Series 7 tomorrow——thanks for everything! Question 23 non qualified annuity—-shouldn’t the answer be ordinary income only? Non qualified wouldn’t be subject to 10% tax penalty, right?
ОтветитьDean, you are the man!
I'm sure you hear this enough in the comments, but these videos are pure GOLD!
Also, give Brian a HUGE thanks for allowing you to break this down for us.
ОтветитьCan you show the math on #47?
ОтветитьHi Dean, for question 75, why is low income housing the better option over equipment leasing? Is a dollar for dollar credit more advantageous over the accelerated depreciation of the equipment in the equipment leasing?
Ответить#38 - I chose D because they're long the call. Please explain! Thank you!
ОтветитьI just passed my series 7 today! Brian’s Test Geek was such a huge help for me! I got the series 7 package with options and he made everything so simple for me! Most of the test questions he said were gunna be on the exam actually were and I was prepared for them!
ОтветитьDean, really enjoying these videos and feel like they have been a huge help.. Taking the 7 in 2 weeks and I have completed my Training Consultants course and on comprehensive finals I am scoring anywhere from 86-92.. but my only concern is that I used TC for the SIE and some questions seem similar. When taking your explications and other exams posted I am in the low 80s. Is it worth buying either the Kaplan or Testgeek q banks or just keep studying with what I have??? Thanks again!
ОтветитьI test for Series 7 tomorrow—passed SIE on first try in July with Pass Perfect and lots of your videos. Can’t thank you enough!!
ОтветитьHi Dean, thanks so much for the continued valuable content. I am having trouble with order types (sell stop, buy stop, limit orders, etc.) and am wondering if this is something I should really hammer before my exam Monday. Do you think this is a topic that will be heavily tested? Thanks!
ОтветитьHi Dean - I took this exam and got an 80% but got a 69% on the Kaplan mastery. I have been averaging 75% on STC final exams and got a 75% on the first greenlight exam. Disappointed I got a 69% on the master but heard this one is very difficult. Thoughts on readiness for the exam? I test on Thursday.
ОтветитьThank you for this video! I had been wishing for a bit better explanation for some of the questions to help me understand them better. Thank you!
ОтветитьHi Dean for question #2 arent withdrawals (distributions) NOT allowed during the accumulation period?
ОтветитьHi Dean, on question 611:20:08 the question states the customer does not think the market will rise, however the answer to the question is a covered call? Per the STC text the writer of a covered call is neutral to slightly bullish?
ОтветитьHi Dean,
Thank you so much for all of the content you've put up and lectured on! I'm aiming to take my Series 7 at the end of the month.
For question #61: why wouldn't "buy a put" be the correct answer since the customer is seeking income? Thank you!
For question 35, regarding the initial margin requirement, you mentioned you made a small video regarding this? Would you be able to share it
ОтветитьOn question 88, you selected answer d but isn’t it c. I thought ADRs were a foreign security not a domestic security , thanks your help
ОтветитьDean, in regards to question 19, The question states that the client is looking to invest internationally in hopes of hedging his domestic exposure. Why would we then recommend a domestic debenture to him?
ОтветитьI've onky gone thru half of this as a way to Guage where I am knowledgeably, I don't know what you need to pass this test, but just from what I've learned as a retail trader since the covid crash, I'm getting over 2/3rds of these questions right. Most of the questions I don't know are technical answers like minimum margin. I do feel like I will be studying this a lot more, especially now that I know I am knowledgeable as most series 7. I'll see yall certified one of these days.
Ответитьgot a 84 , been scoring 75s on kaplan am I good ?
Ответитьfor 119 i thought he wanted to invest internationally so C
ОтветитьCan you explain the mindset behind #33? Why would you accept the order the way D is written?
ОтветитьLabeling TQ and High Probability next to the questions would be great.
ОтветитьHi Dean. I tried to read through the comments to not duplicate the ask, however, for question #96 shouldn't the answer be D ($25)? Thought T-Bonds and T-Notes are priced in 1000's. Thank you in advance for all the great content you post and help you'd provided to so many people.
ОтветитьI didn’t pass the first try with a 71 , I’ve been getting 80s consistently on my Kaplan exams I took this one and got a 68 😭😭 kind of demoralizing
ОтветитьDean, you are the man. Series 7 test on Tuesday. Forever grateful for your videos.
ОтветитьThis test seems to have an abnormal amount of questions and answers that include fixed annuities or variable annuities. I haven't come across that on Kaplan or other pre materials. Is this to be expected on the exact S7 exam?
ОтветитьThank you for doing this! Purchased the test this morning and did it. Nice to then go over it with you and watch you explain the ones I missed. Scored a 72% and 70-76% on Kaplan mocks. Hoping it's enough to get me the P on Saturday.
Ответитьquestion 78 least appropriate is not the go bond?
Ответитьquestion 100 alpha excess of returns due to market appreciation in price?
Ответитьthank you Dean for uploading this video got 25 wrong. qe 95 and 125 messed me up with the division by 32 portion. TY!
ОтветитьTaking the Series 7 Exam tomorrow. Was able to pass my Life and Health and SIE on the first attempt, now the Series 7... if I'm successful I'll move to the 66. Thanks for your work. Hoping to be giving you some good news tomorrow evening. Is there a certain area to post a debrief? Would love to help out with what I see tomorrow.
ОтветитьWhy does non qualified annuity have 10% early withdrawal if you were already taxed. What accounts don’t have 10% charge for before 59 1/2?
ОтветитьHey Dean! Thanks for this and all you do. Quick question on #11- I thought that the 401(k) could only be funded through Bruce’s payroll. Wouldn’t it be better to invest the inherited $50k into a variable deferred annuity?
Could 71 not be placing a sell stop order? It would be selling the stock and you would receive the price... I guess typing it out and thinking about it you wouldn't receive the exact price you are wanting since it would turn into a market order.
I can’t express how valuable these explicated exams are. I bought this test and I have been taking it each morning just as a good warm-up before hitting the Kaplan Q-Bank hard and supplementing with your videos. Testing this Friday.
ОтветитьThe fact a channel of this quality exist for free baffles me. Thank you for the countless hours of teaching you provide!
ОтветитьI scored a comfortable 82% here, with a practice STC at 80, two Kaplan Simulated exams at 80 and 83, and achievable and mometrix practice at 76. How am I looking? Exam is on the 9th, should I keep cramming?
ОтветитьOn question 88 don’t an and c contradict each other?
Ответитьhey dean love your content. was wondering for question 75 why it wouldnt be under developed land which would be closer to a wild cat program?
Ответитьi got a 77 on this and my test is wednesday, would you say that i am ready?