Biden Meets With New York City Mayor To Address Rising Crime

Biden Meets With New York City Mayor To Address Rising Crime

NBC News

3 года назад

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@lipstick318 - 04.02.2022 05:41

Fire the Criminal Police!!!!!!! Sue the Criminal Police!!!!!!!!!
Stop Murdering Innocent Children, Innocent Women, and Innocent Men!!!!!!!
Fire the Criminal Police!!!!!!! Sue the Criminal Police!!!!!!!!!
Stop Murdering Innocent Children, Innocent Women, and Innocent Men!!!!!!!
Fire the Criminal Police!!!!!!! Sue the Criminal Police!!!!!!!!!
Stop Murdering Innocent Children, Innocent Women, and Innocent Men!!!!!!!
Fire the Criminal Police!!!!!!! Sue the Criminal Police!!!!!!!!!
Stop Murdering Innocent Children, Innocent Women, and Innocent Men!!!!!!!
Fire the Criminal Police!!!!!!! Sue the Criminal Police!!!!!!!!!
Stop Murdering Innocent Children, Innocent Women, and Innocent Men!!!!!!!
Fire the Criminal Police!!!!!!! Sue the Criminal Police!!!!!!!!!
Stop Murdering Innocent Children, Innocent Women, and Innocent Men!!!!!!!

@XrisBeltran - 04.02.2022 07:07

“The answer isn’t to defund the police It’s to invest in law enforcement”

I wonder why that part of the sentence was cut out. 🤔🤔🤔

@djpomare - 04.02.2022 07:09

POSTCARD FROM AMERICA. "Mass shootings in the US are a National Embarrassment". J.Biden.
124 million Americans are still not vaccinated after 2 years so you may catch Covid while on vacation.
44 Americans are shot dead each day in America, 186 school shootings in the last 10 years so you may be shot while on vacation.
Homeless line the beaches so watch out for needles in the sand. Have a nice vacation unless you are Black, Asian, Latino, Jewish...

@djpomare - 04.02.2022 07:09

Does America's love of killing and racism indicate a 'stupidity gene' within American DNA?

@janinawadoowska9447 - 04.02.2022 07:35


@satguy - 04.02.2022 09:23

Any president that sends our troops to defend another nation's border while ignoring our own should be impeached.
The last 9 presidents deportation numbers.

Jimmy Carter.     105 378
Ronald Reagan.  160,364
George Bush.      141,326
Bill Clinton.          869,646
George W Bush.  2,012,539
Barack Obama.   3,068,457
Donald Trump.    551,449
Source the Cato Institute.
Joe Biden.           *18,351
*Source ICE.

@sturdythorpe7585 - 04.02.2022 14:15

Maybe if you stop the flow of drugs coming across Biden's open southern border going to the gangs in NYC the gun problem would take care of itself.

@926paaja - 04.02.2022 15:09

Could it be the illegals they are flying in everyday??? Hmmmmm

@Wayne1952 - 04.02.2022 15:53

Them guns are mean , They have no morals , I saw two shotgun's the other day , One said to the other "BEND OVER I'LL LOAD YA"

@k333rl - 04.02.2022 16:43

just remember that you can steal up to $999 and nobody will do a thing. like they did in oregon, you can't have a problem with illegal drugs if you just make them legal.

@robertluft9092 - 04.02.2022 18:21

Where his mask ....what a hypocrite lunatic ...lmfao .....

@hampneel4589 - 04.02.2022 19:31

We need a new law no more propaganda. The news needs to be the news

@cipherthedemonlord8057 - 04.02.2022 20:46

Crime and Democrats go hand in hand.

@ewaj.6260 - 04.02.2022 22:08

You are not welcome here President

@buck8478 - 05.02.2022 00:13

must be a lot of bad people in that city

@chonagonzales3365 - 05.02.2022 00:27

2010 issued housing and HR firm at address broken doorknob cultures of _____? What type of lawyer insecure are words funds? Towed financial, roberry, smugling, upto now used by political abusived.

