Starting your UGC Business in 2023 | Step By Step Tutorial | Becoming A Content Creator

Starting your UGC Business in 2023 | Step By Step Tutorial | Becoming A Content Creator

By Crystal Williams

2 года назад

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@lifeinmyfro - 06.02.2023 21:20

I could tear up😩. thank you sooo very much on such a detailed video. I've been searching high and low on how to start I am pleased to have stumbled across you I never subscribe so fast. im going to watch the rest 🤞🏽

@Ambie333 - 11.02.2023 08:37

I love this ❤ Single new mom to a 10 month old.

@margohinds1999 - 24.02.2023 01:01

Thank you for this very informational video beautiful ✅💯❤️

@simplyspecial1199 - 25.02.2023 01:43

Just seeing this Nd I love it Soo muchhhhhh😩
Thanks for sharing✌️😘😘

@LeoElaine - 01.03.2023 17:22

Thank you for this. I specifically look for Black UGC creator content

@lifewithnessaandny6 - 03.03.2023 23:42

Just about to get into UGC and so far i can relate to you. Really want to learn and grow online right now as a single mom. Definitely subscribed!

@tatianamonae - 21.03.2023 20:47

What would you say to someone who doesn't have the e commerce business to prove that they can drive sales?

@sinapioawilliams2907 - 24.03.2023 18:25

Thanks again! It's crazing that I been starting on this journey 2 wks now. But I just watch 2 of your videos today about UGC and I learn more from you today then my research I did the past few weeks🤦‍♀️!

@Preciousjobel - 28.03.2023 04:33

So Instagram isn’t for UGC?

@drantonikachanel - 01.04.2023 06:57

I love you! Im not a mom but I get so much value from you! So glad God sent you my way! I have been making videos for a while but selling them to brands??? Im gonna now! Thank you for the work you put in! I love you so much for this!

@cristinad4007 - 02.04.2023 17:24

The most valuable and honest video about UGC I was searching for past week, so natural and not boring ❤

@Vera_Kelechi - 02.04.2023 22:57

Im a new single mom and I’ve been home with my baby for 7 months now. I’m getting ready to go back to work and my spirit doesn’t want to have to work a 9-5 to provide for my baby. It’s so nice to have options and this seems doable. Thank you for making this video.

@pinkdiamond4857 - 04.04.2023 18:20

You broke it down so beautifully and I now have a better understanding of the UGC concept ,I'm definitely subscribing

@lifewithlaniDUH - 09.04.2023 22:38

So we basically make commercials for brands . U made it so easy to understand! Now I need to fig out diff ways to film super great content so they’ll want it. May I ask you how would I go about finding ugc examples in my specific niche ?

@TheQFam - 15.04.2023 14:59

This is so awesome. I'm in the process of learning everything I can for ugc and this helps so much.

@reginadixon119 - 17.04.2023 21:11

I just found your page on TikTok because my friend sent it to me. I am very interested in learning how to create an extra stream of income. This is amazing and I cant wait to learn more from your platform and UGC.

@elia9690 - 18.04.2023 11:55

Amo su sinceridad y energia la amo! gracias por tu trabajo y ayudarnos!

@refilweramphomane6357 - 07.05.2023 20:44

Thank you for this, I am about to start my journey. This video is full of gems.

@PeachyKeenes - 27.05.2023 06:33

You are so great! Thanks for the info and sharing it in such an authentic fun way!

@ccss6940 - 05.06.2023 05:46

I just recently (6mo ago) received a promotion making over 80g a year. But my job requires no less than 10hr work days. It’s an hour from my home and I have a 3&4 yo. The mom guilt and stress and physical and mental workload is draining every bit of happiness I have . I feel like if I quit I will end up needing assistance and I don’t want that but I want to enjoy my life’s work and life. I’m torn.. I want to do this.

@booksandmetv - 10.06.2023 16:14

Hi I just join your chennel I'm a mom too I'm very interested in starting ugc contents thanks

@OnlineSistaGurl - 16.06.2023 22:59

I wanna know how to make 10k a month digital Luke you where is that video??

@julzdafoolzz - 28.06.2023 00:26

Yes I loved this video! Thank you girl :)

@dolerichardson6432 - 30.06.2023 13:11

Okay i am understanding now I think you need to be my mentor ❤

@goldengyrl333 - 04.07.2023 07:09

Ok I'm hooked. I'm about to binge your channel. I'm just starting UGC and I definitely need this. Thank you so much.

@OAS225 - 11.07.2023 16:06

Ooh. I just bought a revair. I need to do a video with it.

@Laadeedaa456 - 26.07.2023 19:04

Its sooo true.

@Laadeedaa456 - 26.07.2023 19:15

How much does a company pay fir your videos, for example?

@MikeDancy - 14.08.2023 20:04

why do you keep calling me girl?

@fitwitherica - 22.08.2023 01:56

I love your energy & when you said "because you know your girl don't be so consistent" you won me over. Great video! Consistency as a mom is so difficult. The kids run the world! Shout out to the moms who are doing it anyway.

@hermosabrowning21 - 27.08.2023 07:54

What if you don’t want to do gifted collabs

@Ab_Socialz - 30.08.2023 05:53

This is so helpful! Thank you so much for your insight

@abriyellesanders - 01.10.2023 12:00

Should you make a separate account for Ugc? Or can you do it on your main account if your trying to be an influencer?

@BrownAndConfident - 21.10.2023 05:52

Subscribing yessss ❤ I needed this information.

@sakshimalik7356 - 03.11.2023 11:28

How can I find client ,companies to work with

@TheresaTrychanel5 - 12.12.2023 09:56

How about brands that want you to place content on your own page that you created? Is that another form of Ugc or igc?

@Gods.dopest.creation - 18.12.2023 02:31

Is it really to over saturated crystal? 😩🙏🏽 please tell me I need to make money & I have nooooo time to waste ♥️

@karabeloramorena7092 - 05.01.2024 23:36

thank you so much for this video on Ugc I really want to start but what website do I use to get started like where do I build my portfolio ?

@YvonneEWalsh - 30.01.2024 22:42

Hi Crystal, please help this aging mother how to make money online.

@reviews_by_annie - 01.02.2024 03:53

You've got me hooked. I'm so glad I found you today. It made me realize I'm UCG and not an influencer! One question, I'm confused about whether or not tiktok allows us to create a call to action outside of tiktok shop. For example, saying "go to the link in my bio"? I just want to make sure I don't get any negative strikes/points. Thanks ahead!

@moonsoul3124 - 01.02.2024 22:50

Thank you !!☺️ I end up getting laid off /furloughed and I realize at this point I do not want a regular 9 to 5.

@ImmortalMe369 - 03.02.2024 05:42

Thank you so much for these amazing videos! You are such a blessing❤️! Sending lots of love🤗

@christavinson - 07.02.2024 02:06

Please start a mentorship. You are so knowledgeable and I just want to do what you do everything you say

@johanna2437 - 13.02.2024 23:15

Your videos are so informative. Thank you for being so transparent. Do you provide courses and/or classes?

@eriic44 - 14.02.2024 06:46

Is it possible to be ugc creator without showing the face?

@Starrdust86 - 17.04.2024 22:43

Love your content! Thank you!!

@missmandolinaa - 19.05.2024 18:00

As someone just starting out with UGC, I appreciate this content because I didn't know where to begin.

@sujugirl1004 - 12.07.2024 05:10

This came at a perfect time i just lost my 9-5 and i dont knkw what am i going to do

@lateshawilson203 - 26.10.2024 22:01

Thank you..I need the help...

@HeyItsMaori - 11.02.2025 11:06

You are always helpful.
