Exposing Canadian immigration consultants on TikTok

Exposing Canadian immigration consultants on TikTok

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@lanifernandez6233 - 23.02.2025 19:54

Why they give PR on caregivers upon arrival because they change the system this days. Before that, they are exploiting and abusing the caregivers .The 24 months contract by the government is not authentic particularly when you changed employers. and they have to fought tooth and nail for 6 to 10 years to get a PR. Caregivers working as a nannies at the same time doing house keeping, taking care of an elderly and disabled. Canadian got this extravagant contract. And speaking of a 1 year caregiver classes of course it is needed but it doesn’t mean that you do not have a professional credentials. Filipinos under caregiver programs as a contract from the government of Canada 🇨🇦 have also a high level of education such a registered nurse who have 5 years experience from Middle East or physical therapist,IT, engineers, teachers etc. they deserve PR , compare to the Indian students then open permit and PR for at least 5 years.

@lanifernandez6233 - 23.02.2025 19:24

the international students Hugo home because it’s no fair for the foreign worker who work under Live-in caregiver program like you do working on as a nanny, taking care of the kids, elderly and disabled while them is easy process and do not have any contribution.

@eleuteriagunson1184 - 14.02.2025 12:07

I guess we don’t have any Canadian Immigration because they are the Indians approved to worked in Canada not the approval of Canadian immigrations wow Canada is India now what do you think guys

@eleuteriagunson1184 - 14.02.2025 11:59

It look like they take over The Canadian Immigration because they are approval to work in Canada not the approval of Canadian immigration not make any sense for me

@faroukkhan7177 - 14.02.2025 04:29


@aquarianfirehorse667 - 11.02.2025 15:58

Canada became Indias extension lolz now youre population have more Indian than legit Canadian.

@thetruth4canada - 10.02.2025 07:46

Many of the Immigration consultants in Canada should have their licences taken away. They are the ones promising these rats everything

@colinpeck8257 - 09.02.2025 20:50

Canada has fallen, why spoil a wonderful tolerant, beautiful country, Canadian polititians are insane

@JohnMeeks-y6t - 03.02.2025 07:26

Shut down and deport them
Its shameful

@kevinfoster6023 - 01.02.2025 06:51

immigration for all the wrong reasons if india is such a wonderful place why does an indian need to live anywhere else this is not adding to the skill set that a country needs,lots of truck drivers here in australia but nobody to build houses or the trades sector🇦🇺💪

@hasanergene2716 - 25.01.2025 12:54

Canada's new name canandia

@SeanDaSilveira - 23.01.2025 19:38

Irs funny as my grandparents came from Portugal, and had no assistance financially from the government.

@Sealilanelane - 14.01.2025 10:22

This the reason I move to USA 🇺🇸 canada is full of punjab and they are everywhere, in Canada

@Weztcoastguy - 13.01.2025 19:21

Give a loophole to an Indian and they’ll exploit it every time 🤦🏻‍♂️
Notice all of your example are from India.

@diegoontiveros8965 - 13.01.2025 02:58

We definitely need the government to shutter this consulting business!!! URGENTLY

@Nikhillllllllllllllll - 12.01.2025 16:02

You should become Canada President

@DebDeBoop - 12.01.2025 07:16


@chawnvezina4914 - 10.01.2025 17:11

Thats treason.

@emirwhittaker2910 - 08.01.2025 01:58

This is straight racist…. You’ve gotta get over yourselfs

@warsamewaberi3792 - 06.01.2025 08:04

I subscribed and like your videos. You doing good gob for Canada. All Indians students must to be deported immediately.

@anarivera-chacon2046 - 04.01.2025 19:29

This the bigger problem for Canada due that bad & worse in history the Trudeau is the worse in hole history above India people mostly they are bad like easy money and hacked money remember the first years people were calling to extortion people and government was ok at the time they ready was them but no one stands up for seniors was exposed

@timcodex - 30.12.2024 21:56

IRCC is the corrupted part of this story. They filtered out all rich, talented and devoted candiates while approved the worsts.
You can tell easily that they will approve PGWP for the ones who don't care about their GPA, work for cash jobs and pay no thing in taxes. What a corrupted and racist organization!

@Choodcel - 28.12.2024 12:57

humiliation ritual

@MRahman-vv1fx - 24.12.2024 06:39

Immigration programs falters for lack of audit, supervision and follow up of the effectiveness / manipulation. Allow only skilled migration. All other routes are to be cancelled otherwise these abuses can’t be stopped.