@thomassteiner744 - 05.02.2022 01:21

Remember y'all all the Democrats wanted to defund the police. Now all of a sudden they changed their mind. You people are pos's

@ctTriState - 05.02.2022 01:41

Oh it’s just a bunch of malarkey caused by my plan. 🙄

@66lawbar20 - 05.02.2022 01:58

We need military people too join the police force . So they can teach regular people what a threat is n what is not

@karlrobertson456 - 05.02.2022 04:30

Take your firearm so he can like the wigger

@lukedavis1769 - 05.02.2022 06:57


@xyzabcd4770 - 05.02.2022 06:58

Democrats in power = out of control crime along with high taxes and eliminating your constitutional rights.

@jimperkins6073 - 05.02.2022 07:20


@PuffOfSmoke - 05.02.2022 09:45

At the end of the day, this kind of problem don't exist in gun-less society.

@xr6lad - 05.02.2022 17:38

It wouldn't be because people like Biden encouraged demonizing police and making those that committed crime as 'victims' .

@dexknight2789 - 05.02.2022 20:59

You get what you vote for

@hippywizard629 - 05.02.2022 23:02

I'm amazed that two of USA's most productive, exciting cities, San Francisco and NYC, keep inserting leaders that can't even determine what to do with a purse snatcher.

@laho2943 - 06.02.2022 05:55

That the United States should immediately deploy the nuclear weapons facilities on the first island chain, and Taiwan will also use the situation of one life on the same island to prepare for the worst and make a fatal blow to the military regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, and Fujian, so that the CCP will never turn over. Only in this way can we disintegrate the CCP and rebuild the new China.

@doublecross9690 - 06.02.2022 06:30

Biden plan is to take away Americans guns for self defense,, and all gun crime criminals are let out in hours to do more crime

@SmokeSouljah - 07.02.2022 01:49

Maybe drop the ridiculous mask and vaccine mandates. But no way crime is up because you took ppl jobs and they can hide there identity. Lol you ppl make me laugh

@joepatnaude6050 - 07.02.2022 04:46

funny thing is the rising crime is a biden created crisis when he started letting criminals out of prison do to covid so he can use the excuse to go after guns

@gargantuan6241 - 09.02.2022 21:19

This is what Democrats want though. This is why they voted for Biden. The media wants high crime & massive homelessness too. This is the future of liberalism. Oh, and ban everyone who disagrees with you. Good job.

@papadajnia268 - 10.02.2022 20:31

biden a sleeping puppet !!! what a joke

@maulokapp2333 - 16.02.2022 10:22

Mayor Adams words mean nothing if the liberal DA will release the criminals same day no bail and won't prosecute them. Empty promises. Did the new mayor announce the return of the $1Billion funding for the Police??

@britishcommand - 27.02.2022 19:43

Blame white man and white supperacy. Paint BLM every where refund the police blame. Police there your problems solve. City is safe now. Lolol

@nurim.4439 - 17.03.2022 01:16

Biden hypocrite.

@gb-ms6ui - 30.03.2022 02:31

they dont care

@MikeyGi - 04.04.2022 01:56

Democrats are trying to solve the problems that they create. The no bail law, allows criminals to roam the city and harm hard working citizens.

@mehdibadda5821 - 06.04.2022 04:07

State law

@mehdibadda5821 - 06.04.2022 04:07

Federal is for interstate

@schnuurtchke - 17.04.2022 19:26

177-171 171 174 176 172 186 188 194 those were the last remaining Novabus LFS 2nd gens in Guelph in 2017 2018 2019 2020

@schnuurtchke - 17.04.2022 19:28

Zazur shoes 👟 shooting crime 🤬

@lennybrewster4673 - 24.04.2022 12:45

Hey maybe Biden can do something. He did write the 94 crime bill that threw people in prison for Marijuana charges lol.

@muchacho2141 - 28.04.2022 20:29

So glad I left.

