15 Fertility superfoods|Dr. Sunil Jindal| Jindal Hospital

15 Fertility superfoods|Dr. Sunil Jindal| Jindal Hospital

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Fertility and diet are hot topics—and fertility-related foods are part of that craze. But can eating certain foods really boost your fertility?

While there is no specific food or fertility diet that will magically boost your chances of conception, a nutritious and well-balanced diet can certainly help support overall health, including reproductive health, in both men and women.

It's important to note that food choices do not play a role in certain serious conditions that cause infertility in women and men. If, for example, the fallopian tubes are blocked, preventing sperm from reaching an egg, dietary changes won't remove the blockage and open the tubes.

With that in mind, below are 15 healthy whole foods that may be beneficial to those wishing to optimize their diet for fertility.
00:00 Introduction
00:58 Sunflower Seeds
02:02 Citrus Fruits
02:58 Mature Cheeses
03:46 Full-Fat Dairy
04:58 Tomatoes
05:55 Beans and Lentils
06:32 Asparagus
07:13 Oysters
07:53 Pomegranate
08:38 Walnuts
09:13 Egg Yolks
10:02 Pineapple
10:41 Salmon
11:07 Cinnamon
11:29 Liver
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Dr. Sunil Jindal Reproductive specialist
(Endoscopic / Microsurgery / IVF / ICSI)
Surgeon, Andrologist, IVF sp by training, Orator, Author, teacher by passion
Over 6000 babies born by ART
There's nothing I love more than giving children to infertile couples

Dr. Anshu Jindal
High Risk Obstetrician & Gynaecologist,
Infertility Specialist,
Over 6000 babies born by ART
Medical Director Jindal Hospital & Dr. Madhu Jindal Memorial Test Tube Baby Centre, Meerut
Website - www.jindalhospital.org
Appointment – 9897900920,
WhatsApp – 8006666085, 8006666004
Email – [email protected]
We bring to you this video from the state of the art fertility centre for men and women,Jindal hospital and test tube baby centre.This video is for patient and doctor education so that you are wiser in pursuing your dream and goal of having a baby for yourself or your patients.All the best-You are a champion!
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