Sound City Official Trailer

Sound City Official Trailer


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@veronicakrol902 - 07.02.2017 05:57

Did you know my Dads Los Angeles business office was behind that "BIG" Sound City sign? Was the only tenant leasing(4 Offices) not in the Music Biz, they called him the "Golf Guy" Made a movie and I did sublet for other movies and made some golf clubs in there. See white pages listing under 15452 Cabrito Road. Would would like to rent again or buy the building if anyone knows who I should talk to about it. Contact Stanley Krol Entrepreneur:)

@ngominh259 - 10.02.2017 20:43

Proud to hear NIN in the trailer.

@ChewTimer - 18.02.2017 20:29

I heard that I am in this movie, I worked there in 82-83 when Dio was there Jimmy "Rock 'N Roll" Sandweiss

@kortufflpaua - 13.09.2017 21:49

brmc was there aswel, thats sick duuuuude

@jedaffra - 19.10.2017 22:03

They should have kept the console in the building and designated the whole place as a living/working cultural heritage site. Too bad the board is in the hands of a private collector. I like Dave Grohl and his music, but I feel what they did here is short sighted. A very small portion of the money that was generated from the equipment in that building could have started a foundation to maintain it for future generations. It's not only the console that had value, they talked about the drum room itself as being 'magical'.

@donaldfalk818 - 12.12.2017 00:13


@mbonar2694 - 19.12.2017 14:21

bands like nirvana revelled in the fact that they were destroying the previous generation's conception of music. and now here's dave saying the kids don't know what music is all about. of course there is plenty of terrible music being made on latops, but there's also a lot of traditional bands aping on the tried and tested formats of past. you can't rely on any one instrument or gizmo to give music soul. and who said music has to be made one way or the other? if a kid can make a hit album from their bedroom instead of hiring a multi-million dollar studio then i see nothing wrong with what technology has given us. that being said, it is a crying shame to see places like sound city face closure.

@fostexfan160 - 27.04.2018 13:01

I've watched this film on amazon stick. I am constantly altering the volume levels between narration and dialogue and the music!! When the narration and dialogue is at audible levels and music kicks in the balance is unreal! Its deafening and at certain points you cant hear whats being said. It is so annoying and ironic considering its a documentary about a recording studio where overall sound levels and balance are what its all about. Anyone else experiencing this? Is it firestick? Or an over enthusiastic Mr Grohl on the neve console come mastering time. Other than that thumbs up on an excellent documentary

@symple001 - 10.05.2018 05:02

It sucks Dave G bought that big board cause he was the biggest cash hore at the time👀 let me go play Brian Wilson now

@Jean_loop - 19.05.2018 23:27

The fun part is when you think he's going to save the studio, but he actually takes advantage of their bankruptcy and buys the console at a bargain

@jamesp4521 - 14.07.2018 08:21

There's even a scientific proof about how modern music sucks. It's gotten progressively worse since, uh, about the same timeline as this documentary come to think of it.

@patriciomartinotti5694 - 17.01.2019 10:32

Konklins plesiosaur album it's the best lost record made in SC

@kincamell2 - 01.03.2019 16:09


@rimefrostkitten - 30.03.2019 06:43

"In this age there is no bookstore, no music store and no Sound City."?

@thomasscotthenderson5215 - 04.05.2019 00:01

was it good or was dave needing money?

@dennislaplant4572 - 04.07.2019 00:41

I recorded there in 1974, Studio-A with Johnny Almond Band (Mark-Almond). Spirit was in studio-B. Does anyone know what desk was in studio-A at that time ? I don't think it was the Neve. ???

@KESnSC - 08.08.2019 05:27

Excellent documentary!!!!!

@joanjett4354 - 03.09.2019 04:52

What an amazing be able to experience this place would be the most magical experience in any music lovers life ...a museum of rock history ....I am not worthy!!!

@TheBuelliganRides - 22.01.2020 22:03

You can watch this in its entirety on Amazon Prime.

@rbbme - 22.05.2020 00:57

It kinda blows my mind that ALLL THE OLD ROCKERS that are like immortalized by the place seems like they just never looked back to where they came from...

@thomasstillman4805 - 18.07.2020 21:52

If you're looking for this sound today? Look no further than "Divine Studios"

@bconni2 - 14.08.2020 04:46

for about 30 years Los Angeles had the best recording studios in the world...

