I wanted to love this revolutionary 3d printer - Micronics SLS Review

I wanted to love this revolutionary 3d printer - Micronics SLS Review

Stranger Parts

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@-B_S- - 21.06.2024 05:03

I would love to see the like to dislike ratio

@ClayMann - 21.06.2024 05:13

First of all I somehow missed being subbed to this channel despite knowing the other. I was confused but the name is just one letter different. Anyway no worries I'm subbed to both now.

Now this machine. Its times like this I learn a lot about the channels I'm watching. Those that just ignore all the issues and either take the money or the free hardware and those like this one that tell you this is not ready. As exciting as it is to see this kind of printing technology come down an order of magnitude in price. I don't believe this is the company to do it. They are too under funded and trying to do too much. That's just my opinion. I hope to be proved wrong. Them have a great first run with everything fixed. I hope even more they are still around for a V2 as I'd be very interested in seeing that. But I'm out as far as this one goes and I'm exactly the kind of person that would buy this. A real shame.

@hallcrash - 21.06.2024 07:46

How did they remove the powder after testing but before they shipped it?

@0Asterite0 - 21.06.2024 11:06

Yep, all empty promises and false hype. Will not be buying

@TheGremalin - 21.06.2024 11:33

If you really wanted to love it, that would mean giving tech support proper time and response. Seems like you wanted to love getting the video out more than you wanted to love the product.

@DuceDesigns - 21.06.2024 11:58

Thank you for your honest review of Theranos Micronics, you've likely saved me 3+ grand.

@riakata - 21.06.2024 12:06

I think the mfg neglected to warn you of the dust hazard and their response to all the comments about said hazard just shows how lax their safety cluture is. Obviously if you have a clean filter and do everything perfectly little dust will escape but no one is perfect a user will ineventably drop the fragile box breaking it or drop the cake with the two scope thing and spread massive amounts of dust that will instantly clog that tiny supposedly hepa rated fan thing.

@brozadude - 21.06.2024 12:42

I watched their side of the story and quite frankly I think you haven't been completely fair or transparent. This isn't a final product and kickstarter backers can cancel their pledge until the last moment free of charge. I think delaying the video a bit so that they could address their issues is only reasonable.

@yasafvolinsky7427 - 21.06.2024 14:06

i think you ended up doing them a service.

i would invest in this, warts and all - if i have the spare money

@quattrocity9620 - 21.06.2024 19:58

Kickstarter is supposed to be for startups, not companies that already have money to take presales. It's in the name. They seem to be using Kickstarter exactly as intended.

@ethansmith7 - 21.06.2024 22:18

Yeahhh not sure about this one. Printer seems great and better than most things that are in the kickstarter phase. You’re kind of off on your stance about what kickstarter is used for. Also, as another engineer, seeing their dedication to fixing issues is all that really matters to me at this stage of the product lifestyle.

@LucaAmadeus - 22.06.2024 00:36

really appreciate your honesty and the fact that you filmed your whole experience / bug fixing with the product.

@newqer - 22.06.2024 01:11

Tried to have your MKBHD moment there. Sad that's the only way you think your channel can survive, I know why i unsubscribed a long time ago. 👎

@blazedank100 - 22.06.2024 09:24

For $3k you have to hit it with a hammer 🤦🏽‍♂️ 💀 what is the justification of this price? Thing looks like a torture device tbh

@wickedPrints3256 - 22.06.2024 16:01

Thank you for going through this so we don't have to. I would gladly go through this for metal parts, not so much for plastic. But at 50,000$ per laser I don't think we'll be seeing that anytime soon.

@Mussyo18 - 22.06.2024 18:27

Why do people love to defend companies so quickly, If i had any of these issues after I pledged enough to get a printer I would be fuming, this is not a good process, even as a beta tester you should be allowed to explain issues to your audience. especially when using it and not saying anything bad would insinuate an endorsement. We ask for honesty, we get honesty and then we belittle the person being honest. We review early access games, we review beta games, but somehow, something that is 10x the price "HOW DARE HE SPEAK THE TRUTH!".

