I wish you the best in your new life. You were so young, and now you have served your time, and it's time you move forward.
You're not the person you were at 17, and you deserve to move on. Your heart is with the family you hurt, and that says a lot about you.
An intelligent articulate woman
ОтветитьWish it was me that died instead ngl this world blows, State of oregon selling legal heroine in the stores, and ruined my life the past 5 years.
Anyway, 30 years is 30 years, try it. Otherwise can't say much.
Parole is a joke.
ОтветитьJason R Richardson CA is serving LWOP for a murder he did not commit. I 🙏 always he will walk out those steel gates.
ОтветитьSuch a sweet, pretty lady 💕
ОтветитьYou have paid your price. God bless you and the victims family.
ОтветитьI guess I would now be interested in hearing an interview with the victims family. How this decision to allow their loved ones killer out of prison has effected them. I think that would only be fair.
ОтветитьShe doesn't want to tell her story and "rip those wounds open", is total BULLSHIT. It's an easy and clever way for HER to not feel bad or have others see her true self!
ОтветитьExcellent interview! I lived through the Malvo incident in the DMV. My husband missed being shot by about 10 minutes. Malvo is a whole different game on here. 10 people were killed. We in the DMV lived in fear for those 9 months. I have a whole different feeling about his possible parole.
ОтветитьNo one under the age of 18 should be sentenced to LWOP. They need to stop giving so many life sentences so easily.
ОтветитьI’m not sure if this is just an act so she can get parole.
ОтветитьThe boy that died can’t be brought back. Prayers to the family of the victim.
ОтветитьI don’t wish anything bad on this individual. But I will NEVER understand when a murderer says “ I paid my dues” - or as many others on here are saying that she did her time- I just do not understand the idea that one murderer gets life in prison, another gets parole, another gets the death penalty. All death is final and equal in my mind. I lived thru the sniper horror, my little children were escorted in and out of school by law enforcement and we lived like prisoners in our homes for many weeks. I am beyond concerned for Virginia to begin releasing murderers back into our communities.
ОтветитьShe sounds like she has gotten her life together and wants a better life.
ОтветитьWhile I did enjoy the interview, the one thing that did bother me was her difficulty and refusal to recount aloud what she did. Maybe it’s because of a true remorseful shame or maybe because of a lack of but it is a bit unsettling.
ОтветитьThis was a powerful interview to listen to. Kelly makes no excuses for her actions, but owns up to them. Her frank honesty is refreshing to gear from a convicted person. I'm so proud of her and her decision to better herself to be proud of herself and her to make her family proud of her. I'm sure that had to have impressed the parole board. Advocates like her are so needed.
ОтветитьGawd could he suck up to her more
ОтветитьYeah Nah. I moved on after 20mins when, after all these years, she can't own and articulate what she did. When offenders refer to their crimes as "what happened" - like it just happened. No, you perpetrated it, it didn't just happen. So if you're going to agree to an interview and then immediately gloss over the subject at hand, I lose all respect.
Over and out.
I don't know the details of what happened, but seems like she didn't pull the trigger and maybe just thought they were taking the car and nobody was going to get hurt? Life without parole seems a little steep for just being there. Should she have gone to prison, absolutely, but no parole is too much. There are murderers that don't get that long...should, but don't. And this coming from someone who has ZERO sympathy for criminals. I'm glad she got out though. She just chose the wrong guy, but takes responsibility for what happened, knows it was serious and did more than enough time for her role. I think she's very remorseful and is doing great things with her life.
ОтветитьI spent 30 days in jail twice
ОтветитьI wish I knew how to help and work with women who have just been released.
ОтветитьWelcome home, Kelly. Thank you for telling your story. ❤❤❤
ОтветитьStupid opening comment and rude about awkward silence. I almost shit it off cuz you sounded like a jack ass. I gave you a chance tho and you are talented but need to watch how you say things
ОтветитьI am definitely a different person to the me at 17.....however, we know at a much younger age than that, the difference between right and wrong.
