Knitting Help - German Twisted Cast-On

Knitting Help - German Twisted Cast-On

VeryPink Knits

13 лет назад

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@juliekarson7964 - 02.09.2019 21:15

Thanks so much for excellent video! I was messing up the German cast on and your video helped me get it right.

@VictoriahouseneedlecraftAu - 05.09.2019 21:59

I have recently started knitting socks, mittens and gloves and my old cast on taught by my Grandma/Nanna/Mum was too rigid. I have tried a few different stretchy ones but this appears to be my favourite for consistency and finish. Thanks for your video

@jenniferkiefer5882 - 07.09.2019 07:03

I don't understand how you continue after the first one. I don't know how you're holding the yarn since you have two ends. I'm also getting two stitches cast on each time I follow this technique.

@CraftnMomma - 12.09.2019 19:49

Holy cow... ok, I can do this... 160 times... oi.

@SK-oi7vc - 20.10.2019 03:28

Fantastic video! Thank you! I am now going to use this method all the time.

@helenlarson2973 - 09.11.2019 22:52

this helped me figure out this cast on, and now it feels really intuitive. thank you!

@peachyTO - 12.11.2019 07:06

This was a really great explanation and I got it super your videos, thanks so much!

@8698gil - 22.12.2019 22:51

I was taught the basic knit stitch by my aunt when I was about 10 years old, which was almost 50 years ago. I haven't knitted since, and I've just started learning to knit again. It looks so easy when watching other people do it. The knit stitch I find pretty easy, but the purl stitch seems a lot harder to do. And I am terrible at binding off. The passing over is the hardest part. I am wondering if it would be easier to pass over using a crochet hook? I'm thinking of giving that a try, unless it would be a waste of time and wouldn't work, in which case I won't buy one.

@carolharper268 - 24.02.2020 16:48

I’ve watched other videos on this and yours is the only one I understand and I was desperate for a stretch cast on, thank you 😊

@lonnieappleby6242 - 28.02.2020 06:38

I feel rather stupid asking this all these years later...the first cast on stitch leaves me with TWO stitches on the right needle. Do I then count those as TWO or do I count it as one and knit those together on the next row? I have been knitting them together and it works, but I’d rather do it however it is correct. Thanks for the great videos!!!

@BeatlesFanSonia - 11.03.2020 20:11

I can’t do this!

@Melissa-vt7fj - 27.03.2020 16:53

Thank you for this ! Your videos have helped me so much over the years

@lindadaley7469 - 09.05.2020 22:23

Could you make casting on any harder? I am so glad that I learned to knit in the days before all this fancy ways, needles and yarn!

@sigridblom3184 - 15.05.2020 02:00

How do I determine how long a tail I need? I keep casting on and keep having to frog because my tail gets too short. I've done the "wrap yarn 10 times around my needle, measure and multiply that length by the number of stitches I need divided into groups of 10". I need to CO 240 sts, so I left a 24" tail and that was way too SHORT (I didn't even get a third of my sts CO).

@wiwoods4me - 04.06.2020 21:29

Hi. I love the look of this cast on. Absolutely. But..and this is a suggestion for you, humbly asked, there are those times, especially with the first row after cast on, that SOMETHING happens. With this cast on, it turns out to be a wash out for me. How about a video explaining how to follow a cast on. I find myself fearing this one even though..
I have spent so much time trying to figure out the way the path of this one, and some others. Thanks. Sue.

@czntrm - 11.06.2020 16:58

THANK YOU! 😥 2 stitches cast on, 106 to go. 😅

@lauraadelson7775 - 28.06.2020 18:34

thank you! i watched several other videos about this cast on and this was the only one where I understood the twist at the end and was able to do it!

@nancycampbell7959 - 11.08.2020 05:20

I could never do the long tail cast on until I found your tutorial that shows using both hands. Genius! It's my go-to cast on now. Is there any way to break the German twisted cast-on into the same two step process?

@Jaedeajnx - 26.08.2020 00:09

Anyone else played at .5 speed to mimic the hand movements? :D

@gauravsricool5 - 17.09.2020 08:53

This was easy, yayyyy... I did it in one attempt. It was easier because of you explain concisely. Thank you 😊

@carolynprice8817 - 07.11.2020 18:02

Fantastic tutorial, I'd watched a few others and was just about to give up but this was really clear. Thanks!

