Should You See Your Girl More Than Twice Per Week?

Should You See Your Girl More Than Twice Per Week?

The Speech Prof

2 дня назад

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@patohara175 - 11.10.2024 00:44

Bro, you make such good points and I literally laugh every time I watch one o ur videos!

@lw8882 - 11.10.2024 00:45

"Sorry honey, I can't drop the kids at soccer practice today, because then I'd be seeing them more than my allotted twice a week. That would destroy the mystery in the relationship."

I think they call that neglect.

@vickihines-martin6058 - 11.10.2024 00:55

you hit the nail on the head once again. How'd you get so smart?😊

@shaynesweeney7600 - 11.10.2024 00:56

If you don’t see your girl more than twice a week by choice, that’s not your girl

@MrBaskins2010 - 11.10.2024 00:57

love is not quantitative, it's qualitative.

@abananab4704 - 11.10.2024 01:02

If quality time isn't your love language, just say that lol

@LustStarrr - 11.10.2024 01:32

So like a Disneyland dad, but boyfriend instead? 🙄

@MissMoontree - 11.10.2024 01:49

He knows you can do both right? Plan a date even after you've been seeing each other daily for 12 years? Please tell me he knows.

@FishareFriendsNotFood972 - 11.10.2024 01:50

Fellas, is it gay to like spending time with your girlfriend?

@rosethorne9155 - 11.10.2024 01:52

This would raise red flags for me, after a few months of dating. If we are girlfriend and boyfriend with titles but you only want to see me 2x a week, I'm going to assume: a) he's ashamed of me and trying to hide me from his friends and family, b) that he's cheating on me, c) he's cheating WITH me, and I'm the side girl, or d) he's a workaholic who is only dating me because he wants somebody to vent to and sleep with, but doesn't actually want a serious relationship.
Very cringe. Very 😬 inducing behaviors.

@dropkgirl7157 - 11.10.2024 01:56

These dudes are their own worst enemies

@CrimsonNemesis - 11.10.2024 02:03

Yeah, if a guy wants to see me more than twice a week, that's a red flag. 100% of the time, it means he's a flaming homosexual.
(This is sarcasm btw😅)

@crowgrl13 - 11.10.2024 02:15

"Losing the mystery" = I need time for the other girls I'm seeing that you don't know about.

@handful65 - 11.10.2024 02:19

If all you got is mystery then you don't have a relationship to begin with.

@zacharybosley1935 - 11.10.2024 02:20

"How often can I check in on my romantic partner without seeming overbearing and creepy," seems like a fairly reasonable concern, I'm not gonna lie.

@AUnicorn666 - 11.10.2024 02:41

As an autistic I do ask how often I should see someone I’m interested in because I don’t want to be annoying or too much

@MatthewMe - 11.10.2024 02:44

This is 100% a fear and self confidence problem. If you can keep things exciting and flashy, you can distract from the fact you think she'll be bored with you if she's with you when there's not an event going on. That's not really a relationship. The "boring" stuff is where you find out if you have real connection, values in common, and make the mundane stuff brighter and more enjoyable.

@Nikki_Midnight - 11.10.2024 02:50

My partner and I only see each other once a week, but that’s because our work lives take up so much time, so when we get to the weekend we take the Saturday to ourselves to wind down and get odd jobs done, then spend as much of Sunday together. Sometimes though, magically we have some extra energy and arrange to do dinner during the week, or we spontaneously end up on the same train going home and it’s always so exciting when that happens. But to fill the gap between we spend almost every night on discord playing video games together. Just because we can’t see each other doesn’t mean we can’t spend time together, but we’re so excited for the day we move in together

@CindyLocherTheRelaxationWorks - 11.10.2024 03:03

I was married 27 years before my husband passed. When we were dating we saw each other as much as we could. Some of our favorite dates were just watching movies at his house or mine. If you're going to make a marriage last, you have to enjoy the person when there isn't something exciting going on. Because dude, life gets boring and repetitive. You need someone that you can do boring and repetitive with, and still look at him/her and think "I am so lucky."

@na195097 - 11.10.2024 03:54

The real question is, how many women is he seeing 2x per week. 2? 3? More?

