ОтветитьInofrmative and good
ОтветитьNice blog friend 🥰👌
Ответитьlovely vlog and i love it 😊
Ответитьgood videos and nice
Ответитьvery nice... good work
ОтветитьThese like professionals videos are everything what I want to see these days 😄
Ответить现在啥啥都涨价,后疫情时代,一切停滞不前,只有通胀一路高歌。。。不过感谢Kevin推荐这个识字app,long weekend没出门,四十来块让我俩神兽瞬间安静,自己能坐得住,居家带娃神器
ОтветитьDr. panda also used by our children it is really good
ОтветитьAmzing Content I love yor vlog.
Ответитьgreat video, thank you for sharing! also how did the last family survive off only 700/month?
ОтветитьGreat video thanks for the update
ОтветитьGreat video
ОтветитьExcuse my ignorance, but I had no idea people were so well-spoken where you're from. I blame it on the media. Nonetheless, I appreciate it when I see false stereotypes get busted. Great job. I Salute you, Kevin.
Love from South Africa.
Always good to have some infos about the rest of the world, to learn how stuffs work and appen and how people live oversea!
ОтветитьGreat and informative video all well explained
ОтветитьGreat video!! Thanks to sharing this 🙏🏼🥰
Lovely vlog❤️
i love the video keep it up!
Ответитьnice to see you sir. i have learn so much by this informational video
Ответитьnice tour bro
Ответитьvlog hang ngay that thu vi
ОтветитьNice video
Ответитьgreat vidoe
ОтветитьGood content
Ответитьawesome video
Ответитьprofessional work....👍
ОтветитьI live in CA, paid off houses 9 years ago, still spend $9K -- $10K per month, including insurance premiums, property tax, utilities, cell phone service, high speed internet, food, gas, clothes, plus expense for afterschool activities. Thousand ways to cut spending, but you must give up kid education, move to the poor community with higher crime rate..., but I don't think it's worth it in long run. you need to think about how to get more income rather than saving.
Good luck to all who lives in CA!😀
打码打的好敷衍啊 若隐若现的让脸出镜 感觉没有真正尊重被采访者意愿
Ответитьthanks for video
ОтветитьVery informative vlog, loves from Srilanka and need more like this
ОтветитьKevin you know the rule 😂 putting the pretty girl as the video pic really helps attract eyeballs
Ответить没有在其他洲生活过 湾区 每个月基本开销就要 9千多 包括 房子 车子 保险 水电等基础的开销 并不包括 吃跟 偶尔出游 平均下来大概要 1.2万每个月 估计等孩子在长大 这个费用还会跟高 毕竟教育开支是很高的 除非只是让孩子上公立的学校 如果去房价跟物价更低些的洲 估计 6-7千就应该可以过上相同的生活水准
Ответить加州灣區的確是很貴,但是在北灣區的冬天不會太冷, 夏天是涼的,到九月偶爾會很熱所以基本上很多人沒有冷暖氣, 總之而言,水電費比起在東岸低很多。 基本上, 看你怎麼過日子。 可以過得很貴,省一點也可以過得去。
ОтветитьIG first girl?
ОтветитьThe average house sells for 1.5 million in an OK neighborhood in the Bay Area, with a 20% down payment, at current 6.75% mortgage, your monthly payment is $8,266.96 based on a mortgage calculator from Google.
The cheapest acceptable average house in Palo Alto is almost 3 million, you are looking $15,000 per month for a mortgage alone.
假如要出門去LA 或 LV 玩幾天 , 一個人至少都要花到 $1000 . 假如要回亞洲 , 那至少都是 $3000 起跳 . 疫情一來 , 恐怕機票就要 3-5千或更貴了.