John Fogerty Talks About Why Creedence Clearwater Revival Broke Up

John Fogerty Talks About Why Creedence Clearwater Revival Broke Up


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@Schweinehundjäger - 22.01.2025 03:36

the people that hate on Fogerty say that he's greedy is the same reason the band ended y'all got nothing to contribute you just want to take take take take take

@boomeyeay - 22.01.2025 23:54

CCR sued Fogerty for "sounding like CCR" when he put out his Centrefield album. Fogerty is CCR you morons

@robertaccorsini4663 - 23.01.2025 05:31

No gray hair and an earring

@RaysDad - 25.01.2025 10:17

CCR was one of the most toxic bands in rock history.

@DeniseWhite-z3v - 26.01.2025 15:40

Wouldn’t it be great to pair John Fogerty with Don Henley.?? What an ego car wreck but maybe a perfect something . Ya think .??

@Harley-ir4er - 26.01.2025 20:12

Clearly John was the frontman, singer, songwriter and he's always going to get the fans attention and adoration it's a shame the rest of the band couldn't see the bigger picture and just enjoy the ride.

@crazypainter56 - 28.01.2025 15:53

they wanted to write songs -but they could not write songs like John -he let them write songs -but they went no where

@pauljbroussard1690 - 28.01.2025 18:41

Completely understand.. I wouldn't deal with them. Still miss Doug on the drums. Nobody compares. John drilled him the right way. ❤ all about doing this the right way. Stern and strict. Same way now with his family band. John doesn't change.

@PatSingleton-o3r - 29.01.2025 00:14

What constitutes a “henchman?”

@krimpoo - 29.01.2025 01:12

I have always felt really bad for John over the years. This is one of the worse situations any musician,of his stature and ability,has ever had to endure. He was literally dealing with a walking demon (i dont mean that religiously) who owned the record company. he was a pure scumbag devoid of any was all replaced with greed.

Im glad John has made peace with that situation LONG ago and REALLY glad he went on to write equally massive hits on the center field album that got him his money. Plus he makes a damn good wage at his concerts.

@Canada_Dominium - 29.01.2025 08:01

Older siblings can be really nasty people.

@robbhahn8897 - 29.01.2025 18:48

But the bare facts are that he was never as successful after CCR. Sometimes a great songwriter needs a great backup band behind him.

@nat.serrano - 29.01.2025 20:30

He was selected by God to fight this hard battle. An honor

@chippab1407 - 31.01.2025 07:32

Get the autograph then tell the kid get these guys as well 🤷🇦🇺😉👍

@MercuryKitty-o7p - 31.01.2025 17:40

as long as I can see the MONEY.....I'd be fine 😊

@HHH-vi1wn - 31.01.2025 19:40

Without his band mates including his brother Tom from CCR he would be no one today🎵

@bradleyheck7204 - 01.02.2025 06:29

Nope. John signed an idiotic contract with Fantasy Records that screwed everybody. That's what happened.
He turned himself into an indentured servant. Always hire a lawyer.

@alfredo7843 - 02.02.2025 02:59

John Fogerty Is the epitome of the quote "Learn to play two chords, and the get yourself a lawyer before learning the third" - Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath guitarist)

@alexhickenbottom2820 - 04.02.2025 22:44

So you work hard doing what you love only to find out after signing a contract you’re going to be miserable for quite a few years because what you’re creating isn’t what they want. No wonder music sucks now, I love Fogerty and Creedence and the music industry destroyed both.

@lanes58 - 05.02.2025 06:24

Yes, there was four in the band, and those four made up CCR. The other three were decent musicians, but John was the superstar of the band because he wrote the songs both musically, and lyrically. He sang the lead and played the lead guitar. He also did the arranging in the studio, meaning he instructed the others what to play in the songs he wrote, which was pretty much all of them. More than likely, he could’ve had three other decent players in CCR, and had the same success.

@563421094 - 05.02.2025 12:57

Life Baby is a wonderful thing...sometimes...

@harroldinab - 06.02.2025 01:30

This is why you don’t tell the mediocre rythmn players that they’re the secret to the band’s success

@gingercat555 - 08.02.2025 01:50

I was lucky to see CCR in London at the Royal Albert Hall and they were dynamite ... better live than on recordings ... so sad it went wrong for them ... John Fogerty wrote some great songs and still hear them today ... I think his songs will outlast many of us.

@jasonmiller4046 - 08.02.2025 06:01

um he should have kept the real deal kinda prick

@bachtube11 - 09.02.2025 00:11

I would be unhappy in that situation tooo ;-)
Realizing that i signed contract that made me a slave!
And a slave amster who "motivattes" me by saying::
If you are depressed, you will make better music.
Meaning its Ok when you are depressed, I' witing for the music you own me!
My congraulations tha after many years of depression you finaly had the opportunity and
to get a new fair contract instead, and even could buy back the copyright for your songs.
Beside your win in copyright, you have great lifetime achievement in music making!

@riverraisin1 - 09.02.2025 03:15

Some musicians - Fogerty, McCartney, Brian Wilson, Steven Tyler - to name a few, have the ability to compose an entire song in their mind. They know how every instrument should be played and are insistent on not deviating from that vision. It can grate heavily on their bandmates nerves because they feel they don't have an equal voice. Guys like John Fogerty are so focused on their vision that they don't see their bandmates turning against them.
That's not a blanket observation, but it's true in many instances.

@chrism8311 - 09.02.2025 16:24

John it’s because you guys are a band and you’re getting all the recognition. You wrote the songs, yes. But if you’re in a band and you’re getting all the attention, everyone’s going to get jealous and mad lol. Like it’s not hard to see. If you just went by John Fogerty, your backing band would not have felt weird or indifferent because they know there place, they are there just to back you.

