Benjamin Disraeli: Jewish-Born Prime Minister of England (Jewish Biography as History)

Benjamin Disraeli: Jewish-Born Prime Minister of England (Jewish Biography as History)

Henry Abramson

10 лет назад

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@sarahhussain7090 - 03.05.2018 20:05

British pm not English pm

@sarahhussain7090 - 03.05.2018 20:19

I must go to the gardens

@sarahhussain7090 - 03.05.2018 20:20

I must visit the gardens

@tombaringer633 - 20.06.2018 01:10

What should also be noted here is that the British Labour party , in spite of its constant soap boxing and bleating about equality and opportunity for all unlike the supposedly racist and rigid Tory party; Only elected someone who could be termed as an ethnic minority leader as late as 2011 , The Tories had Disraeli as leader long before there was race quotas and unlike Labour has had a female leader.

@bloopblooper490 - 22.11.2018 13:43

Isn't the story of the Venetian merchant an explanation of the usury tradition in England?
(The subject of the merchant came up in this lecture, hence the question).

@rebeccaherschman3069 - 24.02.2019 21:49

I love this are this are there more

@adamnoman4658 - 28.03.2019 05:10

You're not the next George Carlin, rabbi.

@bingeltube - 07.04.2019 09:26

Very recommendable! So many things I did not know about Disraeli like he married an older woman and widow, proto Zionism ...

@cambs0181 - 19.09.2019 22:43

Prime minister of Britain.

@CaptainHarlock-kv4zt - 10.10.2019 15:27

Another great lecture !!! Jews are extremely fascinating.

@cambs0181 - 20.10.2019 22:28

England, Britain or United Kingdom which one are you talking about?Also love the way you judge other countries predjudices with an Israeli flag behind you.

@fe3535 - 20.11.2019 03:31

There is no such thing as Prime Minister of England that is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. You're so factually incorrect I'm gasping. It's like saying there is a President of Florida or a President of Texas. There is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, which composes 4 regions; Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. And there is the President of the United States, which is composed of 50 regions. Britain and America are similar in that they have regions/states comprising their nations. Your lecture is just plain wrong in the title given to Mr Disraeli you're more or less disrespecting him calling him leader of only a part of his country, this is me saying so as a Briton.

@harminderjitgill571 - 31.12.2019 16:03


@brandonwallingford7976 - 29.02.2020 00:53

Fascinating look at the special relationship between the English and the Jews. Blessing each other for generations.

@TheOne-er7nk - 17.04.2020 07:35

Yeah and they got back in sometime around 1688, (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

@TheOne-er7nk - 17.04.2020 07:54

So no Israel without the collapse of the Ottoman Empire? Interesting!

No collapse of the Ottoman Empire without The First World War? (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

@gnozza8683 - 04.05.2020 04:39

Oscar Wilde was also a dandy. Obsessed with being well-dressed to the point of effimancy.

@NusratFamilyVlogs - 23.07.2020 13:02

Nice video

@macnosmutano4849 - 17.09.2020 08:33

I am a Zimbabwean Catholic living in Sydney, Australia with an interest in Jewish culture so this was a very interesting lecture. Thank you!

@chel3SEY - 20.10.2020 01:01

Disraeli was not prime minister of England. There was no such title during his lifetime. He was prime minister of the United Kingdom.

@amead5248 - 07.11.2020 19:01

“There are no new jokes”.

@munahassanmohamed2756 - 24.11.2020 17:50

Disraeli was brave to be the first Jewish converted Prime Minister; but without faith he had to compensate by being more British Empire imperialist then the anti-Semitic establishment who never trusted or appreciate his ancestors or the Torah from the beginning.

The British Empire is gone but the faithful and holy scriptures are timeless, if he knew that at his time maybe he would have been better Prime Minister.

@invernessfan3017 - 27.12.2020 14:39

I like these lectures. But I would just like to point out he was Prime Minister of the UK, not just England. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland made up the UK at that point. So he was Prime Minister of the entire UK, not just England. England is just a part of the UK.
Sorry to point that out.

@coperfield9188 - 14.02.2021 21:26

zionism is cancer

@alScotlandi - 22.02.2021 17:12

Dr Abramson, Disraeli was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, not England. England has never had it's own Prime Minister in the common sense, and even the it has not had it's own Head of Government since the Union with Scotland in 1707. England and United Kingdom/Great Britain are not synonymous.

@markjones7687 - 22.04.2021 15:06

Henry mate, I have only recently discovered this series of lectures and am slowly working through them. They are a fantastic insight into Jewish culture, histories and personalities. My one real issue is with the jokes! Next time you swindle some funds for a lecture series, please allow for some input from a comedy write or two in the budget. It will be worth it.

