When Someone Thinks I’ve Kidnapped My Daughter #shorts #motherdaughter #transracialadoption

When Someone Thinks I’ve Kidnapped My Daughter #shorts #motherdaughter #transracialadoption

Hey There Wilders

2 года назад

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@erink9404 - 25.10.2022 01:51

Have y’all seen that amber alert add-

@angeec.3312 - 25.10.2022 03:15

The ignorance of many people in these United States is limitless!! They know "nothing" about genes; thus, racism sets in like a plague..

@alejandrosoto9730 - 25.10.2022 20:41

me and my mom had to deal with the same thing at the airport because my little sisters father is white and me and my mom r cOloRed😵‍💫

@Anaz575 - 26.10.2022 01:35

Why dont u tell them you have not kidnapped your daughter, you have adopted her

@geniehinseth512 - 26.10.2022 10:00

My mom is full blood Norwegian & dad was half Swede half Norwegian.
My blonde hair blue eyed sister married a man from China & he had no other race in his blood. They had 2 boys. They mostly resembled their mother. Another blonde hair blue eyed sister married an African American & they had 1 daughter & 1 son. Those two look like both parents. My brother is adopted Native American. He had a daughter & son with his first wife (Caucasian) & their kids look like their dad and not like their mom at all. They divorced & he remarried another Caucasian wife & they have 2 boys that look entirely like thier mom.
You're d@m right genes are strange!!!

@geniehinseth512 - 26.10.2022 10:21

I've heard of people
who look 100% Cau-
casian & have an
African American
great great great
grandparent that's
African American
who conceived a
child with their
Caucasian "Masta"
after the War Be-
tween The States.
I think that concei-
ving children that
look extremely
different one of
the parents is a
really cool phe-
nomena &
should be trea-
sured. Especial-
ly when they
have several
others that re-
semble both or
all of them don't
resemble both.
There's a mixture
like the family doing
these videos. 💞💞
💞Each child is a
unique mixture of
the genes of both
parents. 💞💞💞
It's so beautiful!! 💞

@CC-rx9zb - 26.10.2022 14:19

I'm 🇵🇷 Puerto Rican and In my family we have got all the colors from gingers to Africans.People really need to learn to just mind your own buisness. You guys are truly a beautiful and inspiring family God bless xoxo 🕊❤

@janetlucas2343 - 27.10.2022 22:07

I have dark hair, eyes and skin. My daughter looks like her donor, blonde, blue eyes and pale. This happens ALL the time.

@NJunNJunNumber9 - 27.10.2022 22:39

For starters Black ppl don't kidnap wht ppl

@userPs91victory - 28.10.2022 06:31

People need to educate themselves about the function of the genes. And no you did not kidnap her she is your daughter, and she is very pretty.

@mercyglorious1942 - 29.10.2022 15:33

Wow.... plus l love you neighborhood.where is this

@proudamerican3651 - 30.10.2022 03:02

Sometimes you just can't fix stupid but we can pray for them bless their hearts

@janeflip1 - 30.10.2022 22:25

Oh baloney!

@ThaaaLovelyHustlingHealer - 02.11.2022 20:01

Not The Baby Still Smiling While Someone Tryna Come Attack Her Moms !‼️💯😂‼️🤦🏾‍♀️

@tishataylor7183 - 03.11.2022 15:59

You did

@marlo512 - 07.11.2022 03:15

Why would they think you’ve kidnapped her? They are probably thinking you’re the black nanny…. Get over yourself. Nothing special adopting a white child. Black people are embarrassing

@darkbrandonassholes2996 - 12.11.2022 19:46

Crazy how we live a world where a lot of people think color is everything 😢

@sharoncollins3457 - 18.11.2022 11:52

Everytime i go somwhere with my daughter ppl dont say anything but they refer to her as “my friend”. (Shes 33, red head pasty white) im 62 black hair and pale skin.)And she looks a lot like her father, whose …American indian -mohawk

@angelamarie4137 - 19.11.2022 00:15

My best friend is white, her husband is Asian, and they adopted their son from The Congo. She said people stare at them all the time when they're out in public. Or they know he's her son but don't realize her husband is Asian, and so they are expecting to meet a black guy. Lmao

@angelamartinez8662 - 21.11.2022 07:39

Billie eilish

@angelamartinez8662 - 21.11.2022 07:39


@olga_d.82 - 04.12.2022 16:42

Главное –это любовь...
У неё нет цвета... ❤️

@senseimontenegro9703 - 04.12.2022 17:34

Our family is hispanic & my 2 youngest kids look "white"... when they were little, people used to say, "I didn't know you babysat, what are your rates?" Umm I don't, these are my bio kids. Then my youngest son has my granddaughter who also doesn't look hispanic & some rude old lady stops me one day & demands to know why I'm holding a "white" baby & where am I taking her! Mind you, she has light brown hair & brown eyes.
Now my eldest son who looks hispanic has 3 boys with blonde hair & blue eyes! Just waiting for it to happen again! Smdh

@mushymass9716 - 05.12.2022 15:18

One time in middle school my little toddler sister was visiting the school for some event. For context, I am white and my little sister is visibly not. She got seperated from us, and I found her holding hands with a black girl who was my age and was being very sweet with her. I told the older girl that that was my little sister and I swear, her eyes almost fell out of her head. I'll never forget the look on her face because I think that's the first time I realized that my family was different from other peoples'.

