The END of DoorDash Dashers?  Are YOU Quitting Yet?

The END of DoorDash Dashers? Are YOU Quitting Yet?


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@TylerThurston13 - 25.01.2025 03:25

I literally had a customer have the audacity to message me “I hope other customers pay you more than me” they ended up not tipping after the drop off.😂 I couldn’t help but laugh out of shock that someone could lack that much respect.😂

@thomastyska8349 - 25.01.2025 04:15

I quit DoorDash not quite a month into it. It’s a total scam. There’s no mistakes with DoorDash. This is intentional. I worked my way up to platinum as fast as I could, and it never got any better. Garbage orders garbage pay high miles I don’t know how anybody could make any money with DoorDash. I screenshot one the other day. 51 item shop and deliver 8 miles for six dollars. That was enough of that for me. Good luck to anybody else trying to make this garbage work out.

@annaburns2865 - 25.01.2025 04:22

DoorDash is gonna have to quit me before I quit. I just started and it’s the only thing keeping me alive. For some of us, this is a last resort. It’s still hard, but it’s better than nothing. I guess the rest of you will just stay home. Until you lose your home.

@obxguy1 - 25.01.2025 05:12

Been DDing for 3 yrs & this is my last. No money.

@obxguy1 - 25.01.2025 05:13

This is a luxury service and should pay as such!

@BGD.2980 - 25.01.2025 05:21

DoorDash is ran by Marxist-Communists! Throttling you because you make too much money! I mean wtf kinda shit is that? If you're out there grinding and getting the orders delivered, who gives a shit who delivers the orders and how much you make! One thing I can guarantee everyone is, DD won't be better in 2025 or 2026 and the years after.

@antoinebailey2172 - 25.01.2025 05:26

Im almost done with dd 2000 deliveries last year but maybe 20 this year. The bad offers made me go to other delivery apps that are more consistent with better pay. With the economy “booming” i give dd a couple more years. Winter is start for newer dashers wait til summer.

@oldenk - 25.01.2025 06:28

😢time to hunt 4 new job need insurance

@CATIUX - 25.01.2025 06:29

Doordash es inhumano, solo piensa en sus bolsillos y en quedar bien con los clientes. El ultimo eslabon en la cadena son los conductores, los amenazan continuamente bajandote la tasa de aceptacion (eso es explotacion laboral), o mandandote ordenes basura, que son humillantes e indignantes. Creo que la esclavitud ya se acabo, no?? Asi poco a poco los driver van a dejar doordash y van a migrar a app que sean mucho mas considerados con el tiempo, esfuerzo de los driver, y con la depreciacion de sus autos y el consumo de gasolina. Yo particularmente ya deje doordash!!!

@MrRetriever2010 - 25.01.2025 06:34

Kim I'm done February is my last month 2yrs 8750 delivery had enough still will watch your vids😊

@oldenk - 25.01.2025 06:41

ice is coming to your market

@Buckeyes1974 - 25.01.2025 07:09

What's up with the 5 bucks for 13 miles

@RadioCamper - 25.01.2025 07:13

Quit around the middle of last year. Had around $320 to cash out, and Doordash closed my account and kept the money. Took 2 months to get the money they owed for my time back/services back after threatening legal action. Given all this was because of 1 person trying to lie about not receiving the food (even after I sent in my dashcam footage to them for proof it was delivered because it showed me leaving with the food on the doorstep). Garbage offers to begin with in my area, and I already have a full-time job. Doordash is just a waste of time at this point, its hay day has passed...

@videogamerbrett - 25.01.2025 07:54

I'm done trying to get a thousand deliveries a month. I'll settle with my 100 now. Instacart has been making me Bank.

@brianjohnson3833 - 25.01.2025 07:57

Nowadays, doordash wants you to drive 15 mi to a McDonald's to deliver it when there's a McDonald's 3 mi away right across the street from where the house is instead of traveling 30 miles round trip. They don't care. They want to wear the rubber off your tires and pay you suhit

@ericwolfe8119 - 25.01.2025 08:30

I'm not stopping!

But I'm not like most drivers. My setup is comfortable. I have everything with me... coffee, cigarettes, food for lunch/dinner (with ability to keep cold or heat up). I have audio books and Prime movies. I have everything I have at home in a parking lot, so why shouldn't I just be"on call" and logged in wherever I happen to be?

I'm picky about the offers I accept. So far this week, I'm sitting at just over $2.50 per driven mile from my driveway back to my driveway. On a slow week, I'll gross $1,000.

"But how many hours?"

