Jeff Allen's POWERFUL Testimony: Overcoming Alcohol, Rage & A Failing Marriage | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Jeff Allen's POWERFUL Testimony: Overcoming Alcohol, Rage & A Failing Marriage | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Kirk Cameron on TBN

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@debbyfazfphotography - 06.10.2023 17:05

Jeff Allen is truly an inspiration and as a comedian, he is absolutely hilarious! My husband and I love his comedy!

@danielpittijr6283 - 06.10.2023 17:06

I found Jeff's comedy on Facebook a few years ago. I am glad to hear his comedy and story.

@johnnyappleseed5029 - 06.10.2023 17:45

Mr. Allen, I'm rejoicing with you and praying for you brother.
Kirk, out of all the conversations you've had on this channel, this is my favorite. The Redemption Story is what Christ is all about, what a beautiful thing to behold.

@westerfy - 06.10.2023 18:15

I'm currently writing my testimony that I wanna perform as a standup comedy content to fight for truth

@goldenbear4849 - 06.10.2023 18:18

Beautiful Testimony 🙏 Jesus makes all the Difference ❤!!!

@robertdouglas8895 - 06.10.2023 18:40

This life is but a dream. You can derive meaning from it like any dream, but if it doesn't bring you to God, you've missed the point of life like the prodigal son did until he started waking up.

@TruthWillprevail13 - 06.10.2023 18:45

Jesus, hear my prayers these past three years have been difficult on me I am weak. Give me guidance. Please come back soon I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. As a single parent things are hard on me both of my sons are autistic and my hours to work are limited because I’m now homeschooling them. I’m constantly struggling to provide the basic necessities for them I’m so ashamed. I suffered an heart attack and I’m battling lupus I’m overwhelmed. Father God hear my prayers. I constantly struggle to pay my bills and struggle to provide groceries. BUT I KEEP FAITH. Even though I want to give up. Jesus please take the fear from my heart. Father God it is you that gives me the strength to keep going. I praise you Father even as I fear homelessness please continue to give me strength.

@betzaidadurkin2694 - 06.10.2023 20:30

God is faithful!

@MyName-zd9pe - 06.10.2023 20:35

I sent this video to my husband. We are going through a similar experience with his alcoholism. Pray for our marriage please. God bless everyone struggling spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, emotionally, and financially. Love from Kentucky. 💖🙏🏻✝️🇺🇸

@cyndibrittain8147 - 06.10.2023 20:37

Wonderful testimony ~I so resonate with that!!❤
The tongue, James of the Bible!!!😊🛐😮

@cyndibrittain8147 - 06.10.2023 20:38

It was The Spirit of God that changed you!❤

@catherinemelnyk - 06.10.2023 21:47

I love Jeff Allen as a comedian but this is raw! It's powerful! I'm so grateful to hear his story. ❤❤❤

@dermanydelgado9043 - 06.10.2023 23:14

good to hear true listen to tapes

@dermanydelgado9043 - 06.10.2023 23:18

good story

@dermanydelgado9043 - 06.10.2023 23:20

yes yes

@kbarnes6855 - 07.10.2023 00:42

Enjoyed this so much!
Jeff Allen is one of our favorite comedians.
We have seen him live a couple of times and it was a treat!
We always look for his new material on DryBar.
I knew a bit of his story.
Thanks for being so transparent with us all.
God changes lives.❤

@joolz5747 - 07.10.2023 03:38

Never heard of the guy. Not into comedians obviously. I’m glad he got sober. I’ve had 1 million of these stories and God is the answer to all of them so thank God for his being saved from total destruction.

@Hydroverse - 07.10.2023 05:45

Really enjoyed his testimony.

@terrybeyer4965 - 07.10.2023 16:02

I don't recall you mentioning the name of the book. You must do that at least 7 times during an interview.

@TiNa-ll3cp - 07.10.2023 21:02

It is ALWAYS to hear GODS redemption testimonies.

