Aimless Adventures Podcast Ep. 15 "Hoov Loves Pie.. PewDiePie!"

Aimless Adventures Podcast Ep. 15 "Hoov Loves Pie.. PewDiePie!"

Aimless Adventure Podcast

55 лет назад

82 Просмотров

Greetings Adventurers! This is our first episode of 2016! We're just getting back into the swing of things. We talk about what we played and watched over the Holiday and Hoov tells us how much he loves PewDiePie!
Current Adventures:
Josh- Star Wars, Ex Machina, Interstellar, Sword Art Online. Tomb Raider, FFXIII, Elite Dangerous (trying)
John- Scary Movie 5, Ridiculous 6, Star Wars, iZombie, Magic Rush: Heroes
Ryan-Star Wars. Turok Remaster, Metal Gear, Just Cause 3,
Terry- WWE 2K16
Murph- Fallout 4 (Level 93!!!)
Danny-Jessica Jones, Hateful 8, Roadkill (YouTube), Dakar Rally.

Journal Update
No Update

Possible Aimless Discussion Topics-
-Best things to happen in 2015?
-The things that made you shake your head in 2015?
-What are you looking forward to in 2016?

Possible Town Crier (News) Topics (No particular order):
-Retro VGS rebranded as Coleco Chameleon
-Hideo Kojima making Sony exclusive game (Andrew House lays down some sick Japanese)
-Kojima to enter hall of fame at DICE awards in Feb.
-Force Awakens breaks every box office record
-Oculus Rift $600! Controllers delayed until fall.
-FFIX coming to android/ios/pc
-PSN down with no explanation
-Steam Caching issue.
-The Steam sale (mystery puzzle?)
-Activision buys MLG
-Someone got Win 95 working on 3DS
-PS Plus Free Games for January 2016:
PS4 Grim Fandango, Hardware: Rivals
PS3 Dragon Age Origins, Medal of Honor Warfighter
Vita Grim Fandango, Legends of War Patton, Nihilumbra
-Dat Deadpool Trailer. LOL
-Uncharted 4 delayed a month
-Next AC to be 2017 and set in Egypt.
-Martin Shkreli arrested


#podcast #talkshow #nerd #nerds #geek #wwe_2016 #h8tful_8 #Colico_Chameleon #pewdiepie #hoov_loves_pie #star_wars #aimless_discussion_topics #ps4_grim_fandango #vita_grim_fandango #sword_art_online #-dat_deadpool_trailer #-steam_caching_issue #ryan-star_wars #sony_exclusive_game #turok_remaster #current_adventures #hoov_loves_pie_pewdiepie! #aimless_adventures_podcast_ep #aimless_adventure_podcast #aimless_adventures_podcast #rivals #grim_fandango #john-_scary_movie #video_game
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