WHO CARES? If there isn't a good offer, I'm not working... I'm parked in some shopping center parking lot doing exactly the same thing I would be doing at home. Some weeks, I do it for 50 hours and gross $1k... other weeks, it takes 80 hours to gross $1k. I don't care.

@MemphisRideshare - 25.01.2025 09:18

Oh no. I've got doordash, grub hub and lyft.

@John6-40 - 25.01.2025 12:20

I enjoy not having a boss and driving for a living, so I'm sticking with it. My dumb butt didn't realize I needed to pass a quiz for alcohol orders, and have been missing out for a year. Hopefully doing the quiz gets me a lot more orders.

@romankuilan9471 - 25.01.2025 13:18

Quit a long time ago, 2.50 for 26 items for a 46-minute trip . I declined and quit forever. Is not worth it anymore anyway in my area

@LLStacheLarry - 25.01.2025 13:18

I well have to try a smaller market/zone less food places. The one I am always in is big allot of food places way to many dashers in it

@PonziZombieKiller - 25.01.2025 14:01

My car broke down... Still on the sidelines. Too cold out to make repairs. I'll be back once it gets warm enough to do the repairs. Have a safe day Dashers ❤️✌️🙏

@chrisbrookssr - 25.01.2025 17:14

Its always been easy to be top dasher or platinum. But now that im in the new point system. Acceptance rate dont matter. You can have 50% n still be platinum . And 2 catering orders a day equals 150 bucks. Keeps the bill collectors collectors away. 1,500 to 2,000 a week. Easy

@macdaddyp8437 - 25.01.2025 18:08

One of the tricks I learned to help keep a high AR, is accept bad offers, wait 10 minutes at the restaurant, and then unassign the order. Yes, it is a waste of time, but it gives you the ability to move to another area where you might get better offers. Another part of the trick is as soon as you get to the restaurant, hit the "pause after this delivery" tab so they don't send you the same offer right after you unassigned it.

Since I get bad offers from wingstop and Mcdonald's regularly, I try to stay as far away from them as possible during the dinner time. Sometimes it takes over 10 minutes to unassign.

@larrydraglandjr - 25.01.2025 19:14

I did for 4 months and just did rideshare

@ChristopherG-m4p - 25.01.2025 23:18

Now that the raids are kicking in my order have gotten better in the 757 area…

@rauls.966 - 26.01.2025 02:20

DoorDash is putting something new on me. They did my background check again and this time they’re paying attention to something that happened 31 years ago I was 17 years old when I first signed up for DoorDash. They didn’t even look at it even though it was in the report. My account has been temporarily deactivated until further notice. I used to make all my money on Uber eats but lately Uber eats has been trash and now DoorDash has been the one saving my ass. I don’t know what I’m going to do if they deactivate me. They knew I had this on my record the first time around. I wonder if I can get a lawyer involved. I can’t believe that something that happened 31 years ago is affecting me today at 48 years old. The main reason I do this job full-time is because my wife has health issues that I have to attend to at any given moment. I can’t afford to have a W-2 considering my wife’s health.

@whysoserious867 - 26.01.2025 04:06

Haven't quit yet.
But it's definitely money. I had five no tip orders in a roll yesterday there really needs to be a minimum tip requirement im sick of the same customers not tipping every time they use the app

@TheDecider2024 - 26.01.2025 05:23

Ive done gig work since 2016 a long ass time. I recently stopped. This holiday was my last and i told myself when the holiday rush stopped so would i. I have stopped.

@guitarjay123 - 26.01.2025 05:52

Actually now that you ask, yes I did quit. Well actually I'm still signed up but herein lies the problem.. If you have commercial auto insurance, you're paying out the butt for car insurance and if you get into a car accident while on a delivery which happened to me on another delivery job, and they ask you what you were doing while the accident happened and you tell the truth and say "I was delivering food", they'll literally make you get commercial auto insurance. Now I would rather not lie to my auto insurance company because they call that insurance fraud which will land you in jail or you will have to pay heavy fines for. I had a car accident in February of last year in an off day when I was still employed with Dominos Pizza Delivery and when my rates jacked up from commercial car insurance, I was almost paying 300 dollars a month just alone in car insurance, which is friggin rediculous. After I dumped my job at Domino's I was relying strictly on DoorDash and when my car insurance rates went up I decided to quit DoorDash too. Because DoorDash wasn't paying the amount of money to even cover my insurance really unless I was out there hustling 24 7. I switched back to regular auto insurance and quit dashing. I've decided not to do delivery jobs with my car anymore. It just got too dangerous and expensive.