@mumblesandwool1243 - 29.11.2020 10:36

What does binding off in pattern mean?

@angelicalin1917 - 04.12.2020 03:14

boing boing stretch. I love it haha

@melizmatea - 21.12.2020 03:03

Great video - you were really clear, straightforward and right to it - I hate videos that go on and on about stuff that isn't important! I'll be watching more!

@luellscott6268 - 25.01.2021 20:20

If you don't want to bend your thumb, it's very easy to just see the space to bring your needle up through the little triangle. I use this for just about everything I do. I love it. Thanks for all your tutorials. They are so helpful to me!

@karenlopez7033 - 07.03.2021 02:29

You are the only one who expained the twist, the reason being to untwist the yarn. That made all the difference. I GOT IT!!! Now on to my first pair of socks. THANK YOU!

@ek1177 - 01.10.2021 03:19

I just love the look on your face when you finish and look up at the camera with a loooong pause

@iSharShar - 22.11.2021 02:46

I got it on the first try? This was a great instruction video and very clear. Thanks!

@wiwoods4me - 18.05.2022 06:13

Stacy, do you remember what yarn you used in this demo? Thanks.

@rislachius - 26.06.2022 23:02

Man who the heck came up with this! Lol. I get it now after rewinding a bunch of times. Thank you!

@annashustersmith3290 - 14.08.2022 01:40

It gave me 2 extra stitches each time

@kathrynthompson2928 - 09.11.2022 12:26

Any clues on how to do this that don't start with referencing two other cast-on methods that have to be learnt first? It's so frustrating trying to find useful videos!

@laurenwojcik9696 - 07.03.2023 02:23

This is wonderful. After watching and trying 4 times I didn’t think I’d ever get it. The fifth time, on .75x speed, was the charm! Thank you for the visuals and crystal clear explanation.

@jdb6026 - 18.03.2023 10:46

Your instructions are so clear I understood it on your second demonstration. You've always been an inspiration back when I was 14 and even now 13 years later.

@brittanyhul7989 - 02.05.2023 06:53

This looks impossible!!🤯

@kimberlycockram1894 - 22.05.2023 04:48

Wow. Finally got it. Thanks!

@samslade1165 - 12.07.2023 00:58

Thanks for sharing, I’ve only just heard of this method. I’ve saved so can watch again later. A darker yarn colour may have helped me see better

@KerryHendry-s2t - 15.08.2023 13:15

This is such a brilliant tutiorial - thank you!!! It's my very first time learning this and its so satisfying when you get it!!! Really good clear instructions, thank you!

@dorothyrushforth888 - 11.10.2023 10:43

I’ve watched several videos to learn this method but the last step was unclear on the others. You have made it look so easy😊

@marge6581 - 29.10.2023 14:53

Thank you so much for this great tutorial! You explained it so well. I just started knitting my first hat and used this cast on.

@wills2652 - 17.12.2023 02:32

Thanks so much! The bend down is so easy and you doing it on bigger needles is so much easier to see! Thank you!

@monicaries62 - 26.02.2024 19:04

I always come back to your videos. So clear and concise! Thank you again!

@msdraeneichick - 10.04.2024 08:11

You are such a good instructor, and the camera angles capture your work perfectly!

@abbyharpur8752 - 13.05.2024 02:10

YES! Thank you! This cast on was include in a pattern I was trying and I gave up because of how the video explained it. She did something else to "untwist" the yarn but I couldn't get it and kept ending up with extra loops on my needle. This was sooo helpful. Not a single one of your videos that is not explained to perfection!

@EllenAista - 09.08.2024 14:25

Thank you!!!!

@anthonyhoughton6625 - 30.10.2024 22:36

❤ Another really clear video. Thanks so much.

@LisaSaltzburg - 08.11.2024 07:09

Very good explanation.

@LOISSOSCIA - 18.02.2025 23:22

You do a great job of explaining yet keeping it simple! You are my go to person when I need help! Thank you for making this demos.

@adigoesswimming - 07.03.2025 04:46

The third video I watched and the first one where I can see what happens when you drop your thumb. Thanks so much!