@k.c1126 - 11.10.2024 04:03

Weird ... wouldn't the number of days depend on a whole lot of other factors? Like there are going to be weeks when you not gonna see me at all, a tall, atoll.... other weeks we could spend 4-5 days together.... and why are you even asking some strange man??? Talk to your woman!!!

@strawberreez - 11.10.2024 04:31

Whoa. I just got triggered. Back when I was 21, my boyfriend of 6 weeks (11 years of off and on, mind you) broke up with me, because I asked him to call me at least once a week and ask how I was doing so I could at least know he was thinking of me. We living 2 hours away from each other, so I understood not seeing each other, but no phone calls? Not even texts? He then said I was too "high maintenance," and ended the relationship. That was the final straw for me, and I never took him back. But wow. I laughed about it then, and I still laugh about it now because how ridiculous.

But now to hear that OTHER GUYS are saying similar shit?? ☠

@yamyampi36 - 11.10.2024 05:06

Now I’ve seen my wife give birth can I spend more time with her?

@leanne4896 - 11.10.2024 05:11


@MissBlueEyeliner - 11.10.2024 05:21

Ooof, the insecurity in this one stings.
I’m actually sad for this dude. He must be lonely af.

@wa6488 - 11.10.2024 05:25


@Drosenv - 11.10.2024 06:20

My husband was with me every second he could be...for the last 16 years. I like men who give me a lot of attention, and have dropped ones who don't very, very quickly. If he'd played hard to get, I would have left in the early days. I just don't see a point in staying and begging for even a moment.

@missnaomi613 - 11.10.2024 09:24

I'm about to turn 53, I'm divorced, and looking forward to the day when I find someone to (be my Best of Best Friends and) settle down to a nice, boring life with. But that's just me...

@AlessandroChiodi - 11.10.2024 11:20

Something I’m finding really really common about dating coaches: each of them talks about keeping the mystery, revealing as little as possible of yourself. None of them talks about being interesting and “feeding” this mystery actually in an active way, rather than basically hiding who you are, relying on something vague like “let her/him wonder”.

@SirLoinOfsteak85 - 11.10.2024 13:29

I met a girl I liked about 5 years ago, and I went over to hang out with her as often as I could because I just loved being around her.

We're married now. So you know...I guess "mystery" isn't as important as this guy thinks.

@lissakaye610 - 11.10.2024 13:38

Disagree… you HAVE to do certain things together…like put Ikea furniture together in a hot room when neither has eaten breakfast, or get lost with both phones dead… or clean up after a puppies first car ride. Then you’ll know if you are a couple that lasts. And some times, a nice quiet, boring life that is stable is what a girl wants…or needs.

@beresfordquimby - 11.10.2024 14:29

I first met my wife at the Student Union bar, when we were both 19. We went through the traditional British relationship process for that era (fancy someone, drink booze, cop off with them, say "Can I see you again", they say "OK" and now you're "going out" with them). Two weeks later, I moved in with her. I saw her every single day after that and it's now been...oooh...13,595 days that I've seen her every single day (as of 11 October 2024) and I love more and more every one of those days. So, I'm just wondering when the "mystery" is going to go...? :p

Look, I'm not trying to generalize my experience - I get that of course it doesn't work that way for most people...but all these stupid and arbitrary "rules" folks like the original content creator are making up are just damaging human interaction. Do what works for you , with as much respect, kindness and honesty as you are able, re-negotiating and compromising as needed. That's it.

@elizabethhall9334 - 11.10.2024 14:52

Okay, but if you move in together and can afford it, get separate bedrooms. Especially if either or both of you are introverts. It's amazing.

@grisflyt - 11.10.2024 15:37

My libido tells me I should date her every moment I can. I'm old. Maybe young people do it differently nowadays. 2 days with your girlfriend. 5 days with pornhub. WTF is wrong with this dude?

@vangu2918 - 11.10.2024 16:14

You run the risk of me ignoring you in the next two weeks.

@galenkehler - 11.10.2024 16:45

If your ability to connect with other human beings is so broken that you rely on novelty to keep your brain engaged, you should really fix that.