You all need to figuire out who you are and what you want, I am appreciative of the video and the companies response. Don't Elon Musk every person that promises the future before they deliver it.

@mbainrot - 23.06.2024 06:58

Is it possible the pre-shipment testing powder was still in the auger gummed up the works from moisture contaimination?

@nathrm - 23.06.2024 07:11

I wish all printer can fix be with hammer .... yeahhhhhhh

@11thHourRecords - 23.06.2024 15:22

Henry will be hitting himself with a hammer every time the phone rings for technical support 🤯

@gerthddyn - 23.06.2024 20:53

Kickstarter isn't a preorder platform, that has been a corruption of the original intent because of all the early failures on the platform. Joel, who reviews kickstarters way more often than you, tells you straight up, if it is on kickstarter, make sure you are comfortable setting the money on fire. Large Chinese companies are treating it as a preorder platform because they can. The number of products that look flashy when the reviewer gets them and then they failed to make it to the users hands are very high. I personally wouldn't kickstart this (notice I said kickstart and not preorder), mostly because I don't have $3000 to set on fire.

@viktorhillar5145 - 24.06.2024 20:27

They need to change name before they get sued by Mycronics lol.

@willco7287 - 25.06.2024 15:54

I've worked with those gearboxes in the past and they are not very powerful, something along the lines of 1-2 kg lift at 1cm for a 12v model. Along with that the internal gear that connects to the worm drive is usually plastic and chews after a short time.

@carlosjosejimenezbermudez9255 - 27.06.2024 07:59

You need to make a response video after their response and the fix to the machine...

@19BrownriggStSingleton - 27.06.2024 15:54

Honestly this is so clickbait, I've seen the other side of this story... Nothing like selling doom and gloom for Paid views! Of coarse its not ready, it's called beta testing. enough said and enough of my time spent on clickbait.

@wolfi19680 - 27.06.2024 23:16

Thank you very much for the really honest video, especially because it is not necessarily beneficial for you revievers to step on the toes of your "customers".

@chasedaus681 - 28.06.2024 16:01

What I don't get is how they think releasing a faulty product and having reviewers lie about it is better than just making it work as intended. Not only does it make them look terrible, but it would have resulted in a much bigger problem in the form of angry customers looking for refunds and/or law suits.

@loopymind - 28.06.2024 21:46

And here I thought resin printing was a messy process .... jezus... this feels like it will eventually kill you with all it's dust, mask or no mask

@FrostByte404 - 30.06.2024 00:11

It's clear Micronics asked Scotty to delay the video solely for their benefit. Not understanding the importance of having the video go live with the other 4 reviewers is bewildering. Micronics is either terribly ignorant or willfully misleading.

@brettfafata3017 - 30.06.2024 01:19

I am a design engineer working on the powder delivery method for a metal SLM printer, and I feel his pain. My company went away from augers for this reason.

@mfeldheim - 30.06.2024 13:07

It would have been smarter to ask for the unit back for troubleshooting and offer to send you a revised version for review at a later stage.

I don’t think a Kickstarter requires a finished product. In fact, most Kickstarters are collecting money to turn a product idea into a viable consumer product, so I don’t see an issue here.

I also think it’s a great idea to get a very early version out to people like you who use the device like a normal consumer but have the expertise and ability to do some troubleshooting.

I see that Ben from Applied Science used the machine and didn’t mention any issues, so it really might be a problem with some of the units that need to be resolved, of course.

So, in my opinion, it’s ultimately a communication problem on their side.

@frankschuler2867 - 01.07.2024 22:01

I've been watching this one. I really like the idea of not having to deal with supports...and stronger parts are always a plus. I trust/hope they'll have the bugs worked out by the time they ship the finished units. I'm curious about the materials cost of this technology compared to other options. Based on the little bit of searching I've done, prices seem to be about $100 per kilo...so about five times what I pay for a kilo of filament. That's not a dealbreaker...but definitely something I need to keep in mind. I'm also curious about how much powder gets wasted following a print. Thanks for the review!

