tombombadil9123 - 02.03.2025 20:21

12 hours? he spoke for 12 hours? no pee break? I couldn't even watch this for 12 hours straight, so maybe they made a break? did anybody watch this start to finish?

@Zam-mi9wz - 02.03.2025 20:40

Professor Sachs is a leftist propagandist. What do i mean? Why did he not tell these truths publicly when Obama was a president? How about when Biden was a president? Why did he wait until the left lost power to create an impression that Europe should oppose American interest? In this video he even second guesses president Trump at will, which thing clearly shows me that he suffers from the same woke virus that the left suffers from and not only that but TDS as well.

One thing I have learned from this video is that professor Sachs is a globalists who wants us to believe the globalist lie like climate change, he figuratively call Trump a moron for not believing in climate change. Another question I have of professor Sachs is, why does he go around calling himself an American when he hates America so much? I don't deny the facts that he tells about America's abuse of power, but he is content with Europe's abuse of power like climate change that leads to changing our lives without our approval. He clearly is not as neutral as he claims to be. In any case I would not place my trust on the views of any leftist professor.

@nida1711 - 02.03.2025 21:08

You mentioned that Putin attacked Ukraine because of NATO? In 2014 Russia attacked Crimea without the NATO in Ukraine and Ukraine made a diplomatic deals with Putin 2 times and still Putin broke that deal. They have a deal to exchange prisoners but Putin didn’t do it. In when Zelenskyy adviced NATO to evacuate Ukraine. The NATO withdraw but still Putin continued to attack Ukraine. So what you are talking about? And if Trump wants Ukraine peace with Russia why he should not tell to Zelenskyy the peace deal. Instead he wants Zelenskyy to sign a deal of 50 percent of their mineral for the payment of arms and money supported by the previous administration to Ukraine. I saw a lot of news that Putin is killing whoever criticise and against him.

@Did_ko42 - 02.03.2025 23:58

What Jeffry Sachs says is bullshit, take a look to reality

@judipool4098 - 03.03.2025 02:24

Excellent explanation. Thank you

@nath1284 - 03.03.2025 03:00

Peace to all of us HumanKIND. Be present in this moment and know you are loved friends

@federicoparedes6214 - 03.03.2025 07:23

Russian invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked. Violates agreed upon negotiations many times. Unprovoked unprovoked invasion. What ptovocationn are you talking about. I Am an Asian.

@federicoparedes6214 - 03.03.2025 07:42

Russia is Putin so you can only negotiate with Putin. And who is expansionist putin? Who are the russian negohiators who will dare disagree with Putin?

@federicoparedes6214 - 03.03.2025 07:44

Goal of putin is take over Ukraine. Will putin return Crimea?

@federicoparedes6214 - 03.03.2025 08:02

Ukraine issue without including ukraine in the negotiation doesn't make sense. Isolate ukraine is that it?

@bash656 - 03.03.2025 15:37

If extending EU and NATO is not equal what does it bring to extend EU or be in the EU? And those countries being mentioned the mass graves magically appeared? This seems partial story and and a lot of trust me bro factor in it. And yes i am from the EU. Sounds like a pink cloud he is living in, EU stands for all while the rest of the world does not, is that the message. ASML is being protected for balance reason, you rather have China en Russia using their single party lead countries at top? Very strange message.

@cesaralzate2525 - 03.03.2025 16:04

The US was the arsonist supporting the coup d'état in Ukraine in 2014 (see Victoria Nuland: "f*** the EU") and encouraging the admission of Ukraine into NATO (see Speech Putin 2007 in Munich, where there was already a warning of a war if this point continued to be insisted) upon and the words of Pope Francis about the expansion of NATO to the Russian doorstep). Now the US is emerging as the firefighter. Meanwhile, two lost generations of two brother peoples. NO TO NATO! The Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union do not exist.

@roobah9 - 03.03.2025 19:14

There are not many people whom I respect more than Professor Sachs, but he arrives at the wrong conclusions using valid facts: shades of Neville Chamberlain.

@DarrellGreear - 04.03.2025 01:48

We are going to need an Independent President super Trump. Can we count on you wanting to run??????

@suebarner8364 - 04.03.2025 08:26

Sachs is so pro Russia at a time when Russia is losing this war…do winners use donkeys to transport their equipment? Do winners use baby North Korean infantry or Chinese mercenaries as cannon fodder? Thousands of Russian soldiers have mysteriously disappeared (?) or gone AWOL. Ukraine is now striking well inside the border on Russian territory. Europe is banding together with other countries to provide additional equipment, munitions, drones, planes. And the hits keep coming. But prof Sachs is still singing the same old song.
