Geographic myths. Don't Forget to Like & Subscribe to BE CURIOUS:
Although it seems that in geography nothing changes, in reality there are a handful of things you learned in school that are not true, or not at all, or that have been discovered in recent years. Did you know them?
"Geographic myths" presents...
The North Cape is not the northernmost of Europe
The logical thing is to think that the North Cape would be the one that is more to the north, but it is not thus: that honor is of the near end Knivskjellodden. Both are on an island, so if you only count the points that are on the continent, in reality the northernmost point of Europe is Cape Kinnarodden.
Cape Horn is not the southernmost point of America
Nor is it true that Cape Horn is the one that is farthest south of America. If we only count the points attached to the continent, Cape Froward is the one that is further south and if we include the islands within the same continental plate, the Eagle Islet is more southern. However, its reputation as one of the most complicated places for navigation made it believe that Cape Horn was the one that was farther south.
The Cape of Good Hope is not the southernmost point of Africa
Cape Good Hope received its name because at this point the navigators realized that it was possible to circumnavigate Africa to reach India. However, Cabo de las Agujas is 150 kilometers further south. Its name comes from the fact that at this point the compasses point exactly to the geographical north, without being modified by the magnetic north.
Finisterre is not the westernmost point of Europe
The Romans thought it was and they named it Cape 'the end of the world', but it is not. A few kilometers away is Cape de la Nave, which is a little further west. And even he is not correct, because the Portuguese Cabo da Roca is still further west. What it does not fix ...
The Dead Sea water is not the saltiest
The water from Lake Don Juan, in Antarctica, has a salinity of 44%, compared to the Dead Sea, where 'only' is 34.2%. Five other lakes have a higher salinity than that of the Dead Sea (which, despite its name, is a lake): the Gaet'ale (Ethiopia), the Retba (Senegal), the Vanda (Antarctic), the Garabogazköl (Turkmenistan) and the Assal (Djibouti).
The Antarctic Ocean does not exist (officially)
Although you have studied it as one of the five oceans next to the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic; It is not classified as such. In the year 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization tried to establish its existence, but it has not been ratified, since for some experts, it is no more than the extension of the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.
The continents are not five
Europe, Africa, Asia, America and Oceania. Easy, right? Well not so much. The models of continents differ between the four (where Europe and Asia are actually Eurasia) and the eight: the seven used in the Anglo-Saxon countries (North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania and Antarctica) plus Zealand, proposed as a continent with its own entity in February 2017. The model of five is used by the UN, for example, but even in Spain the model of six has been taught for years, which adds to Antarctica.
Gibraltar is not the southernmost point of Europe
Traditionally it is considered the southernmost point of Europe, but a quick glance at the map shows us that it is a mistake: the tip of Tarifa is further south than Punta Europa (Gibraltar). If we include the European islands, these two are won by the Greek island of Gavdos.
The Sahara is not the biggest desert in the world
If you think of a desert as a place of suffocating heat and sand, then yes, the Sahara is the largest. But a desert is a place where it rains very little, so it can also be cold. If we include the polar deserts, the interior of Antarctica and the Arctic are the largest deserts in the world.
The Nile is not the longest river
If you studied geography before 2007, you learned it in school. However, today it is the Amazon that is considered the longest river in the world, after new measurements were made in Peru.
The territories south of Ecuador are bigger than you think
Take a world map, the typical one you had from school, and measure Greenland and South America. Most likely, they are almost the same. In reality, however, Greenland is smaller than Argentina, as you can see in the image, made with The reason is that the most used map, the Mercator projection, distorts the image by drawing smaller countries around Ecuador. If we add that Ecuador is not at the center of the map, but below, the result is that the countries of the...
Images CC: 20minutos
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