@Founding-Fathers-NEWZ - 08.07.2022 02:17

Shame on you NBC News, SHAME! For contributing to the “Hysteria” going on across the USA against the 2nd amendment by airing things like NYC’s Mayor Adam’s who just called legal & responsible tax paying citizens “coconspirators in gun violence”! Shame on you!!! With the assault on our precious democracy & freedom in the USA in the interest of scaring people with and epidemic of mass shootings into allowing tyrannical government Agents like Governor Kathy Hochul of NYS whom just hastily put through a new law that is a direct assault on free Americans rights to bear arms afforded us by the 2nd amendment as our forefathers promised! Yes mass shootings are a horrible epidemic that keep happening and taking innocent human lives, BUT! You have to find ANOTHER WAY! The 2nd amendment was written and in a there to protect our 1st AMENDMENT rights as a free people under the rule of law, not rule of a TYRANT! I was so scared last year when I saw a sociopath try to take power by force whom conspired along with all kinds of government officials from the GOP take over our government with the storm on the capital! Sure call me a “gun nut “ but I am not! Our forefathers knew what happened in 2021 with TRUMP knew that it would happen and that is why our bill of rights is was written the way it is. To protect our citizens a free people whom live under “liberty and justice for all” and that is exactly why you can’t give TRUMP and his coconspirators “a pass” and also why the mayor is wrong to say what he said to Lester Holt Tonight on the news without having someone there to logically counter the “hysteria” being caused by all the “mass shootings” to talk America into letting politicians take away more of our rights detailed in the bill of rights including the 2nd amendment! Shame on NBC for allowing a one sided argument on the national news without and logical opposing view to say what I have said above under the circumstances with what is going on politically In Our country! That poor girl in Russia basically just lost her life because she has no rights there and the government is tyrannical and can do or say whatever they want without a free press to tell what is really happening ! Shame on you NBC News and Lester for contributing to the assault on our precious 2nd amendment in the interest of selling Americans “Public Safety because of Mass Shootings!!!!”

@Founding-Fathers-NEWZ - 08.07.2022 03:17

Colion Noir please help us!!!

Shame on you NBC News, SHAME! For contributing to the “Hysteria” going on across the USA against the 2nd amendment by airing things like NYC’s Mayor Adam’s who just called legal & responsible tax paying citizens “coconspirators in gun violence”! Shame on you!!! With the assault on our precious democracy & freedom in the USA in the interest of scaring people with and epidemic of mass shootings into allowing tyrannical government Agents like Governor Kathy Hochul of NYS whom just hastily put through a new law that is a direct assault on free Americans rights to bear arms afforded us by the 2nd amendment as our forefathers promised! Yes mass shootings are a horrible epidemic that keep happening and taking innocent human lives, BUT! You have to find ANOTHER WAY! The 2nd amendment was written and in a there to protect our 1st AMENDMENT rights as a free people under the rule of law, not rule of a TYRANT! I was so scared last year when I saw a sociopath try to take power by force whom conspired along with all kinds of government officials from the GOP take over our government with the storm on the capital! Sure call me a “gun nut “ but I am not! Our forefathers knew what happened in 2021 with TRUMP knew that it would happen and that is why our bill of rights is was written the way it is. To protect our citizens a free people whom live under “liberty and justice for all” and that is exactly why you can’t give TRUMP and his coconspirators “a pass” and also why the mayor is wrong to say what he said to Lester Holt Tonight on the news without having someone there to logically counter the “hysteria” being caused by all the “mass shootings” to talk America into letting politicians take away more of our rights detailed in the bill of rights including the 2nd amendment! Shame on NBC for allowing a one sided argument on the national news without and logical opposing view to say what I have said above under the circumstances with what is going on politically In Our country! That poor girl in Russia basically just lost her life because she has no rights there and the government is tyrannical and can do or say whatever they want without a free press to tell what is really happening ! Shame on you NBC News and Lester for contributing to the assault on our precious 2nd amendment in the interest of selling Americans “Public Safety because of Mass Shootings”!

You can’t take away our 2nd amendment rights against a tyrannical government taking away our 1st amendment rights in the interest of “public safety” because of criminals killing innocent people with guns, you HAVE to find another way to curb the epidemic of gun violence perpetrated by CRIMINALS!

And really shame on Mayor Adam’s for saying on the national news that law abiding tax paying NY’ers and non-criminals are “contributing to the gun violence epidemic in the USA!” And CA also for this assault on the 2nd amendment by headline grabbing and hysteria promoting for what criminals have done! Find another way to curb gun violence, I beg you America! Stop messing with our bill of rights under our constitution!

@kavustock - 10.07.2022 21:24


@craigenputtock - 01.11.2022 01:45

The only way to reduce crime is to vote out the Democratic party because they refuse to punish and incarcerate.

@wootwoot1075 - 04.04.2023 13:30

"we're going to take on gun dealers."

You weren't doing that before??
