Catherine Hayes the Georgian era Killer Convicted of Petty Treason | True Crime | Well, I Never

Catherine Hayes the Georgian era Killer Convicted of Petty Treason | True Crime | Well, I Never

Well, I Never

3 года назад

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@TheTristanmarcus - 17.07.2023 12:43

Rather similar to the story of Oedipus 🤔

@andrewjohnmoore84 - 19.07.2023 00:03

Em... what are the chances of a mother giving up her son for adoption then they both end up living in London at the same time and become lodger and landlord... then start a relationship!

@trowawayrizzay - 19.07.2023 11:57

Promiscuity, incest, and murder — Here's to looking at you Alabama.

@dkytb12 - 28.07.2023 21:00

Thank you for another fascinating story.

@arianbyw3819 - 29.07.2023 21:43

Catherine Hayes did not deserve her horrific death. Even though the people of the time were accustomed to such barbarism, one witness to her death, a man called Phillips, who was a lawyer from cardigan in wales, was so horrified by the spectacle, that he was prominent in the campaign to repeal the law of execution by burning.

@alangreen4156 - 29.07.2023 21:46

The good old days

@unclebounce1495 - 30.07.2023 07:31

Glad she suffered horrendously. She deserved that and more.

People were more mature then, absolutely. Just because you present an exception that is one of the worst humans ever to exist, that's poor proof to discredit anything. silly to even mention it using that as evidence. No one has said or claimed that hubris or villainy or debauchery or immaturity has not existed at all times - the point is the degrees and ratios, for which this proves and disproves nothing.

@LindaLinda80Linda - 08.08.2023 08:54

Good god! Where do you find these stories? Impressive research.

@stevenm3141 - 10.08.2023 04:55

Sir, the button is checked from the get-go, I know this story teller is very good and the tale is too! Thank you for the great memories.

@billmago7991 - 14.08.2023 09:32

It took a while to identify the head of her husband on a pike as folk known to John said he wasn't that tall 😅

@smyrna9207 - 17.08.2023 11:50

"I have been watching all the time. Let me end to this drama by a sweet smile. I will give the previous memories and it's reward later. Then I will recall all the incidence that made before. ". I Will BE THERE" 🕊🙏

@merihamilton9711 - 17.08.2023 16:42

I love your accent 😊

@rack_man - 01.09.2023 18:27

Friggin Randy's guuuuut..... it's full of dirty ol cheeseburgers

@vali4034 - 07.09.2023 08:41

It’s kind of hard to lavish praises on your videos, considering the subject matter is on the heavy side & I’m always left pensive, but your videos are excellent and I love your channel.

@wolvoman1 - 16.09.2023 03:13

As usual well, i never, a brilliantly told story.

@Markbeb3 - 29.09.2023 04:50

I think society needs to bring back burning at the stake to murder like her

@colindeer9657 - 01.10.2023 12:31

Wow Paul, good story. Many thanks.

@Exocartonic - 01.10.2023 15:59

This story proves that evil people aren't a modern creation. And that modern life isn't responsible for creating them, they have existed throughout human history.

@trejea1754 - 09.10.2023 05:48

They couldn’t have known for sure that they were mother and son.

@nichhodge8503 - 09.10.2023 22:34

I loved this story and would’ve been a perfect story for Jerry Springer or Jeremy Kyle Show

@elizabethoconnor1387 - 14.10.2023 20:11

Thank you for sharing her story. Sad but important none the less.

@blk5124 - 08.11.2023 23:13

Oh my gosh! Every bit of this is so awful. Let's just hope neither knew they were related to one another. I can't think of anything worse than incest. 🤢 🤮

@AmbersDashcamDiaries - 09.12.2023 18:44

The River Thames has seen so many body parts!

@nomduclavier - 24.01.2024 07:32

Honest history vs. sexism-shaded sensationalism? Honestly hard to tell sometimes.

