The mic sounds awesome! :D It's UnBollEviable 😂😂😂
ОтветитьDamn I wish I was pc
ОтветитьI love the new mic it sounds great joltz
ОтветитьPatch looks great ....but sorry I wont be using it..
Ответитьmic sounds great! love the 3.0 patch so can't wait to try 4.0!
ОтветитьThey had to release it the same day I released 2.00 save pack XD
ОтветитьThey need to put more dlc before the game goes down
ОтветитьThe mic is beautiful
ОтветитьSo I’ve never downloaded a community patch so if I download this one will I get all the previous patches?
Ответитьdo it have the blood euphoria skill for krieg ? i dunno if its the same patch and dont wana screw my build
Ответитьthe new mic makes you sound more realistic
Ответитьwhen i commented that the comments were 666
ОтветитьMic sounds way better than the old one.
ОтветитьThe mic is great Bud.
ОтветитьDamn, the new mic sounds so much nicer than your older one, it makes your voice seem really soft
ОтветитьRip old mic 😥😥I miss it already
ОтветитьIt seems that my friend and I are getting the wrong heads and skins for missions, etc. Not sure if it's the patch or not.
ОтветитьMic way better. Keep doing your thing Joltz!
ОтветитьNew mic is a lot better but i like the older joltz with the crappy mic
ОтветитьWith all these awsome patches we soon have created an own borderlands 3 :D
Also, the mic Is Great!
I Love your Videos!
hey joltz i got a problem with the patch
none of the optional replacements work and im farily sure loot pool adjustments aren't working either
do you have a solution by chance?
music sounds a little to loud
ОтветитьJoltz i cant get sully the blacksmith to respawn same as some of the other bosses is there anything i need to do to enable that?
ОтветитьI like the new mic :) yeah, I'm a rapper
ОтветитьI want to put this on Xbox but I get banned also mic works great
ОтветитьDoes it work for multiplayer if me and friends install it?
ОтветитьYou should never feel bad that the console's are not included. They've always been unworthy.
Great mic and love your speed runs even though I usually hate them.
What happens when you use it in a public lobby?
ОтветитьI'll def update when I have a chance, been running UCP 3.1 on my pc. I miss it on the handsome collection on my xbone though :(
Ответитьhelp me me play borderlands 2 no steam mods ?
ОтветитьSometimes the community patch turns off and my skill tree gets all messed up because of it and I go through hell trying to reactivate it... Why does the patch turn off for me RANDOMLY?
ОтветитьIn the change notes it states that "Grenadier" on Axton now also increases grenade damage by 3% pr. point, but it doesn't show it ingame?
Ответитьhey joltz can you do a quick little video how to install java on windows 10 i really cant i cant open it i need help
ОтветитьDoes this patch work on multiplayer?
Ответитьso do you have to enter the console command for the patch every time you launch the game?
ОтветитьHow do you play multiplayer with patch?
ОтветитьIs it pc only
ОтветитьU answered that
ОтветитьCan someone please help me get the patch to work i've watched the videos that you need to but I keep fucking something up can someone please reply and i'll give you my discord so u can help me
ОтветитьWho is here in 2018
ОтветитьHad this patch changed the chance to get legendaries?
ОтветитьIDK why I love your voice so much
ОтветитьYo plz do community patch 4.2
ОтветитьWait if its violating the terms of service for console wouldnt be also violating it for pc as well or does it allow you to do it
Ответитьafter all that i still dont know how install and use the patch
ОтветитьCommenting to get to 667 comments
ОтветитьIt’s a shame gearbox constantly buffed borderlands 3 gear but not 2