Fully Electric Select Fire Machine Gun!!! (TheBellLife Bangs)

Fully Electric Select Fire Machine Gun!!! (TheBellLife Bangs)

TheBellLife Bangs

2 года назад

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@nestoralonso7651 - 18.02.2025 07:46


@sonnyf2324 - 09.07.2024 02:04

5 round burst is the strongest just so your wasting 5$ a pop 😂

@sonnyf2324 - 09.07.2024 01:57

How can I get one Justin or Trey ?

@austinkelly5059 - 27.01.2024 16:22

Very cool,but dang a dollar a piece i would get a pile of sand for backstop so you can find them and reuse them or that will be really expensive

@bobbyjay75 - 19.12.2023 20:22

Try shooting roofing tin. See what settings do what.

@brianwoodall1627 - 26.08.2023 06:43

Oh, have fun I like to see it because you know what you want all hell no cause I know that’s one of her like you’re so bitch I feel bad for you guys. Well love you guys, but that’s just one of her.

@brianwoodall1627 - 26.08.2023 06:34

You should make one like that but have a like a barrel like a Tommy gun and I have like like 1000 rounds in there but it will cause $1000 with me because you’re like a dollar or of each thing so it will be $1000 is they may not be crazy how to see that they go off

@brianwoodall1627 - 26.08.2023 06:32

Yo, that thing is deadly brown towel right now. I don’t do you kill somebody that I think it’s like a like a like a bullet I’m telling you that thing I bet you will probably go do a car door.

@youngbullt.k.2582 - 14.05.2023 22:32

Could that go through Glass like a car window????...... shoot each other with that 🤓

@MicrophoneDiaries - 12.05.2023 14:33

Basically a mini rail gun.

@lancegouvan1653 - 30.04.2023 22:58

Electric railgun they suck

@keefespencer1173 - 23.04.2023 06:29

Ya'll should get a Ballistic Gel Zombie Torso and shoot it with the Rail Gun and see how far it goes in it and how bad the damage is to it before saying you would use it for self or home defense because the last thing you want to happen in those situations is for the other guy to take the Rail Gun away from you and beat you with it and still rob you or do whatever he broke into your house to do in the first place but then again I guess the best way to test it to see if it's good enough for self or home defense I'd to shoot each other with it and see what the damage is on a live person

@justinlazaroff5383 - 18.04.2023 01:21

Watching these videos are so painful

@joshkendrick4728 - 17.04.2023 21:12

Why is Trey ALWAYS in DICK mode...? Just a pure prick the ENTIRE time, in every video, so it must just be his personality... he has to be this way in his daily life...I kinda feel sorry for Justin and Garren

@bobbyjay75 - 13.02.2023 17:00

Do some glass shooting videos.

@BlackDogII - 05.02.2023 21:52

Should of countered One every time somebody shot then you have a idea how much your paying during your 🔫 Fun.

@BlackDogII - 05.02.2023 21:44

Time for You all to buy a couple of Metal Detectors and have the kids look for them and tell them they get a Quarter for every one they find.

@josephhink6116 - 03.02.2023 04:48

Can't put a light on it? Come on now man ....redneck engineering......flashlight and duck tape!!!!!!....lol

@Kenny-ProdiGys - 01.11.2022 07:30

Y’all should shoot each other with it on low

@Kristenpeterson9594 - 29.10.2022 21:25

Now I know what I want for Christmas.

@gdfannola2086 - 16.10.2022 07:05

Trey and Justin here
Bell Life Bangs Justin by the way you don’t need earplugs for this

@bobleblanc4282 - 05.10.2022 21:55

I feel bad for the USA....so many people have guns for house protection. In Canada there is not much need for this.....

@tetrodotoxin3863 - 03.10.2022 17:16

Must be humid if yous are suffering from 30°c

@xxray88jlxx - 03.10.2022 07:50

Happy yo see the channel doing good I thought this was gonna be garrets channel but it’s the bells channel and I been missing the collabs you guys did with ole boy I’m forgetting his name but he’s got his own channel now as well

@justincarroll2650 - 02.10.2022 08:58

Run a magnet and pick the shells up

@mrmojorising4877 - 02.10.2022 04:51

You guys shoukd see how far out you can shoot that electric gun

@danieldickson9096 - 01.10.2022 11:24

Put link up where to buy one from need one cool 😎

@jondagamer4466 - 01.10.2022 04:06

Am I the only one that love their intro music for this channel? Imo its the best one out of all their channels

@greenmac_147 - 01.10.2022 02:21

You guys have alot of thing that can be repaired which can turn out awsome, Tray's boat can be a vintage and alot of them too. Wish i live around you guys ang have a project

@slasher8145 - 30.09.2022 23:03

Looks like a P90

@tarantulachris9063 - 30.09.2022 21:21

Handheld rail gun lol want one

@BlackDogII - 30.09.2022 20:53

Wonder if you can shoot quarters out of it? Would make it alot cheaper to shoot.

@curtm6867 - 30.09.2022 01:04

Need to set up some type of backstop of something to collect all the lead and them metal disc. That thing get expensive

@bmunson76 - 29.09.2022 23:20

Let’s put the table on a hill so everything rolls off😂😂😂

@bobi.3307 - 29.09.2022 06:19

Of course we shoot point blank at everything without testing maximum effective range or anything close to that. Everything is a toy to these guys. Tell me they didn't spend $1600 for this glorified toy, please.

@pb_zep3838 - 29.09.2022 02:49

You could use one of those roller magnets to pick em up, like they use to pick up nails.

@larinabaker9269 - 29.09.2022 01:49

Dude that looks like a futuristic halo gun. Future is now lmao awesome

@choccolocco - 29.09.2022 01:26

Thrift store blankets, a few bales of hay, or some old tin on a slant would’ve saved y’all some money
I’d get a good magnet as well

@lancel71 - 29.09.2022 01:03

Why was Garren humpin a watermelon?!? Lol

@95jwalk - 28.09.2022 23:36

Get the wolf rats in the hog houses

@Sneakyblessed - 28.09.2022 21:02

That's pretty cool

@tomrhoden4691 - 28.09.2022 20:49

No way in hell I’d spend $1600 in a BB gun

@tomrhoden4691 - 28.09.2022 20:36

It blows my mind how many dumbass comments Justin makes. He must get nervous or something. He can’t be a stupid as he comes off

@Lambman001 - 28.09.2022 13:09

Does it work the same as a rail gun?

@Mike-sk7gt - 28.09.2022 10:36

Like a rail gun

@Mike-sk7gt - 28.09.2022 10:35

Electronic magnets

@jessielollar2 - 28.09.2022 08:54

How do you not show the gopro shot of it bouncing off the pop and hitting the gopro?

@michaelmount76 - 28.09.2022 04:57

Your videos were so much better before you tried leaving here and charging people to watch your videos...... get some of your own video ideas and stop watching demo ranch and copying him....