@rachaelsaninosencio1162 - 13.02.2024 17:16

I’m so addicted to this channel

@troubledspirit3328 - 27.02.2024 12:02

And these colonialists brought civilisation to the savages.

@richardsanchez5444 - 06.03.2024 07:33

Maybe they were doing an Oedipus Rex reenactment that went too far.

@janesalisbury3686 - 24.03.2024 20:28

Women always get a 'bad press'. They did what they had to, choices were almost unknown, Don't judge. Be thankful.

@scottfilson5935 - 28.03.2024 19:41

And she burns to this day

@tricivenola8164 - 30.03.2024 12:51

Finding an unwatched episode of this channel is akin to discovering an unopened box of expensive chocolate at the back of the refrigerator. Thank you!

@johncmitchell4941 - 08.04.2024 01:20

Note that more than a hundred and fifty years after King James' Bible revision would become accepted by so many as factual beyond all doubt witches and criminals were still burned at the stake, such practice apparently not refuted by interpretation of the text. btw, How are we doing since then? Asking for a friend.

@trayzzay85 - 10.04.2024 07:38

What piano song is playing in the background?

@ImTheCrew - 19.04.2024 05:37

Isn’t this the same thing as Oedipus Rex??

@DannyWildmen - 24.05.2024 16:39

She was strange, she actually tried to put her son back where he came from!

@med6399 - 26.05.2024 10:44

Well presented - although ‘grizzly’ offerings!😳😳😳 (BTW: great vest & moustache!😎)

@allenantonio4389 - 01.06.2024 14:47

Just an Ole tale of a Hooker....Old as time it self

@Lucy-ym8ch - 24.06.2024 11:25

Wait, someone was BURNED for counterfeiting? We need that story!

@HolldollMcG - 26.06.2024 03:20

Nothing she did was justified, but I noticed that she was "a prostitute" before age 16. More accurately, men sexually abused her and made her feel like her worth was directly linked to her body from a young age. Is it any wonder she was sexually promiscuous and had weird perceptions of sex later on?
Again, not a justification, does not excuse the vile stuff she chose to do. But these cases always remind me that our actions affect more people than those directly involved. If we mistreat our children, they may grow up to struggle or even to hurt others. If we dismiss people for being poor or disadvantaged in some way, they may get desperate and act in ways that are antisocial.

@spacewater7 - 24.08.2024 21:08

This is like a story about debauchery of Biblical proportions. Only seen these days under IS or PLO rule in the middle east. We've come so far?

@johnandersen8998 - 22.10.2024 05:12

Don’t need Hollywood, history and the mind of the theatre will do.
We are all going to die, but how and why are the end question.

@Rubylily2509 - 07.11.2024 08:18

Not stuck on a pole and displayed in the market square 😮😮😮😮Jesus!

@Rubylily2509 - 07.11.2024 08:21

This is gruesome 😢😢😢what did i just watch😂😂😂

@Rubylily2509 - 07.11.2024 08:21

Well, I NEVER! Indeed

@buslady6695 - 11.11.2024 22:57

Ironic that the 2 Catherines suffered the same punishment for such different crimes.

@michelestenberg8849 - 27.11.2024 11:08

Oh dear me, sleeping with her own son.

@Bookworm-ye9qi - 22.12.2024 18:26

This got dark fast

@censusgary - 16.01.2025 19:13

I hadn’t heard of the crime of “petty treason” until now.
Also, I had no idea that England was still burning people at the stake in the late 1700s.
And huge crowds gathered to watch such a cruel and grisly execution. I suppose the crowds are predictable. People still like to watch violent spectacles.

@cjplateman7005 - 26.01.2025 02:38

Evil has always been a part of society. Terrible what this man did. Justice served fast in those times.

@krose4283 - 25.02.2025 06:51

OM-Word!! Definitely the best (or worst as the case may be) episode I've seen on this channel! Finally subscribed cuz I'm hooked!! 😉

@WellINever - 20.03.2021 20:34

Thank you for watching! If you want us to cover a particular person or event from history, let us know!
