Was that "I'm making Flappy Bird" song made with SUNO AI?
ОтветитьI about fucking died watching you interact with chat gpt 😂
That is exactly how I interact with it...💀
Move the pipes left....
He manage to make like a "auto animator" in paint but making chatgpt just fckng do what he ask it to do was to much, the thing was to damn stupid
ОтветитьAaaaand you just effectively destroyed your hard drive with that folder experiment. Congratulations!
ОтветитьWhat the hell r the names of these somgs u use dude! I love them! Its songs like "Im coding Flappy Bird" and "Its fuckin Py-time" that r just *chefs kiss*. I need to know what these r!! Holy shit please! Put them on Spotify!!!!
ОтветитьThis world doesn't deserve you
ОтветитьI hate ai music... Unsubbed
Ответить"That's what we do this for!" got me 😂❤
ОтветитьI subbed because of this one after watching ten other videos 😂
Ответитьwhy is vee from dandys world making videos.
Ответитьi haven't finished watching but if u lock the clips would the bird not go thru the pipe in premier pro?
ОтветитьI hate ai so much its so cring to me 😂
ОтветитьBrilliant video, just stumbled over this channel and you have my sub. Just a word of warning in case you see this though: the paint part might need an epilepsy warning. As a photosensitive epileptic the frame rate basically being visible flashing DID trigger some uncomfortable brain activity that would probably lead to a seizure for me long term. My triggers are a bit weird though, so not sure if that's worse or better for others. No hard feelings obviously, just thought I'd put it out there in case it helps even one person avoid a seizure.
ОтветитьThe music! 🎶
ОтветитьMake flappy bird in assembly
ОтветитьThe fight with ChatGPT had me rollinggg
ОтветитьThe Paint one looks like how Flappy Bird would look in my dreams
ОтветитьIn paint, it was like it slowly got more and more corrupted until u ded
Ответитьimagine being so reliant on the line tool that you forget about the literal circle & square tools in the drawing software you're using that you can click into
ОтветитьFinal boss, task manager is a game engine.
ОтветитьHaving a rough day, and this has given me many many giggles, which helps a lot. I appreciate this.
ОтветитьThat conversation with ChatGPT single handedly gave me 30 more years. Im fucking dying rn 😂
ОтветитьPython is a game engine
ОтветитьDude, if you can't rely on chatGPT to play flappy bird, you can't relly on it to make code for unconventionnal game engines. Even if you go for poor code slopilly thrown together, you'd have better results if you tried making it yourself (and I know this cause your previous code didn't look this buggy)
ОтветитьPowerpoint is a game engine
ОтветитьNow make it in Doom
ОтветитьChatGPT IS a game engine, I made a randomized ASCII Pacman game in HTML with it, then I switched to Gemeni after the code got too long for the prompt
ОтветитьNow do it with doom
ОтветитьEvery time i see this i am about to cry cause i cant even make flappy bird in a KIDS programming Software (taught it ALL myself)
ОтветитьChat GPT has been Imporved HUUUGE he should do it again
ОтветитьThe game turning into a mess of lines in paint is kinda fun. It's a fun glitch, if you will
Ответитьfucking cool
Ответить2,1 million views in 11 months. Bro fell down
ОтветитьI love the AI music 🤢🤢
Ответитьwild bro calls what he does coding when he asks ChatGPT to literally write his code 😆
ОтветитьRent a 128-Thread AMD-Epyc cloud-machine and use TaskManager
ОтветитьJust use actual song man no need for ai slop song