@Tom-nd1fs - 20.12.2024 09:05

I know someone there in Quebec who has intentions to commit immigration fraud in Canada. They got into Canada using student visa but their main intention of getting a student visa is to be able to enroll their teenage son into free Canada high school. They do not intend to complete the university studies and they will apply for asylum one day.

@TomDyer-s3i - 19.12.2024 23:25

To add to the issue, New comer car loans are interest free. New comer mortgages without credit check, credit cards. All provided by Canadian banks, on your dollars.

@calvin-i9x - 19.12.2024 22:54

Government should shut down this consultant .... they scamming the people of Canada and the Government

@calvin-i9x - 19.12.2024 22:50

deport them like Donald Trump

@CR-mn5yo - 17.12.2024 19:38

Wow very informative!

@Angel-g4d8l - 10.12.2024 04:40

Close border, no more work permit, deport all when visa expires send them back home, permanent residence only to Canada high level jobs people, those who speak French and fluent english, visa only who deserve it not to dishonest and not to criminals deport immediately, help Canadians and already residents in Canada, Indians help their own and take canadian jobs which young kids generation can't get jobs.

@Angel-g4d8l - 10.12.2024 04:29

Yes should Shut down consultants, it's scam and cheat to lure international students and fill the ire pocket get rich,

@ivismartinez2542 - 07.12.2024 19:44

Acme road runner !😂

@lesliengo8347 - 04.12.2024 11:39

Immigration consultants needs to be investigated. We can't keep letting this happen unchecked. I used to support immigration but seeing the cost it is having on Canada, I am now against mass immigration. I also question why certain places only have certain people working there. Why does Tim Hortons, Walmart and other chain brands have so many Indians working? And why as a Canadian-born citizen, can't get an entry level job after sending so many applications?

@peterking2554 - 28.11.2024 17:46

I’m surprised there’s not more people in the comments siding with them getting fined just proves my point that know one actually cares about the lgbtq it’s just being forced on people sad world

@86lngd25 - 26.11.2024 12:08

hear about the country in books/tv/radio/word of mouth marvel at its wonders over your own way of living within your country make a personal pledge to move there one day and enjoy the social structures/communities that built the state you loved saturate the country with your culture and everything that was wrong in your own don't change a single aspect of your life other then location and how you make your money purge anything that shocks your daily life in your now new environment live there till you die in complete ignorance/disregard for the country you wanted to occupy this is what being a patriot is all about

@Whip-it-Good - 25.11.2024 13:53

Shut down the immigration. We should create jobs here as Team Canada A Team who have a police trained background who are not bias. A person who isn't related to that country. A long living established Canadian.

They go to the country where they invite. Do a security background check on them. If they don't have a clean record then don't let them in.g

@OldManDragoniteCollector-Ca - 22.11.2024 06:25

I just finished watching the content and i'm really happy to say that i'm truly happy to have TRUE NORTH Exposing stuff like this we need to take our country back we have way to many immigrants living in our beautiful & Peaceful Country of Canada my family & friends are having troubles on finding a good job these days so keep Exposing These Scammers that will do anything to stay in our Country i'm 100% percent a Fan of TRUE NORTH keep making more awesome content thank you....

@karadaboy1914 - 19.11.2024 03:07

Canada in need of legal immigration..but not bringing them cheap and in bulk wholesale from india😂😂😂

@aniii2495 - 14.11.2024 18:44

Bruh just show the videos . Stop chapping soo much smh

@davem9975 - 13.11.2024 22:21

Deport Deport Deport!!!

@nepalixoro6306 - 11.11.2024 00:03

Yes they need shutdown immigration agency here in Canada

@technomaniac4790 - 08.11.2024 00:26

Its your country u idot dont allow them.....u needed them .....and now u r crying😅

@brandonwiles-n8t - 07.11.2024 22:17

Parmeet gott his estudee parmitt, congrachulasions. 🎉

@brandonwiles-n8t - 07.11.2024 22:11

The biggest irony is if you ask them, they will spend an entire day explaining how great their home country is. These people are unreal. 🤦🏼‍♂

@shubhamgarg3187 - 06.11.2024 21:04

These fraudulent consultancy services should be banned. Their licences should be scrapped. Canada has allowed a lot of scammers to make money luring foreign citizens to come to canada with wrong channels and made them suffer by paying huge college fees and consulting charges.

@MS-mb7fm - 05.11.2024 12:45

Shiks and poonjabis are utterly shameless. They will ruin Canada.

@nashk8320 - 04.11.2024 14:51

There are some big people in the immigration system that are approving all these visas...most probably an indian official who is getting kickbacks from all these consultants. Investigate the immigration department where there are indians working!!!

@logikanap4215 - 31.10.2024 15:12

We need TRUMP here in Canada
