Sukses selalu untuk ternak ayam nya, saya mengagumi caramu, terimakasih telah berbagi
Luckily I have a poultry vet in my area, it’s an hour drive but worth it so I rarely lose any of mine
ОтветитьIt bugs me when people say, "You are so lucky, you get free eggs!" They are NOT free. I buy all the chicken food and maintain the coop.
ОтветитьI have 5 chickens/ Honey, arrow, mamas, harry, John,
ОтветитьWhat’s the point then? Genuine question, I’m considering getting chickens.
ОтветитьThe negatives of chickens should definitely be shown more often to people considering getting chickens. They are enjoyable, but there are a lot of factors that could easily turn someway away from them, and it is important.
ОтветитьWe’ve had chickens for three years now. Don’t see us ever not having them. They are cheap and give endless entertainment. But yeah EVERYTHING wants to eat them so we’ve had to become adept at predator trapping.
ОтветитьI pay my niece for her eggs. This way we both win!
ОтветитьThis is all true. I have chickens and I am making this comment when there is a chicken next to me.
ОтветитьWe mostly own chickens just because they are amazing pets and we love them, regardless if they can lay eggs or not. The perks of eggs and garden fertilizer is just a bonus!
ОтветитьSo true. 😊
ОтветитьCoyotes can jump over a 6 foot fence. My wife has brought back chickens at the brink of death and nursed them back to healthy layers. It always amazes me. Had one that had it's entire side torn away. I'm looking at it's lungs, stomach and other internal organs. Some hydrogen peroxide, triple biotics and a couple weeks in the hospital pen inside and the wound sealed up quickly.
Ответить🐔🐔🐔🐔🩷Had no idea you had another channel,yall
ОтветитьIt absolutely saves you money on eggs lmao. I only raise silkies and one polish which are notoriously bad layers, costs me 20 cents a day to feed em roughly, 4 hens 3 babies and a rooster. 2 eggs a day. Thats 60 cents for 6 eggs. 1/5th of the store price if not more.
ОтветитьWant save money on eggs but is very fun to have them at same time
Ответить3 things you should know before you own a bird 💃
1.Feed them.
2.Fuck them.
3. Forget about them.
can you keep chickens and foxes in the same enclosure?
ОтветитьI have no idea what your talking about and I have chickens they don’t fight like that
ОтветитьI've raised chickens my entire life, and it's absolutely cheaper than buying eggs from the store. I also have hens near the end of their third year that haven't slowed down laying eggs. 😩
ОтветитьHello you and the wonderful chickens
ОтветитьCame here to learn more about chickens but I must say, your a hottie
ОтветитьI think chickens are saving me money on eggs now bc a 60 pack of eggs cost more than a sack of food and during the summer I get 70+ a week
Ответитьyou're so beautiful
ОтветитьIf eggs were $10 and you ate a dozen a week, $40 or $50 a month is way cheaper than chickens. Especially when you factor in the initial cost and your time it takes to take care of them. Just buy the dang eggs.
ОтветитьWrong…I have 120 chickens and they pay for the food for themselves and I still see a 800 monthly profit don’t listen to these people we have to shut Walmart down
Ответить maybe for city living but i havent had any of these issues. My chickens are healthy and happy. Ive only ever culled 4 chickens in my life and that was because of injury from preditors. Ive never had skin issues with my chickens, rarely had chickens fall ill. If so i just splash a dose of applecider vinager inside their water and they tend to bounce back pretty quickly. They sure love free ranging tho. I recommend people who have land to watch them tho because of hawks and other preditors. Literally preditors are my only worst nightmare with having chickens. I also hardly EVER buy eggs. I spend maybe $50 every 2 months on chicken feed (i make myself) and summer months they forage my land for food. Under heavy supervision of my guard geese and dogs. ☺️🙏 love having them. ❤
ОтветитьI have 6 chickens, and my mom puts a tbs of apple cider vinegar in their water to help prevent diseases along with herbs in their food to also aid with it. My orange chicken Ace loves perching on my arm and will sit there til i put her back down.