She does come across as genuine, personable and likeable even. After all she's done me no wrong. From my own perspective I lost my brother to cancer, as a family we were and still are devastated at his loss. Its all the things he's missed, the family members he didn't get to meet the list is endless and overwhelming.
This is just my own point of view but if you took a life you gave up the right to have yours.
I feel so desperately sad for the family of the boy that was killed and all the memories he didn't get a chance to make....I hope she makes the very best, of the opportunity she has been given, she's very very lucky.
I honestly do not see you as a horrible person. You made a mistake and you have to live with it, when your 17 the world is your oyster, as we grown we learn and know. Enjoy your life as you have paid your dues.🇨🇦💕🙏
ОтветитьI liked the show very much.
Shes calm with no
She appears very politically correct enjoying what she stands for now.
Humanization should be apart if everyday life, however it sadly is not.
I hope Kelly has a great future following her endeavours.
Joseph D. Garcia him. He died because of her!
ОтветитьI like her and im glad she got a second chance at life. She spends her time at reentry programs after release trying to help others with her story. When i was 17 i was a "thug" and had a completely different lease on life. Today its hard to think i ever thought like that. I never killed anyone but i have been to prison, went to "jit camps" aka gladiator school and adult prisons as well. Just knowing how i think now at 30, and how different i thought at 20, gives me compassion for the younger people no matter their crimes, even murder or in this case accessory to it as far as i can tell.
ОтветитьShe should write
a book. It could
help another "boy
crazy," 17 yr old
young lady.
Thank you for
Only 1 person judges you
ОтветитьAt 17 years old you know murder is wrong and life should mean life
ОтветитьI have to say i did look her up, just as she said. My condolences to the Garcia family and may Joey always be resting in peace. The fact that she has dedicated the last part of her life to helping others and learning all she could says the strength she has. Its not for me to judge anyone. For me, at 12 years old i had a cop tell me he was gonna arrest me one day for murder. I was a abused, neglected child and didnt know how to be anything other than what i was. I ended up finally in a foster home that changed my life. God saved me and gave me all the things i was neglected of. Thank you
ОтветитьShe’s a killer and that’s all she will ever be
She still won’t take accountability
Not to minimize the horrible crime, truth be told, wisdom does come with age! In my life i know that teenagers can be horrible, hormonal, woe is me, bear grudges, disrespectful - and Kelly has risen above the reality of her crime and is an ambassador to prove that a changed attitude avails much! I believe she will plant good seed 🙏
ОтветитьStay strong Kelly
ОтветитьLife line 🙏🙏praise the the lord you got one
ОтветитьWhere's the boyfriend you were with when the crime was committed
ОтветитьWhat changed your mind about changing your behavior
ОтветитьIt would be better without the constant annoying background music! Seriously no one enjoys cheap elevator music & no matter how good the story is I'm not listening to that for 45 minutes
ОтветитьThat's an awesome story
ОтветитьNothing is simple. Juveniles are not adults. People that commit crimes are still human being and should be able to be paroled if they qualify. Some people will never be paroled and shouldn’t be but some people should be paroled.
ОтветитьNothing is simple. Juveniles are not adults. People that commit crimes are still human being and should be able to be paroled if they qualify. Some people will never be paroled and shouldn’t be but some people should be paroled.
ОтветитьLong term isolation is not rehabilitation.
ОтветитьWhat does that mean after you've served 65% of your sentence you'd be eligible for parole thank you look forward to your response.
ОтветитьLook at this it's Josephine the plumber and she's a convicted killer too 😂
ОтветитьI just want to say that at age 17, the brain is not fully developed. She does take responsibility and said she needed to go to prison for her part in causing someone to lose their life. Please understand, I do take this loss of life seriously. I do not agree with the sentence she was given since studies show the brain is not fully developed until around age 25. I really feel rehabilitation is something that can be achieved once that person is able to fully understand action and consequences. I certainly believe a prison sentence was justified yet, life is not the appropriate sentence for someone so young.