@maxsmart99 - 16.12.2021 05:26

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇬🇧

@admiralbenbow5083 - 03.01.2022 17:42

9.02 There is no definitive proof that the main line of the family was Sephardic. Records go back only as far as Cento, namely Isaac Israeli and Enrichetta De Rossi about whom nothing but their names are known. On Isaacs Mothers` side you have Isaac Shiprut and possibly more importantly Esher de Gabay Villa Real which suggests an Iberian connection, but still no proof.
The only Sephardic certainty in the family arrives from an odd angle and late in the day, namely from the Lindo family. Benjamins Mother was Maria Basevi (Basevi records like Disraeli start in Italy). Her sister Sarah married Ephraim Lindo. One of their daughters, Olivia, married Charles Trevor (non jew) and they had 11 children, the 6th of which was Katherine, who in turn married Ralph, one of Benjamins` siblings.
The Lindos were without doubt of Iberian origin so only Ralphs wife and children, of which there were 4 can be certain to have Sephardic origins. The Disraeli name also died out at the end of this generation with youngest daughter Marguerite in 1967.

@admiralbenbow5083 - 03.01.2022 19:01

9.14 If Isaac was so proud of his ("Sephardic") ancestry then why did he not tell his children all about it? The lack of knowledge in that family as so `eloquently` demonstrated by Benjamins fantasizing about the Queen of Sheba, Constantinople and all the other rubbish he came up with, was spectacular, and is a never ending source of frustration for someone like me as a continuation of that line.
9.30 1748
10.32 The source of Isaacs `wealth` was for the most part his maternal Grandmother who cut out her 2 remaining children for "failing in their filial duties". Benjamin senior left £30,000, but he had 2 children and 4 grandchildren.
19.38 Isaac was 38 when Benjamin was born. He married once.
21.30 The issue was whether Bevis Marks / synagogues in general should modernise their traditions or stick to outmoded, and by then irrelevant traditions, as Isaac and others saw them. He was a moderniser. He got fed up. That is why he left. Likewise his brother in law by marriage, Ephraim Lindo. Conversely David Abarbanel Lindo, Ephraims brother, was a dyed in the wool traditionalist leading to much friction.

@robertsias7107 - 03.05.2022 13:17

British culture is half Egyptian culture slash Hebrew Manasseh, efrum

@moshemankoff7488 - 01.06.2022 00:35


@grantmarion5208 - 12.06.2022 16:26


@eritimes - 27.10.2022 22:34

British Prime minister not England.

@GilmerJohn - 21.12.2022 06:35

Perhaps Donald J. Trump is the philosophical descendant of Benjamin Disraeli!

@sampleoffers1978 - 19.02.2023 03:40

Figure is in pop culture because of the Clapton band album title, and the anecdote relayed is a guitar roadie tries to say derailleur, referencing the bike chain mechanism, but instead says Disraeli gear mistakenly...which Clapton and his chums find uproariously funny to the point of naming their debut album Disraeli gears. My curiosity is why is Disraeli so commonly referenced in 1960's/70's hippy culture in Britain, that the guitar roadie says his name to describe the bike chain device, accidentally. I can over read into anything, but I don't know why Disraeli must have been a pretty common place English reference in those decades, for the roadie to make the mistake, and Clapton to find it hysterical.

@mikelheron20 - 01.05.2023 10:13

Benjamin Disraeli served two terms of office as PM not several.

@research1982 - 19.07.2023 01:41

Great lecture, learned about Disraeli from Robert Greene's book, "The Art of Seduction." Disraeli was a master social seducer.

@joeboyd8702 - 14.08.2023 23:52

Great upload. Thank's for sharing.

@ferozmandai6303 - 08.09.2023 20:23

Disraeli biography is my under study. Your reliable lecture reap me much benefit.

@kerstinklingelhoeffer6759 - 03.10.2023 22:57

Splendid portray

@MisterDivineAdVenture - 15.10.2023 07:06

That was a great lecture and Time Transcendent Sabbath experience for many devoted to the True Path like me.

@sugarsnap1000 - 19.12.2023 12:36

A dandy, think of Oscar Wilde’s dress and how he impresses

@chrissaunders697 - 09.01.2024 04:54

A great hero of mine pity he had to or thought he had to convert .

@fagica - 30.01.2024 03:25

Bravo!. Excellent lecture, with very important information. In particular I appreciated your explanation of Distraeli's "proto Zionism." This is a topic that receives little attention in scholarship -- or at least I have had problems finding valid and reliable sources. The longing for Jerusalem and Judea shows up in the historiography of 17th - 18th century Jewish communities, both Hasidic and non, and eventually in the Reform movement of the 19th century.
Do you think that Disraeli was in fact a supporter and member-in-spirit of the Reform?

@YasinRahimi-zu3is - 04.05.2024 16:36

Very nice

@elyjane8316 - 14.05.2024 00:03

I think Disraeli was always Jewish, not necessarily religious, but he never left it. Being baptised was for necessity as non protestent Christians were barred from most of British society.

@WorldPeace-AdamNeira - 05.11.2024 17:27

Interesting and informative presentation. Since 2004 I have researched many aspects of Benjamin Disraeli, especially his first eight years, i.e. 1804 to 1812.

Is Henry Abramson aware of the following research about Disraeli?

3/2/2023 "Disraeli and the Rothschilds provide a study in the power of political patronage" by Suzanne Raine, Engelsberg Ideas.


Adam Neira
Founder of World Peace 2050
Founded in April 2000
Paris - Jerusalem - Melbourne