@whysoserious867 - 26.01.2025 08:48

One thing starting to really get on my nerves is the identity verification now I started dashing in 2020

@johnbowen3767 - 26.01.2025 10:22

It's so bad after 8000 plus deliveries, I got a traditional job.

@Utbmingo2018 - 26.01.2025 12:15

$2/day for fast pay? That's $14/week. Heck no. Mandatory crimson card for earnings? That's illegal. Truly un-American. App freezing, app stealing money from you, digital red card not working for shopping orders, door dash not wanting to reimburse you. It's worse than awful.

@ChickenThug55 - 26.01.2025 17:00

Just started applying for W2 jobs these past days. The hustle aint worth it for 18-22/hr doing FT, 160miles a day. Probably do only dinner rushes for those quick $25-40/hr, 2hr shift or so. Time to go back to milking the W2 companies for $25-40/hr

@nicholasvasquez3669 - 26.01.2025 17:21

Can you message me or getting in contact with me? I’m doing dlivrd and I can’t seem to get a offer yet in Chicago. Just trying to see how to get orders.

@MsJustotest - 28.01.2025 00:45

Understanding that January is slow, not understanding how they let us Dash Now or schedule and allow a driver to sit in a parking lot 41 hours to dash for 8. Yesterday i made 1.33 an hour. ive been emailing before January regarding the rogue offers. Driving 8 miles to deliver Star Bucks when there are several of them per mile in these suburbs. I finally put my words in an App review with a 1 star rating. How dare them hand out Deactivation warnings on tardiness when we give so much time to work a little. At best, if we get decent orders, its still money now, car repairs later.
Its all i have for income, so the stress and resentment is getting pretty high. i keep canceling my schedules because why bother showing up.

@anthonyterry8162 - 28.01.2025 07:12

Kim, I'm still doing DD deliveries. The beer doesn't pay itself 😂

@scottperkins8849 - 28.01.2025 19:42

2 dollar orders are gross

@thompsonellis6002 - 28.01.2025 19:59

Why you keep on making negative content but still doing DoorDash?

@youtubingwithyou - 28.01.2025 20:32

Discuss: For those of us who are disabled, such as myself, but are still allowed to earn a specific amount of money each month, Platinum would potentially be unsustainable with regard to the 100 rolling deliveries. If enough good offers were accepted, that would put dashers, including myself, over the amount that can be earned, making Platinum status a very tricky issue to manage. Personally, I wonder if this would fall under discrimination, due to essentially not allowing disabled people to potentially earn as much as able-bodied people.

@shanedavison7473 - 28.01.2025 22:14

I am making less than $1 per mile where I live so I am making below minimum wage after car expenses. I will be platinum in a couple days. I haven't done door dash in about 3 years and just came back

@erkanbener - 29.01.2025 02:47

I am at a loss after car maintenance and gas expenses

@anonymousmc7727 - 29.01.2025 03:10

Just wait until you get a huge dinner order then just drive off into the sunset 😂

@elianasingh1316 - 29.01.2025 05:08

For me, at least it's been more of outside factors that's been my problem like the fires where I live in LA and my father in law dying and navigating that.

@DrumWithB - 30.01.2025 23:07

New development: hi I’m inspired by accounts like yours, I’m on the way to 10k orders for that alleged $10k. I’m at about 8,300 and today as a platinum dasher (took early January to get all the stats back up) MY SCREEN IS WHITE. Did all the basic troubleshooting, called support, and they had me send a screenshot, I’m in limbo now. Anxiously waiting. No orders. Always had DD as a fallback, but nope. The sun did not rise today for my account. Why? NO IDEA. So if you don’t want to end up like me… good luck??? 😂 What is this world. Anyone else white screen? Just a refresh and “dasher help” icon.

@ericbeltrami2718 - 01.02.2025 02:07

Noticed a sharp in crease past week and deliveries ... Almost as if a large chunk of the work force is hiding.... From ICE. also a lot less cars with limo black tint DoorDashing. More money for us who operate legally.

@joeseward9466 - 01.02.2025 03:45

As soon as i find a regular job.

@speedracerjeff - 01.02.2025 06:54

My buddy made $750 in 8 hours of Dashing in Orange County, California. Depends where you dash.

@michaelbillups-nh2cw - 06.02.2025 11:15

I'm staying my time don't matter lol I'm retired if I make 100 dollars a day I'm happy they do keep adding things I don't like I will also join grub hub in the future and work back and forth

@CitizenKate - 10.02.2025 08:24

I don't have any major complaints at this point. There will be fluctuations in the demand for our services. That's part of running a business.

@kimssidemoneyplans - 24.01.2025 16:06

Have you quit DoorDash in 2025 yet? Why?
