Remembering Life Under Communism | Joseph (Jake) Klein

Remembering Life Under Communism | Joseph (Jake) Klein

Capital Research Center

5 лет назад

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@geo_licious - 12.02.2020 02:22

But have you read the Communist Manifesto? Me neither.

@sourpatchwimp - 12.02.2020 07:24

It’s.. it’s called a meme..

@aradicalkiwi806 - 13.02.2020 00:21

What you fail to mention about your main argument was that Wegner remained a communist after his time in Russia. It was his belief that Russia wasn't even communist, but state capitalist.

@thewingedhussar4188 - 13.02.2020 05:27

What i found most amusing is how the vid lapped socialism with communism right off the bat.
Are they very similar systems, yes. Can one lead to the other yes.
But the same argument could be said for capitalism leading to fascism or oligarchy.

Its also ironic that the vid didn't explain how communism is supposed to work and what actually happened in communist countries.
To show how its a failed system.
Instead they show nothing but bad.

But nope, won't find that here on this vid.

The ultimate reason people my age are going this route is because Trickle down economics just does not work for everyone. It works well for wealthy people but not middle or lower classes.
The Keynesian economics was way better, even though its still a form of capitalism. An yet if i brought up the system now, people even call that communism or socialism. Like what the hell?! Its what the baby boomers grew up in so they are calling their child hood a socialist nightmare?

@paladingeste6897 - 14.02.2020 07:19

they should be teaching this in school what communism did to Russia and other countries.

@War4theWest - 27.02.2020 23:16

it's largely due to Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States being placed in high school and university curricula.

@HarrytheUnlucky - 04.09.2020 23:26

Capitalism may not be the best, but it sorta works!

@zeenuf00 - 14.09.2020 12:19

I love it when commies come to videos like this and whine and cry like 'why is this showing up as an ad in my whatever??' lol!!

@joeycottone7169 - 21.12.2020 12:33

They are being taught that communism is great.

@moodrahkamite818 - 30.09.2021 12:59

"Whatever you subsidize, you get more of." The question is how does embrace mindsets which are in diametrical opposition to the Constitution?

A more dire question is, how does one take the Oath of Office, without being disingenuous, if they, themselves are avowed Collectivists?
