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Ответить60문장을 두번에 나눠서 들으니까 복습하는 느낌이라서 너무 좋아요!! 영상 감사합니다!! 👍👍👍👍
Ответить유용한 영상 너무 감사합니다~!!!
Ответить진심으로 감사드립니다.😊
Ответить60문장 길이도 알맞고 지루하지않아 미드공부에 많은 도움됩니다
진심으로 감사드립니다^^♡
20번은 전혀 예상 못했어요.
속도만 좀 따라 잡으면,,,
0.75배속으로 들으니 좀 낫네요 ㅠㅠ
Ask out이 데이트 신청하다 라는 구동사인데 굳이 뒤에 on a date 를 쓰는 이유가 뭔가요?
중복된 표현을,,,
아이 어프리시에이트 댓 유 메이드 디스 워크
Ответить좋은 영상
감사합니다 👍
저..지금 미국에 있는것같은 착각이..
정말 alive 합니다★★★★★
정말 감사합니다.
Ответить오늘도 유용한 표현 감사합니다!! 특히 What's half empty? 연음 생각하면서 외워야 들리는 표현이네요. 감사합니다.
You have to work hard to get what you want.
It's always important to have quality clothing.
Downgrading your lifestyle is your chance to grow as a person.
Why don't you have dinner at my place?
You know what, I guess, we're never gonna be friends again.
We're never friends IN THE FIRST PLACE. That was my mistake.
Jones knew you were FULL OF IT from the first time that he spoke to you.
I'm gonna go open the kitchen back up.
Sorry, I didn't expect you.. You never invited me.
Am I in trouble here? .. First off, you're driving without a license plate.
Okay, Glass half full.. WHAT'S HALF EMPTY?
I've said I'll review your proposal. I have nothing else to discuss.
I can't go back to New York until I say what I'm gonna say.
How can they servie this? .. Because those people out there will eat it.
I looked up the artists. The artist that you represent here at the gallery. It's very international. I like that angle.
That's a dress FOR LATER.
What's really important is how this is gonna look.
Let me ask you that question another way.
Please don't waste it feeling SAD AND SORRY for yourself.
So, you must be doing this to teach me. I look forward to learning from SCUT work.
I asked her HARD questions. I don't agree with the answers.
This is where I spent my life savings to make you comfortable.
You've never stayed in one place longer than five minutes.
Every day a little better.
I have to say you newlyweds look very happy.
I need something. It has to stay between us. All right?
This is an A,B,C conversation, so can you get your D out of here?
수고많으셨습니다 감사합니다 큰 도움됩니다
Ответить좋은 자료 감사합니다. 그런데 몇군데 영어자막에 오류가 있어요.
Ответить영상 너무 좋아요 감사드립니다^^ 항상 행복하세요~
Ответитьwonderful . Thanks for your job
Ответить좋은 표현 많네요. 아주 좋아요
Ответить35에 figure out how에 out이랑 how 발음 어떻게 들리세요?
Ответить37에 ask you that이 부분 어떻게 들리세요?
Ответить53어떻게 들리시나요? How long are에 are 어떻게 들리도 that's는 어떻게 들리세요?
ОтветитьI've been starting to study English with your material these days.
It's still not easy for me but i'll keep doing it.
I must say i really appreciate your effort and i hope your channel is getting grow as well.