@msp420 - 09.11.2020 23:16


@hom0s4cer - 20.03.2021 14:45

Dave Grohl is always so pathetic

@Jay91Byrd - 20.05.2021 21:03

"How do we keep music to sound like people?" - Dave Grohl

@zakaroonetwork777 - 03.11.2021 07:41

Been trying watch this movie for years ,still not available. WTF. Muscle Shoals Doc is free.

@sunsetboys8891 - 23.11.2021 06:01

Oh f*** this channel

@samireactsandplay2319 - 23.11.2021 15:12


@Moreaux19 - 24.11.2021 03:24

I know I will watch this doc when on first second of it BRMC played.

@franciscoramos4389 - 10.02.2022 01:26

A donde puedo ver este documental?

@camerond8176 - 13.03.2022 04:19

Watched it hundreds of times already, always interesting and thankful a musician saved the board from the dust bin, glass case, or scrappers.
Music is beginning once again to return to analog as people search for human songs, rather than listening to computers.

@jds9661 - 18.03.2022 04:20

This is pure genius. Grohl's new book shines a light on the most epic of all albums recorded at Sound City (as far as sales and cultural influence--our musical opinions can be left out of this)---and the 11-days spent on "NEVERMIND.' now passing 25,000,000 sales. not even the Beatles went from nothing to being the #1 band on earth so fast. Tragically--Cobain never had a chance. if you wonder why--read Grohl's book:The Storyteller." While NIrvana is not in my top wo favorite bands---I can "get over myself" enough to see the reality here. Nirvana were the Beatle sof their generation. Period.

@robhasenwinkle - 06.04.2022 09:39

What is the name of the opening track in this film? Where Dave is playing acoustic guitar in the studio, and it turns into a full awesome rock song during the clips of the van driving down the highway. What is the name of that track? I love it.

@melissarainchild - 16.08.2022 14:46

Ow yea! And to think that I prefer "bare metal" recording over DAW polished...still the better way to express...any time 😁

@Pigeonmaster-zt5ly - 19.11.2022 00:08

Worked there for 8 months in 1991. I lives right around the corner on Sepulveda street. What a weird and wonderful time. I'd already started to work at Record Plant when I got a phone call asking me to go back but I didn't. Now I wish I had. You can't go back. If you think lap tops will ever re create what happened in the Recording Studios, you fell for a lie. A big, cheap, sugar coated lie.

@ChrisCrash. - 15.12.2022 01:42

this was GREAT!! you love R&R..youll love this doc.....

@jakewhittle444 - 22.07.2023 21:55

Behind the scenes

@jakewhittle444 - 22.07.2023 22:24

Kitchener waterloo ontario canada queen street

@dreammix9430 - 09.09.2023 06:07

As a former Sound City employee who helped install that Neve console in Studio A I can tell you I bought the DVD and I've watched this movie did its entirety at least 15 times I never get tired of it! Those were some of the most magical days of my life

@Benarnott-c2x - 21.10.2023 08:46

I’m buying these

@Benarnott-c2x - 21.10.2023 08:47

The man’s a genius

@woodyschuler6232 - 05.03.2024 15:16

Watching this doc and seeing the absolute PASSION Dave Grohl had for this studio really gave me a new appreciation for him as a musician. You can literally feel his emotion and love for not only this place but the feel and technical aspect that made this place legendary among bands and musicians.
We are losing the ability and desire to actually record the old school way which we know, gave us the absolute richest and greatest studio sound ever recorded.
Thank you Dave, Taylor, Tom and the rest for giving us your perspective on this legendary studio! Bravo!!

@OperationChicago - 03.04.2024 17:45

Once you teach these kids in 2024 and show them tha difference between there voice on a cheap computer verses a roll of tape, that is when they understand. They also have to stop listening to music on there phone and computer, actually everyone does :(

@johnjacobjingle7177 - 23.10.2024 18:35

He can keep the board but if the dont make the tape anymore, he's forced to digital. The struggle continues

@spencerdawson6536 - 14.11.2024 19:27

It’s 2024 and I live around the corner from a
building labeled ‘Sound City’ in Van Nuys California and the neighborhood is a Dump. Filth, debris, garbage and addicts in the street.
Don’t come here.

@gregbaugh7640 - 01.02.2025 02:09


@JolonYeoman-q6w - 25.02.2025 20:09

ow my head hurt


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