Brother u saved my life brought some speakers thought I would have to send them back Spent decent money on them so thankyou ur a life saver
ОтветитьI'm to stupid to get the banana plug into my Wiim amp binding posts. Are there different sizes?
ОтветитьOmg your a champ ! 12 years in the making ! thanks for the video
ОтветитьYou saved my banana terminals, I was ready to cut one side, thank you man!
ОтветитьWow! Skippedy skappady wimbywomby noicedoice, am i right ?
ОтветитьBrilliant, thanks so much buddy, never knew this, just going back to amp and turntable and was wondering about the speaker connection.....sweet as
ОтветитьThank you, very useful!
ОтветитьThanks I want to plug my banana cable to Fosi bt20 pro but i couldn't why maybe my banana cable is 4mm or what?
Kind regards
Thanks for the info on this quick and easy to understand video. Just what I needed
ОтветитьGreat info, Vintage Kenwood amps do not seems to have this feature but still very cool!
ОтветитьOh, wow! You may have just helped me solve the problem with my Kenwood KA-9100 integrated amp's speaker terminals. Thanks@
ОтветитьThank you.
ОтветитьI bought some KEF speakers years ago and they had these plugs in the binding posts, man those suckers were hard to get out.
ОтветитьThe perfect video. No fuss. No preamble. No five minute story about how this tip was handed down from your ancestors.
I had no idea what a banana plug was, or how to connect speaker cables. I'd never had separate speakers before, but that's what the store gave me. I went from totally ignorant to knowing exactly what to do in a minute. Great.
You are the man!!!!
ОтветитьThank you!
ОтветитьThank you for helping me on my birthday 🥳
I'm just getting back into home theater and I was wondering what kind of plugs those were in the back on my Pioneer SC-81
Question, does the receiver audio decode DTS?
Awesome tips!! Thank you!! Saved me lot of money!!
ОтветитьThanks for the video. Mate. You're a lifesaver. I did it finally thanks to you
ОтветитьThank you so much. I was going nuts trying to feed the banana plugs into the wire feed. Didn't make sense, so I feeble tried top plug in the back, but it wasn't viable. Your video answered the question quickly and easily. Thank you!
ОтветитьOops, this is where I messed up. I ordered a set of 5mm plugs from KabelDirekt, they fit into my speakers but not into my AVR😅 Rookie mistake, this is my first real home cinema. Thank you for the great video, I learned something today! I just ordered some new plugs, they should arrive tomorrow, no big deal
Ответить13 years later. Still helping.
ОтветитьMate: This was so helpful; thank you so much!!
ОтветитьYou have saved my life
Thank you
super easy. Thank you for your tips
ОтветитьHow do you attach the other end to the speaker? My speakers have the push in buttons where you normally plug the speaker in by pushing a button and inserting the wire.
ОтветитьExcellent to the point video,you solved my problem, thanks a lot 😊
ОтветитьAs others have said, very informative, and straight to the point. I don’t think there will be any length of time that passes where this won’t come in handy. Thank you!
ОтветитьThank you for your very helpful tips :)😀
ОтветитьGreat information
Ответить13 years later and this video is still providing useful knowledge. Thanks you
Ответитьthank you for the video :)
Ответитьafter 10 years - i never could make it work - now i know!!! Thank you so much@!
ОтветитьI was today years old...
Ответить13 years later this is a great help! Thank you.
Ответить@Techmoan Hi! This magic trick unfortunately didn't work with my Onkyo Integra A-3170 amplifier. Am I doing something wrong or do more people have this problem with Onkyo?
ОтветитьOmg lege6
ОтветитьThank you so much! My retailer didn't understand this and several calls to Panasonic/Technics didn't help either. I lost a week trying to sort rhe problem fot my Technics amp. Norhing in the instructions... you have saved my Christmas!!
ОтветитьThank you for the use and install of banana plugs. Mine have been sitting around a long time because they would not go in.. I am going to try it tomorrow. :)
Ответить13 years now this video still save my life.Thank you so much !!!
ОтветитьSometimes tweezers can help too
ОтветитьI had no idea!!! I nearly cut into my new banana clips THANK YOU!!
ОтветитьI had started to connect normal ones b4 decided to dubble check if there is a trick. Thanks
Ответитьhuge big thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2025 and still the best!
Ответитьyou, sir, just saved me hours of hassle, 13 years later. THANK YOUUUU
ОтветитьBrilliant. Still relevant - good vid. Clearly explained and demonstrated. All the best. Just about to upgrade speaker cables for my Denon mini hi fi to see if it makes any difference!!! Just for interest!