@djizzah - 10.02.2025 11:21

the other band members were idiots, to have success like john bought them as big as the beatles, all they had to do was encourage him, he was happy to include all of them in his genius and journey, but jealousy ruined them, poor john such a nice fellow didnt even realize his greatness or the other band members pettiness

@Fender-cq2zt - 12.02.2025 02:15

The other two members must feel a little bit of remorse, to know what they did during CCR, what they wanted. Stu wanted Tom to sing more, now that they have success. Ridiculous. 2025 and John is still touring & owns his CCR music. Again, the other two get their “money”, what they always wanted. Remember, Saul Zaentz never went to Tom Fogerty’s funeral. Yikes to Stu, Doug & sadly Tom, for calling Saul their friend.

@a2ndopynyn - 13.02.2025 11:31

Wow. It really is true.

"Every Single Time."

@juno4494 - 16.02.2025 15:03

I guess I'll never understand this. There are some bands where parts of the band stroke the hits (Stones--Jagger and Richards, for example) and other bands where the whole band often contributes (RHCP), but when you have one dude erupting with hits (like Hendrix and Fogerty), let the big dog eat. I've been playing guitar for 40 years and if I had ever been fortunate enough to hook up with a dude like this, I'd have been delighted to just keep on jamming and enjoy the ride, man. Can you imagine just being on stage with this music?

@craigpierce7996 - 22.02.2025 00:11

Dang, John's songs were some of the first I learned on guitar. I bet that story was repeated many, many times over. CCR had great music and was a very tight band musically. I agree that jealousy played a big hand. The record co producer saw this jealousy in the other band members, especially Tom, and manipulated their feelings so the company could grab the gold ring. They literally helped to corrupt three young men for their personal money gain. John flew right over the top of all that crap...

@proudtobeasimp322 - 22.02.2025 05:00

I'm a blk man John that voice and the music,I got the greatest hits. You get soul hood pass

@michaelthurman9272 - 23.02.2025 01:48

John Fogerty is CCR!!!

@SPennell - 24.02.2025 07:18

Great story, John. These were the songs that turned me on to CCR when I was just getting started as a DJ in Georgia. Thanks for enhancing my memories.

@jimsmith5502 - 26.02.2025 16:58

Why does anyone sit for an interview with Dan rather a disgraced, corrupt dishonest person?

@JasonVoorhees10100 - 26.02.2025 19:15

Basically the own you

Sums up how the music industry is set up.

Interviews like this are a fantastic look into how evil the industry is

@gimozardo - 27.02.2025 01:04

So where's the part 2?

@Tomekkplk - 27.02.2025 04:04

John made the band. He created a massive force that almost were hit machines but John ruined the band. He was a douchebag and controlled everyone or at least tried to. Nobody was happy even though out of 50 CCR tunes 45 are bangers.

@Tomekkplk - 27.02.2025 04:05

John made the band. He created a massive force that almost were hit machines but John ruined the band. He was a douchebag and controlled everyone or at least tried to. Nobody was happy even though out of 50 CCR tunes 45 are bangers.

@Whirlwind990 - 27.02.2025 11:28

As someone thats played in rhythem sections of bands (bass/drums) I understand what its like when a lead guitarist/frontman just takes control as if theres some kind of secret rule that they play the 'more important' instrument of the band. And you just end up feeling like some hired guy who gets told what to play. Its not a nice feeling... Yes people like John, hendrix and Knopfler were excellent song writers but I feel sorry for the guys in the band that get overlooked. For me a band is equal part all members (unless its explicit backing band/hired musicians)

@jessieismyfriend - 04.03.2025 01:21

@NoNo-ks4gg - 04.03.2025 04:26

I always thought it was John who 💩 on the band --- and I am 61 years old --- and I remember when Centerfield came out, I didn't want to get behind it because of what I thought he did to the group! It wasn't until now . . . that I finally heard it from the 'horses mouth!'
Man, what a shame!
But this happens with so many groups. Kinda like you don't miss your water 'til your well runs dry!
Oh and Dan, you are a Seasoned Reporter, why did you cut him off when he was in the midst of the telling of the anger of the bandmates!
C'mon Rather --- you're better than that!

@markmurfin7984 - 05.03.2025 02:48

Watered down version of Status Quo, he should be mentioning them in every interview, Quo were doing what he wa Ted to do from Piledriver for next 7 years

@johnnykov - 07.03.2025 05:29

He split everything 4 ways even though he wrote the songs, wrote the music and sang them all. That wasn’t good enough for them, they all still wanted to to be in the spotlight…

@famousyoutuber2375 - 07.03.2025 15:40

Some say He is just an asshole … I don’t judge people by that ! But who cares …. If Morrison didn’t disappear we wouldn’t be chatting here 😮

@Jgeneraledger23 - 13.03.2025 20:12

50 FUGGlN 5lCK OF hearing about Shenn-Yuong. FUGGIN HATE THAT CHIT. mosquito-annoying

@calebfarmer6236 - 16.03.2025 01:15

25 years old and can easily say CCR is one of the greatest bands to do it in all of human history, their music is timeless and will undoubtedly be enjoyed for generations.

@79tazman - 19.03.2025 02:50

Recording labels are evil in the music world. Today it's very easy to be independent away from the industry but back then if you want to make it big you have to play ball with the money men or else and it's always usually signing your rights to your music away almost like signing your soul to the devil because it's the artist that has to do all the work and the man just has to sit back with his pocket open and make sure the money goes into his pocket

@InsightsAbroad - 21.03.2025 17:34

'Jealous', is kinda of a chick thing to say. That's how they think...