ОтветитьIt won't save you money on eggs but will save you from starving.
ОтветитьActually raising my chickens is cheaper than buying a dozen eggs a dozen eggs at my local grocery store is about $15 on sale. It only takes us $50 to keep our chickens alive every two weeks we need to buy food and plus the meat
ОтветитьSo overall its a loss project 😂..i got only two baby chicks..just out of hobby
ОтветитьI don't know lol I have 3 and 4 year old isa browns and they laid 5 eggs per day allllll season and I live in MI zone 6a. I have 5 and 1 buff orpington she's 4 and lays at least 4 times a week. I just picked up 2 rouahn ducks or however you spell the name and 4 sapphire blue chicks though because I think this might be my last year with my original flock 😢. Mrs . Blondie is hopefully going to be the nanny hen to show these chicks the ropes. I'll miss my buff, she's the leader of the flock and the mother hen always stealing the eggs from the other birds lol. She can be broody as well but never throws much of a fit when it's time to give me the eggs
ОтветитьWhen I was a child over 50+ years ago, I taught my dogs tricks, just for the fun of it, running and jumping around a course was part of it
Then we thought our chickens have stopped laying eggs but the fact was the dogs were jumping over the little fence on the chicken coop, they didn't attack the chickens but ate all the eggs
These are all my animal
Chickens: taylos (shes blind) mocha, aclips, vhale,pumpkin,goose,
Roster: zoobie
Turkey: lurch (every time you scream his name he gobles)
Won’t save money on eggs… yeah tell that to my boyfriend whose fridge is currently stacked full of more eggs than he knows what to do with. I just took my parents like 30 eggs last week and there’s still about another 30 in his fridge. And his family only has 3 chickens. But they can’t give the eggs away fast enough lol
ОтветитьHave had chickens a long time and this woman is wrong.
ОтветитьOh wow, thank you for that advice. I was really just getting chickens for the eggs and you say it’s not worth it?
Even if you get a lot of chickens ?
i’m sad bc my baby chick just died today she wasn’t even a week old. She had trouble walking and didn’t eat or drink 😢
ОтветитьI've raised chickens... My chickens laid eggs 12 months out of the year in Colorado.... I had an insulated chicken house , I had heat lamps inside set up on timers . It came on for 2 hours after dark when they went in and came on again from 5 Am til 6:30 Am in the morning... This did two things kept them Warm and they got extra light ... In the daylight we let them free range most of the time. I would also like to say I didn't care much for Road Island Reds they peck each other to much ... I preferred New Hampshire rock hens and Plymouth Rock hens ... They were more intelligent. Calm and better hens.
ОтветитьEverything she said is accurate. We've had backyard chickens for six years now.
ОтветитьDang your gorgeous. I just got 9 myself last year. Its definitely been a learning process. Up in TN it got so cold to like 0 and negative had figure out their water.
ОтветитьThis video must be before eggs are 8 dollars a dozen.
ОтветитьYou didn't mention they stink.
ОтветитьSome of those chickens looked like a chicken I have named fuzz face❤
ОтветитьWe randomly bought some Jersey giant chickens from the dollar been at the farm store, and one of them ended up being a rooster. What a blessing. We also raised them with guinea hens in the guinea hens protect them extremely well they're very loud and they keep all the predators away. They're also big and feisty. I'm so glad we started our chicken, Journey.
ОтветитьI spend 50 dollars every 2-3 months to feed my chickens my family goes through 15 12 dozen eggs in a month and where I live the cheapest eggs at the store is 13 dollars so if you think I ain’t saving money you must be in a small town or something lmao
ОтветитьWhen I get roosters, I either swap them for hens or sny other type of birds such as peacocks. If no one wants roosters, we just eat them because my family don’t want roosters due to the fact that their voice is th3 same as an alarm clock and we get complaints from neighbours about the noice. I know eating them rooster sounds horrible, but it’s the only way to get rid of them if no one wants them.
ОтветитьI have so many chickens like hens and roosters