Nära ögat!

Nära ögat!


13 лет назад

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@s0crates82 - 12.07.2011 20:05

hooray target fixation!

@c8myotome - 13.07.2011 03:56

@s0crates82 target fixation is irrelevant when you don't know how to countersteer or shift your body weight over the area of the tire you are attempting to get your traction from. why is it that every crash video somebody is always like TARGET FIXATION TARGET FIXATION TARGET FIXATION?

@s0crates82 - 13.07.2011 04:00

@pancakeessss Target fixation is frequently the reason people lose their line. That's all. It's certainly not the only cause, but it is frequently the cause. To me, in regard to this video, it seemed like the rider was watching the oncoming traffic and piloted the bike into the traffic. If the rider had been focusing on where he/she wanted to go rather than where he/she wanted to avoid, the line would have been clean, and the rider would have stayed on the correct side.

@c8myotome - 13.07.2011 04:11

@s0crates82 Why look at the oncoming traffic? Trying to catch a glimpse of eye contact to see if they thought he looked cool leaned over? Target fixation really means nothing when you don't know to shift your body weight over the tire section that is making pavement contact. For all you know he was looking through the corner, and just freaked out because it was his first time leaning over that far, wouldn't lean another nanometer and accept any other outcome of it

@c8myotome - 13.07.2011 04:20

@s0crates82 from watching this again, they were really going nowhere near above the speed of traffic, the guy took an inside to outside line for this corner, basically requiring a double apex and a decent amount of braking in between. kind of scary how the guy filming followed right in his tracks. oh well. ride your own ride if you want to ride tomorrow