@Tttt28882 - 06.12.2022 23:48

I’m Native American and White (as many ppl in Latin America)… Here in Brazil my mom (a White redhead woman) got the weirdest types of questions bc I resemble a lot to my Native American side, except for my rly curly hair I got from my Caucasian side (but she mostly straights her hair, so ppl, who btw think I’m Black bc of my N.A skin tone and Caucasian hair, be like: “wth… A White, pale, freckled, “straight haired”, redhead woman going everywhere with that “light skinned Black girl”)… I swear 😂😂
But nowadays I also prefer my hair straight (choice of mine), even though (surprisingly) some of my features changed and I currently look A LOT like her (some freckles appeared, my skin got a little bit lighter bc I learned the importance of spf on preventing cancer, and my b00tie got bigger which’s something from my mom as well), but still look mixed!!

Ps (for any replier): yeah, Ik tiger ain’t mixed!

God blesses you!! ❤

@patbowman6723 - 08.12.2022 06:33

This entire family was made for each other!

@incognito9718 - 08.12.2022 09:57

I am a very light olive skin if I’m not tanned and my kids are the same. When I do shopping, when I lost one of them for few seconds or he walks little bit a head of me to other aisle, the funny thing is nice people start to tell me here is the kid 🤣🤣 they just knew it immediately even when my kids are standing among bunch of kids. I live in an area with either blonde people or black people. Not a lot of something in the middle like white/ light skin with dark brown/ black hair and eyes.

@donaboyle5404 - 09.12.2022 07:23

The mum needs to sort her weight out or soon they won't have a mum

@adekanmioluwakemi1781 - 11.12.2022 18:46

😂😂😂😂😂 kidnap my daughter

@julbertedesrouilleres5679 - 16.12.2022 18:46

Go girl don’t let words put you down! This is real love, ( ale’ en avant pa gade derrière tande’

@EMH1991 - 17.12.2022 05:32

Sad part is, people’s assumption of “kidnapper” is covertly racist because your daughter is the one with the light skin. People see a fair lady with a dark daughter and automatically assume “adoptive parent”. I hope one day we can learn to truly internalize the concept that nobody is better or worse than anyone else based on their skin color!

@jacquelynwilliams8171 - 17.12.2022 11:48

She looks like She loves her family.

@ihaveyoutube3 - 26.12.2022 19:56

It asked me for feedback on this vid lol

@mayakim9469 - 26.12.2022 20:32

My mom i Asian and my dad is blond blue eyes. Of course I look like mom, so I remember when I was 12-15 people were looking weird on us, I tried to say DAD so people can hear..😊

@brandysweeney1119 - 27.12.2022 14:43

You have a lot of videos about people thinking she’s not your kid. I don’t think it’s like that today. Maybe back in the early 90’s but it’s just about 2023 and there are so many blended families it’s not Even questionable today.

@dilarayeasmin5474 - 30.12.2022 15:16

Why are ur kids name animale like parrot panda badger cow tiger but not to be rude❤

@happydays7143 - 06.01.2023 01:28

It's understandable that there would be some confusion if you were her mom or not but KIDNAPPED ?????

@lesliewarren5066 - 10.02.2023 05:41

Is it me or do record more videos with your white than black daughter?

@crystalmckinneycoaches - 11.02.2023 21:22

Can’t they see that by the was she’s relating to you that she’s not in harms way?

@lisaharris9717 - 14.02.2023 00:40

Such a beautiful family x

@Friendly_G - 18.02.2023 05:09

I got a friend who's 50% black and the rest of the 50% is other races 😂. Wierd thing is the skin color is white so anyone who asks has to think about life

@tinajaquez2283 - 12.03.2023 05:05

I usually enjoy watching your families videos but, lately you've focused a lot on the "race factor" maybe also giving more attention to Tiger making so many videos trying to hush the haters.
Don't feed in to it!!
You guy's are amazing, you can't please everyone.
God is Good!!

@devyngaffney5843 - 14.03.2023 08:53

Every black and white mixed family has had this happen to them. Its sort of like a right of passage

@deborahleith9669 - 15.03.2023 23:42

If you understand genetics, a beautiful family can be made like this naturally, xx

@sreelekhasreelekha6134 - 09.06.2023 18:49

Lovely family ❤❤❤❤

@kristen2276 - 23.06.2023 03:33

I was at a mall with my friend and her kids. I was pushing my friend’s daughter in a stroller. I’m a white woman; my friend’s daughter is black. We got so many people gawking at us as we walked around. It was very surprising and eye opening experience.

@jeannemarlene - 23.06.2023 05:15

I can’t believe anybody would think that ever😳 I think this must be a joke

@bosborne24 - 21.07.2023 20:29

I'm white ,but my daughter have blond hair and one afternoon at kids playground I was ask em I her babysitter,? I needed the ambrella too, and since than I color my hair blond .🎉

@skypefan100 - 28.11.2024 10:39