@amandaking7214 - 11.10.2024 18:05

I'm feeling this...21months into our "relationship" and other than the occasional weekend not "allowed" to see him more than 2 nights a week. Yes i know...I've realised....I'm actually in a situationship...I'm going to do exactly what the vid going to move on

@AyAReI00 - 11.10.2024 18:26

He is so scared of íntimacy he needs to go to therapy and work on his unhealthy attacthment styles BUT NO, he thinks he is perfect and in fact he thinks he should give clases ablut that non sense 😅

@KubiaSpeed - 11.10.2024 19:08

This is a question that young boys might ask in their first relationship. This is probably who he is after, so a fun little grooming video.

@keata1315 - 11.10.2024 20:06

Him: "spending too much time together means she's gonna get bored and leave"
Me, an intellectual: "bored? No she just spent more time eith you and realize you're a bad person and left"😂

@fenixmeaney6170 - 11.10.2024 22:21

Sunday-wednesday, Thursday-saturday
If you're having 4 day sleepovers, does that count as only 2 times?
Someone who knows time management, help me balance this schedule
Sincerely, a lesbian with ADHD

@arimidfallcrowley - 11.10.2024 22:32

he wants a booty call, not a partner

@Basstasticification - 12.10.2024 03:16

If you don't want to spend more time with the person you are with why are you with them?

@rhov-anion - 12.10.2024 04:06

At some point, my husband and I realized that we had never gone more than 3 days apart without seeing one another. Like, ever! The thing is, we lived 25 miles apart. We went to different colleges, worked in entirely different counties. We dated for 7 years and did not live together during that whole time. It's not like we were determined we MUST see one another, or like we rushed into anything. Heck, we didn't "go past 3rd base" for a whole year! We just enjoyed spending whatever time we could free up in our busy lives. We wanted to get to know each other before we "got to know each other" (if you know what I mean). We didn't get sick of each other by hanging out so often. We can have great experiences, even if a walk in the park, online gaming, or watching movies together at home.

We married after I was done with college (it took me a while because of learning disabilities, he was determined to wait until I finished so I could focus on classes). The first time I spent more than 3 days away from him was a whole 12 years after we married. I had to fly solo across the country to be with my parents, and I was gone for over a week. We joked about how it took 19 years to break our streak.

I think this guy is more scared that HE will get bored of her because he can't find a woman interesting unless there's a "mystery" (which is a euphemism for new intimate acts). So he won't be interested unless he slows himself down, and he doesn't trust himself to have that self-control unless he puts distance between him and the lady. That's a problem he should self-reflect upon.

@kima838 - 12.10.2024 06:02

I remember what it felt like when I first met my husband and when we first started dating; it was really exciting and hot, and I would never want to leave what we have now for that. Knowing that we both have someone to support us and love us and listen to us until one of us dies? That is absolutely incredible. I'm still never bored with him, although I do get tired of listening to him eat. He's an even better dad than i could have imagined. I'm so glad that we both worked on ourselves and our individual lives and didn't settle before we met.

Life is so incredibly short. Just painfully short. It makes my chest physically ache to think about how little time I have with the people I love in this stunning, supremely flawed world. It's just not worth doing anything but living your life fully and openly.

@sbfairy - 12.10.2024 16:36

I dated a guy like this. He would only see me 2 times a week and would make excuses any other time. After a 2 months I dumped him. I thought he either wasn’t as interested in me or he had someone else and didn’t tell me. The minute he realized I was serious he changed his tune. He started to send flowers and would text me everyday. HE started asking me to do things all the time. He only stopped when I ran into him while I was with another man. This limiting time tactic to me, unless you both agree to it, seems like a way to control your partner.

@stephanierigazio5553 - 13.10.2024 02:02

2 times a week doesn't say 2 days a week. What if I've stayed with the person overnight then go home for a night without them 😂 I definitely spent full 24hr+ periods with my partner while dating (meteor shower picnic date that turned into all night talking and then breakfast at a diner)

@elissalombard7021 - 13.10.2024 04:46

Speak for yourself sir, I get more interesting the more time you spend with me 🥰

@stuarthamilton5112 - 13.10.2024 05:00

I mean, if you're going to marry her you might want to bump that up a bit.

@aeconiglio - 10.10.2024 19:05

As a lesbian, I can confirm that we are waiving application fees for any newcomers referred to us from this video
