What Earth in 2050 could look like - Shannon Odell

What Earth in 2050 could look like - Shannon Odell


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@chasingsunset9801 - 06.03.2025 18:39

Humans made this planet what it is now,a deteriorating planet...

@romansaakov7081 - 06.03.2025 15:10

Speculation from both sides, but better be safe, than sorry, right? There is a good tv series made by an Apple "Extrapolations", it's boring, but so is our future if we will be careless.

@jogmas12 - 06.03.2025 03:20

No such thing as climate change

@donaldahern9930 - 05.03.2025 08:34

This is fabricated nonsense based on societal delusion not real science.

@pressurizer1 - 03.03.2025 18:22

If only those climate zealots and their government buddies could only show us how to live without changing their climate in their homes, cars, and offices. I wonder how modest their electricity bills and their homes are??

@straighttalk9999 - 03.03.2025 03:01

im from the future.after the 2027 mass heat death event,global focus on climate change goes full green,led by china.

@skypowergb3842 - 02.03.2025 03:47

Amm .im not sure if the world cna do anything at all.. switching everything to electricity means more demand on grid.. also you need materials for all this stuff all EVs ... And so on. Plus that demand for elecricity needs to come from renevables.. but idk where will solar come from at night best would be if we start asteroid mining and if we could somewhow have like solar farms in space(here issue is bringing power down) and as 2050 isnt that far away idk what to say.. but considering that we erased night sky ..we surely waste lot of power on lights.. this my view based on what i know i might be wrong .

@Jellyfor.Tript. - 26.02.2025 16:26

An Indian here. The government and opposition blames it on religious diversity. GREAT! I am gonna die in a Temple, Mosque or Church.

@Neuraltrades - 26.02.2025 07:49

Correction . It would be 60 °+ in new delhi.

@cybernetic_crocodile8462 - 23.02.2025 17:40

Stop panicking fools. There will be no apocalypse. Just changes. Some of us will die, but that is fine. The rest will deal with it all and thrive again. And don't worry about the nature too much, it will as always adapt. It has dealt with way worse changes in past just fine.

@gghnchjdxnn7141 - 23.02.2025 02:01

I was in the hospital during a wet bulb event near me, so many elderly people were in there for complications with helath conditions related to heat stroke😢

@Archon3960 - 18.02.2025 16:43

I fear Trump's reelection might have tipped the balance in the worst way possible. T_T

@Ecosentia - 17.02.2025 10:17

I believe that more people need to be aware of how critically our environment is deteriorating.
I constantly think about how we can inspire real change in people's behavior.

@jerrypalmer1786 - 14.02.2025 02:03

Scientific papers can be a challenging read, many refer to other papers that should also be read in order to understand the principles tested so can take days to plough through. Most of us don't have the time to immerse ourselves to fully understand them. The conclusions however are usually crystal clear and readily understood, viz:

"The greenhouse effect predicted by the Arrhenius greenhouse theory is inconsistent with the existence of the CRE (Chandrasekhar-type radiative equilibrium). Hence, the CO2 greenhouse effect as used in the current global warming hypothesis is impossible. Let us emphasize the overall conclusion:

The Arrhenius type GE (greenhouse effect) of CO2 and other non-condensing GHGs (greenhouse gases) is an incorrect hypothesis and the CO2 greenhouse effect based global warming hypothesis is also an artifact without any theoretical or empirical footing. Without scientific proof the debate on the CO2 GE based catastrophic AGW (anthropogenic global warming) should be abandoned and policymakers should focus on the more urgent environmental and social issues of humanity. The recent worldwide energy crisis is a warning sign that the promotion of the so-called green energy is neither solving energy shortages nor helping to protect the environment from pollution. The climate does not need protection, but the clean environment does."

Ferenc Miskolczi: Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change


@GusOfTheDorks - 11.02.2025 14:45

XD Oh, so 2050 is when we lose half the glaciers now? I remeber when we were supposed to loose all the glaciers by 2015 back in 2001. And back in 1996 when 80% of the sea life was supposed to be dead by the late 2000s. Mind you, I still remeber stumbling on that old documentary show with Lenord Nemoy where he told the people of the 1970s that a new ice age was going to kick in during the late 80s and europe was going to be a block of ice.

Gotta give them credit though, they are getting smarter. Good tp see they hedged their bets with "We cant really predict the future." Bit 30 seconds before the "Now let me tell you about the future."

@nicholasnino529 - 10.02.2025 16:41

Its far past time to get serious! Get smart, and dont give in! Have kids and teach them to fight for a better world, by almost any means!

@bonkbonk2670 - 10.02.2025 03:23

Now its time you tell us how manY of the climate crisis since 1970 that has come true? And no I cant feel the effect that you are talking about no matter how much you try to convince us its happening.

@Jockstrap56 - 09.02.2025 17:14

Who’s the speed runner oh wait it’s multiple people trying to get first place 😂😅😅

@deadshotninja4852 - 09.02.2025 13:58

Global warming is a significant and pressing issue that is having a profound impact on our planet. Industrial activities, such as those carried out in factories and steel mills, release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This pollution not only contributes to global warming but can also have severe health implications for individuals, as these harmful substances can enter the lungs and lead to serious respiratory problems and even death. Addressing these challenges is crucial for both environmental and public health.