@jasonax3184 - 02.07.2024 04:06

Great , honest review. Henry needs to protect his investors and it is apparent that he has fallen short. A classic example of someone trying to start a company with no experience.

@mrnukeduster - 03.07.2024 07:50

I wasn't a subscriber before this, but after watching their response to your video, I know that I'll never recommend your content.

@Sicaine - 04.07.2024 18:04

I'm surprised that you acted as you did.

A small group of people send you an expense pre view printer for free. You should clearly understand how this works for them. You have been to China. You know how much effort and private money is invested.

And wasting time: they literally gave you easy content to produce. That should have given you more flexibility on how to act.

Come on with your head injury you probably were happy to receive help too

@K3NnY_G - 04.07.2024 20:53

Ohhh man asking for em' to return the printer and the context of it all is the biggest stumble I've seen from these guys at all.

Sketchy, and childish.
If we're past R&D and been doing pre-production for awhile then your solution shouldn't be "hit it with a hammer n' hope, hope you have a benchtop PSU."

"We're running out of money."
Well, that isn't an unusual statement on the Kickstarter platform.

They don't want to re-engineer, re-tool, or fix anything because they're broke; thus trying to solve these issues in software.

@bikbikzikzik - 05.07.2024 15:26

Will there be an updated video? When? I will decide whether to cancel my pledge based on that.

@noway8233 - 05.07.2024 22:05

Sls machines are pretty expensive , and there is a reason why.Realiability.
Thats the problem with power and mechanichal things , the bad microsd is a Clasic in the 3d fdm world , Congrats for yuor honest review , i think the machine could have future but its not ready , in this state , its more a way to get money from poeple , as another kikstarter Pump and Run😅

@ForOurGood - 07.07.2024 16:59

Wow.. quote taken completely out of context.. does not look so nice.
Why do you even care if they ask for the printer back, you clearly don't like it, so just send it back, do you really need to make a fuss or sell a nasty narrative?
I would love for a company like this to send me such a product to add to their beta testing... Even if it had issues (as you would expect) and even if it was just for a few weeks..
As for any Kickstarter, anyone who contributes to one, should basically be seeing this as charity for the most part, but given this real and pretty amazing product these young guys have poured their hearts into, it seems like a charity that is not all that bad compared to all the cons we typically see.. and even if in the end they do not succeed (I hope they do!)

@dinosoup - 08.07.2024 02:02

Definitely wouldve liked to see the rest of the context in your conversations with Micronics, really feels like you spun this your own way.

@LuxorAB - 09.07.2024 16:48

What is the model of tabletop CNC / drill in the background? Is it any good?

@pushthebutton4602 - 10.07.2024 00:00

Never buy on kickstarter ever again. I did once, never again!

@CNormanHocker - 11.07.2024 01:59

I am glad to see you posting. The last video I saw had you saying you were having issues. Keep producing excellent content.

@mpawood - 11.07.2024 16:35

And now they've scrapped it entirely. You will NOT be able to buy this. They have been bought out by formlabs and micron, micronics and affordable SLS have been scrapped completely. Sellouts.

@Rockmaster867 - 11.07.2024 16:56

Aaaaaand the kickstarter is dead

@MarinusMakesStuff - 11.07.2024 19:06

Newsflash!!! Micronics was acquired by Formlabs and their SLS kickstarter has been cancelled. You were all used by Micronics.

@krodkrod8132 - 12.07.2024 12:51

I'll stick with my Carbon x1 printers.

@jaysam41 - 15.07.2024 02:18

love your honesty Scotty

@AlfredoGarcia-sr5io - 23.07.2024 21:49

I am giving you my 👍🏻 for your honesty. Keep up the good work Scotty 😊
