Development started in 2005 and alot of employees left Blizzard during its development, it took almost ten years to dev man damn, you have any idea how much work has to be put into a game now? Shoes keep getting bigger while moneys value decreases some. Why don't you spend 12 years carving a redwood into a fine sculpture so I can just stroll by a say "WTF man?! if you'd had this done 10 years ago, I might've appreciated it."
ОтветитьSomeone doesn't know what a "good" game is...
ОтветитьHi:) Have you thought about the Diablo 3 Beast Guide (do a google search)? My brother used it to get tonnes of golds and level up fast within a short period of time.
Ответитьcan i download this?
ОтветитьThat's the thing, this is what makes diablo, diablo, it has it's own gaming concept. Just because games now a days are all about graphics doesn't mean that all people are into that, its all about the game play that matters when it comes down to it. That's why there are different types of games, 2d, mid range, and 3d, hard core 3d, you pick what you like best. Kids now a days have no taste in games, i judge this games by it's gameplay not it's graphics, which is good enough if you ask me.
Ответитьarcane mage ^.^
ОтветитьNo way the game came out may 15 and u play it on may 3?
ОтветитьI think it is from the beta which have been out for a while
Ответитьwhat is this game about i'm thinking of buying it
ОтветитьPretty much shitty gamplay
Ответитьno don't get me wrong i know what you mean. I'm not saying it sucks i just feel that they left a little bit hanging off you know, i personally feel that i missed that final push. but yes i agree with you its a great game in its own concept. and what i mean its that with todays' technology and advancements in gaming they could have added a little more. but yes its a great game and its been a long wait.
ОтветитьNo, I just have never watched any videos of diablo 3, cuz I think it sucks. This was my first one.
Ответитьyou are sooo right!
ОтветитьC'mon guys, buy Diablo, the first one, and you'll have the same game in your hand. Spending 4 dollars instead of 60.
Ответитьlooks like diablo 2 only grachic better
Ответить@BujakaLaFa traditionally sperm is kept in the ballsack..maybe not where you come from though. . .
ОтветитьYou haven't even tried it out, it's a great game.
Ответитьtbh. i thought it would look alot like wow. played d2 myself. saw videos. it looked crap for me. i was going to buy it in 2 weeks. guess what. played it today at a friends house. drived like a mad man to the store and bought it. it feels good tbh. everything fits so well. only i was dissepointed in armor and wep graphics. but its really good. anyway cya. got to wake up in 2hours to no life on D3.
Ответитьalthough! it shud be more balanced. but who dafuq cares. i enoy playing this game on my own. relaxing doing dungeons with pack of cigs and friends... this shit aint wow. so dont come up crying its unbalanced its not fair blabla. this game wasnt even designed to play online as in D1. so stfu haters you already fked up wow with ur whining. let me or us keep D3 THX!
ОтветитьThe real problem about Diablo 3 is the way it was created. Why we NEED to play it online? This sucks dude. Blizzard could create an EPIC game, just like Diablo 2 was back in the days. The graphics would look way better than this childish, cartoonic style. It looks more like WOW. Not Diablo. Blizzard simply said to people who don't have a good internet (Brazilians, and other countries) "go fuck yourself, i want money". FUCK these new developers, FUCK WOW. I want Diablo the way it should be.
ОтветитьBut, i'm a fan of Diablo series and i will buy it anyway. It could just look and be way better than it is actually. Sorry about the bad english.
ОтветитьYoung man, listen well next time you get a sexual class in school. Sperm doesn't come from the penis LOLOLOL
ОтветитьNO IT ISN'T. you son of a bitch
ОтветитьI got the game today but i needed internet to install it xD im in cali for summer vacation so no wifi :[ time to use my cousin for his internet
Ответитьcalm down, breathe
Ответить baixe este e mais jogos aki via torrent
Ответитьgirl you trippin' breathe.
Ответитьgod ofcourse my shitty computer wont be able to handle the mighty power of this game.. fml
Ответитьgo play some elder scrolls better than this :D
ОтветитьHey, have you heard of "D3 MaxOut Turbo" (search on Google for it)? There you will find a good free video explaining how to speed run Diablo 3. It made it easier for Pete to speed level in Diablo 3 and max out his character very fast. It might work for you as well...
ОтветитьLol.. you Force me to Subscribe!
ОтветитьUr mom is boring
ОтветитьDIABLO 3 sucks
ОтветитьHey there, have you heard about "D3Max Out Turbo" (just do a Google search for it...)? On their website you will find a useful free video explaining how you can speed run Diablo 3. It helped Jack to speed level in Diablo 3 and consequently max out his character very fast. Hopefully it works for you too.
ОтветитьIt doesnt
ОтветитьHaha, I don´t even remember posting that comment :D
Ответитьi prefer the old super mario that i used to play in my kid years on this shit
Ответитьso do you just have to buy the game then you can play forever or is it pay as you go like wow
Ответитьlook dawg IT is a b2p game u guy it then u play it forever :D
ОтветитьFor me, wizards FTW, my favorite.
ОтветитьThe beta dont even haved Slow time skill to playabel.
ОтветитьIn the beta they changed the skills that were usable several times, promise. Slow time was one of them.
ОтветитьI was so exited about this game when i saw the beta and stuff :O But when i got it, it was just so damn disappointing... The first stage was great fun, but it became too repetitive =/
ОтветитьHermione Granger got stuck inside a video game.
ОтветитьOne of the best Videos of Diablo III i mostly like Wizard and his power is incrediable,,love to see the Horror game chanel with Arcane s magics =)