@romanhoax9014 - 09.02.2025 00:29

And yet those who push this climate change agenda still fly private jets. hahahaha Thank God Trump won that election 😂

@kasondaleigh - 08.02.2025 20:03

I’m glad to be in my 50’s and not have to live to see such a bleak future. I’m grateful to not have children to worry about.

@jennifersmith4864 - 08.02.2025 01:35

No one cares about the climate BS anymore.

@keithmoriyama5421 - 07.02.2025 17:26

Climate experts? 4 climate experts testified in Congress an NOT ONE OF THEM was able to answer a simple question. What is the percentage of C02 in the atmosphere? No wonder the masses are totally brain washed.

@GordaoSemFuturo - 07.02.2025 15:20

Now that muricans elected the orange conman, doomsday is right at the corner.

@christianvandervalk3802 - 06.02.2025 21:58

World leaders after seeiing this:
Prevent climate change from getting worse ❎️
Starting wars to get more resources ✅️

@nolanjdon3514 - 05.02.2025 05:36

Softball estimate

@SebastianMiron-k1c - 04.02.2025 11:35

Wow, just fire!

@techylox - 02.02.2025 18:13

democrats will rule the world

@thetasworld - 01.02.2025 04:47

Who the f is optimistic about any of this? There is no way we will avoid the ecological catastrophe

@PaulaP3964 - 28.01.2025 20:01

Regenerative farming practices is vital

@illyrianwarr1or - 28.01.2025 05:30

Heat waves in Cali 😢

@danielb5215 - 28.01.2025 04:44

Not one bit of this has any scientific merit. Just imagination and propaganda.

@hatfaesax - 27.01.2025 18:15

Seems that this video fits well in the 15 minute smart city agenda for the elites new world order agenda ... Not a Peep about the land under the ice thats so fertile it could feed even more of our population. Or that greenland iceland scotland are all rising above the waves . Or that we are at the complete end of the ice age and the next step is the big freeze 😂. Keep paying them taxes people

@biancaodia8186 - 26.01.2025 06:32

The fact this is happening right now says a lot, especially since all of this could’ve all been avoided due to Ignorance and greed😢

@halcohal1776 - 26.01.2025 04:48

one more preachy underestimate and absolute denial and omission to the base cause of it all, HUMAN OVERPOPULATION. I was at the 1970 earth day observance. Overpopulation was a thing then. 3.5 billion humans. Today? Over 8 billion. HELLO?

@forcedbreathingistyranny696 - 25.01.2025 23:32

It’s too late. Democrats don’t have the balls and republicans don’t have the brains to change anything. It’s over.

@A.waffle - 25.01.2025 09:22

Yeah I’ll believe it when those in charge aren’t clearly using climate change as an excuse to rob us blind and do questionable things. When they don’t constantly contradict themselves or say one thing and do another. It’s just a narrative to make money …. Clearly. It’s called greenwashing. Is there pollution? Absolutely. Does it need to be controlled? Totally. Are the people who are spreading this narrative doing so with pure intentions? Absolutely not.

@FunndOPosting - 24.01.2025 01:34

They showed this at school today

@somethingcryptid9462 - 23.01.2025 06:58

You know someone is truly brainwashed when they claim the consumers are the problem and NOT THE LITERAL CAPTIALIST ROBBER BARONS stealing everything we need.

@ProDesignPortfolio - 22.01.2025 18:22

Really seems like Capitalism is the main problem.

@juniperp8650 - 22.01.2025 15:38

Electric cars are not a solution. Please read about the exploitation of people in Kongo before romanticising tesla

@dr.debajyotibose2928 - 22.01.2025 12:22

Well Trump said "drill baby drill" so the US certainly is not going to do anything.

@itz_rosa1768 - 22.01.2025 10:26

Hi guys! Here are some ways we can help with climate change. A small act goes a long way :)
plant trees or buy a plant
save electricity
dont keep on using ac
dont use too much plastic instead switch to paper stuff
dont keep on charging things that dont need to be charged
we got this

@j.7701 - 21.01.2025 20:24

Acid rain and holes in the ozone are my biggest concerns

@davidlubanga5527 - 21.01.2025 12:38

Trump won't be around at this time and that is why he doesn't care. But his kids and grandkids might be here. very sad

@ipr3336 - 21.01.2025 07:35

I thought we already have passed the 1.5 target as of a few months ago.

@BrianCrites-s8r - 20.01.2025 21:06

MAGA doesn't care about nature. We need to emphasize the financial costs of climate change.
Government spending will increase, farmers will suffer, and millions will flee the hotter equator to come here.

@kassrripples3659 - 20.01.2025 20:50

Mr Trump just sped up the clock.

@jk35260 - 20.01.2025 18:36

The ending is nothing but a fantasy. In order to adapt, humanity will burn more CO2. We also do not know when tipping point will be reached. Once a tipping point is crossed, there is no turning back. Extreme events will cascade to trigger more tipping points. At that point, humanity will go into extinction.

It is year 2025, we have already crossed the 1.5 degree C threshold.