@Mark-dq6lr - 08.10.2023 03:31

Love Jeff , he’s great and the fact he’s a Christian makes him even more awesome. 🙏🏻

@abbykittle5058 - 08.10.2023 03:42

I'm actually a part of an online co-ed support group for addiction, no alcohol, but something else. It's been very helpful so far, and God is using it to keep us moving forward!

@gailrittenhouse2997 - 08.10.2023 21:42

Michael Mistretta is CEO of FIRM based in Israel.

@JamesRichardWiley - 08.10.2023 23:01

When I quit using drugs no biblical god was involved. One day I just stopped. That was forty years ago.
A 75 year old atheist.

@royhiggins7270 - 09.10.2023 14:31

Here are what many christians say when I bring up their hypocrisy on hell. "You're an adult now, not a baby. If you choose sin, that's not innocent. Babies don't go to hell, adults that choose sin do. And there's a lot more sins in the world than just murdering babies. You advocating for abortion to encourage babies to be murdered, is morally the same as murdering babies though. So yes, you have murdered innocent babies who won't go to hell, but you will If you don't repent." If Christiany is true then abortion is the most moral thing that potential mothers could ever do! For the vast majority of human beings...almost 6 billion people according to Christianity...eternally burning and suffering in hell will be their fate! In fact if hell is real...the majority of human beings should curse their mothers who were selfish enough to risk extreme eternal suffering for them! Abortion is the most humane thing a mother could ever do...the risk of eternal torture far outweighs any life even eternal life. So do Christians have a denial problem or a logic problem? From the comment above it seems that Chritians don't realize or don't want to recognize that all babies grow up to be adults if they live who will sin or choose not to believe in christ! If you really believe in hell why don't you advocate for abortion? Do you really hate adult people so much that you want them to suffer eternally? Are you really that selfish? How do you reconcile this monsterous dichotomy of Christ? Why do you believe in a God that is so powerless, ineffectual, inadequate, weak, useless that they can't keep the majority of people born from burning in hell for eternity?

@Cesar-pq2ck - 09.10.2023 18:13

“Failure doesn’t define you, it refines you.”

@Cesar-pq2ck - 09.10.2023 18:20

God saved my marriage. The process began when I as the husband put God first in my life.

@pollyannaconover2946 - 11.10.2023 06:48

I love this because I go to Denton Bible. Tommy Nelson is still the best! 😊

@lillianmcgrew217 - 15.10.2023 00:57

Amen to healing with God ❤❤

@karenleemallonee684 - 23.10.2023 23:25

Im so glad I saw this and got to know Jeff a bit. I love his comedy, he just so funny & I always tell people that you can watch him & not have to listen to filth & filthy language!
I will definitely be purchessing his book, I and so many of us today need his story & his COMING TO FAITH story!!! 👍👍

@patiencekates5975 - 07.08.2024 17:46

Thank you so much for this.

@margievazquez7810 - 15.08.2024 02:41

What is the name of the book??

@stevenboyd593 - 16.11.2024 01:38

Proverbs 3:5,6 ... amazing grace

@shawnbartley9223 - 10.01.2025 04:04

Just want to say thanks Jeff this helps.✌❤

@spacemonk26 - 23.01.2025 06:36

I get the impression that people who feel this way about life being meaningless are just to basic too realize the REAL problems in the world and too selfish to actually do anything about them. Every time I think about Christianity or religion in general the things that stick out are the discriminatory aspects, I don't think it is ethical to overlook those things, even if you are afraid of punishment in the afterlife or whatever, its just messed up, its obviously false. Probably the reason religion affects you is because you are basically just shallow and/or too weak to confront reality and overcome superstition

@maryksnyder1155 - 23.01.2025 06:44

Show the book!!

@rondavannoy2268 - 25.01.2025 22:54

I knew Jeff as a comedian but had no idea about his struggles and conversion to Christianity. God is so powerful!

@Tatibanana - 10.02.2025 08:05

The version on his channel was cut short because he was on stage. So glad he has his full testimony posted here ❤ praise God
