FLL Senior Solutions - Easy 300 points

FLL Senior Solutions - Easy 300 points


12 лет назад

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@CaptainLennie - 30.10.2012 14:46

yeea good robot

@pranitnadipelli2942 - 30.10.2012 16:55

By the way your medicine mission will NOT workbecause the Table borders are black in the competion considering how you programmed it

@stefkuiper - 01.11.2012 14:19

how did you do that with the program? each time when i try it my robot don't stop? can you send me the program or tell me how to do it?

@zacharycchen - 02.11.2012 03:26

do you realize that there are a possible 700 points

@benmaclean5561 - 02.11.2012 06:31

Can you put a link to the robot design in the description?

@FLLSample - 02.11.2012 06:32

there is a video in our channel that shows the design.

@laxrocks123mine - 06.11.2012 00:59

thx for the help I cant beleive you told everyone how to the missions did you guys already have oyur tournament

@MrQ400man - 07.11.2012 22:33

Isn't that robot a bit too tall for the requirement?

@FLLSample - 07.11.2012 22:48

The robot height before leaving base cannot exceed 16 inches. Once it leaves, it can expand to any size.

@MrQ400man - 09.11.2012 02:49

Do you mind if you measure the robot in base, and tell me how tall it is?

@FLLSample - 09.11.2012 03:11

The width is 5 inches, the hight is 7 inches with the arm down, and the length is about 8 inches with the arm down and no attachments.

@marcopoloandstuff3 - 09.11.2012 18:03

The time is to long plus cuts

@robbinphillips6046 - 10.11.2012 03:27

I so have to tell my teacher! This may help us improve and hopefully win!!!!!

@FLLSample - 10.11.2012 03:32

Remember: it is not about winning; FLL is about learning and discovering...

@raceman74 - 12.11.2012 04:58

How long did it take to build

@stejskal32 - 12.11.2012 08:18

they only have to be touching the black area...doesn't have to be flat or on seperate sides

@thefanofspam - 12.11.2012 23:57

You forgot having fun! ;)

@thefanofspam - 12.11.2012 23:57

Check the robot game updates, I believe they CAN be sideways! :D

@FLLSample - 13.11.2012 03:28

How could I have forgotten the most important part of FLL.

@royoroyrod - 13.11.2012 05:20

hey amigo el robot si puede dejar las piezas de lego en la pista (red quilts) esque no se bien porfavor urge

@FLLSample - 13.11.2012 05:25

if someone can help answer. The only thing I understand is red quilts, and hey amigo.

@royoroyrod - 13.11.2012 05:44

hello friend a question You can leave lego pieces on the track without penalty quilts I mean reds i hop you understand and sorry im from mexico and not speek english

@FLLSample - 13.11.2012 05:53

Don't worry, your English is 100 times better than my Spanish. What you see in the video is legal. As long as the attachment is not fixed to the quilts, it is legal and will score.

@royoroyrod - 13.11.2012 05:58

thank you

@thefanofspam - 13.11.2012 05:59

Hahhaha : )

@mrflinstone57 - 14.11.2012 07:21

We had the tournament last weekend and our team scored #2nd place with a best of 230 points, and only stayed on th left side of the field set...its really not bad. the absolute best score was only 280, so don't freak out if you don't do all the missions.

@m0llux - 14.11.2012 22:23

I agree with you.

@thefanofspam - 17.11.2012 06:23

You can put them in sideways. That was mentioned in the Robot Game Updates. : )

@ItsYaBoyChau - 18.11.2012 01:31

how do you use a light sensor instead of a color sensor.

@Bachatu172 - 18.11.2012 03:13

El dice que si, y yo creo que si es verdad. Great demonstration on the demo...thanks for sharing!

@FLLSample - 18.11.2012 07:58

As soon as the robot leaves base, it takes a reading which is the black wall, however, it is 6-8 inches away and the result is high value similar to that of the orange medicine. What we did is write a program that tracks and displays the values so we can see the change. I would highly suggest you run such an experiment and you will definetly see that the reading of the green medicine is different. I also suggest that you use the raw value rather than light intensity.

@StanMan6000 - 18.11.2012 08:03

I am part of an FLL team, Team 720 Icare but i also mentor 4 that are at my school. When i went to their competition the top scores were 215 in the first round, 235 in the second, and 415 points in the third round. I have heard the average score to get to state is 215 points. I don't know where you are but i hope in Wisconsin the scores are that low.

@StanMan6000 - 18.11.2012 08:09

If you use NXTG A. Recalibrate the light sensors so the darkest color is green and the lightest is orange and then instruct it for greater than or less than 50. B. Make a program for it that starts at greater than 50 and keep on testing and boosting it until it is in between orange and green.

@StanMan6000 - 18.11.2012 08:11

My FLL Tournament is tommorow. Team 720, iCare v7.20. Eye care, U care, we all care for iCare EYE share because iCare

@FLLSample - 18.11.2012 17:34

Vey good solution @StanMan6000.

@FLLSample - 18.11.2012 22:25

After the season finishes, we will be happy to do that.

@pokemonrampagemake - 25.11.2012 23:57

for the medicine I have both color and light sensors i'm currently using the color do you think that I should keep it or replace it with light

@FLLSample - 26.11.2012 00:15

I would use the more reliable based on your experiments. Both will work. In our case, if there is too much light, the color sensor was less reliable.

@pokemonrampagemake - 26.11.2012 21:23

thanks for the help I think I'll go with the light as it showed better results in the test the light in the room isn't strong so I think i'll take your advice and go with the color sensor

@FLLSample - 27.11.2012 00:35

To prepare for the tournament, it might be helpful to make changes to light conditions, wrinkles on the mat, tilting the table, moving the mat's location on the table between east and west side, etc. There are always surprises at the competition events and it preparing for the "unexpected" leaves few unexpected conditions on competition day. Good luck.

@FLLSample - 28.11.2012 03:09


@cadoepners - 01.12.2012 10:26

This is some seriously awesome programming! My team has a huge maximum score, but our programming is not very consistent. I also like the way you get rid of accumulative error too! Thanks for sharing!

@mrflinstone57 - 04.12.2012 07:15

well, im in Louisiana. I think our team has alot of room for improvements. 415 seems really good! Good luck of your guy's team in wisconsin.

@douba_plusa - 09.12.2012 03:53

Are you forgetting about the core values? Gracious Professionalism.

@rororooz8693 - 15.12.2012 19:12

الفكرة كثييييييير حلوة بتمنالكم كل التوفيئ

@hammyo123 - 18.12.2012 07:24

My team at state (WI) got 4th place with 425 points

@superlegoperson626 - 14.01.2013 05:07

The red quilts count, flat or up as long as it's on the black triangle.

@fdsa634 - 01.02.2013 01:15

Which type of program did you used to follow the line?

@FLLSample - 01.02.2013 01:46

check out the line follower tutorial video on FLLSample channel..
