Aye, I randomly SCREAM on a daily basis thinking of “Mommy’s with the Maggots now”, the Zzavid version 🤣🤣❤️❤️🤣❤️❤️❤️🤣❤️
ОтветитьIs the really dark joke bleeped out and the Paetron review too because I'm tempted
Ответитьnot me hating on danny and thirsting over him at the same time 🫢
ОтветитьOh she chewing up the little kid
*flus across the hall
“As she should “💀💀💀
Great video as always Zzavid I was wondering have you reacted to the film Seven it's really good and its more of a thriller then horror but it's really good keep up the good work and all the best 😊👍
ОтветитьThe audio in the theaters was crazy cause they had that audio bass boosted. It sounded incredible! The whole movie did!
ОтветитьHappy Pride month to the mom and her makeup team
ОтветитьThis video and midsummer is such a comfort whenever im sad💕
ОтветитьBro made this horror movie a comedy 😂
ОтветитьLove your reaction 😂
Also, with how many times Beth has been thrown, hurt, and fallen, that baby gonna be born with shaken baby syndrome. I know thats such a horrible and dark thing to say, but its true! 💀
Ellie's actress is so pretty too!! Like, even when she was possessed, the woman was still pretty. Like, omg 🫶🏻 got me over here in SHAMBLES.
This movie was freaking terrifying and so good 😊 zzaivd makes it better I hope they’re working on another sequel to this 😊
ОтветитьBreaking dawn part and 2 are legendary
ОтветитьBrother you destroyed me with this reaction…proper legend 😂❤️👊🏽
ОтветитьIm suscribing because you are unhinged loool.
Ответитьyou should watch the vvitch It's an hour 30 and came out in 2015 and i think you would like it it fits with what horror movies you have watched.
ОтветитьReact to through my window and then in your next video react to culpa mia
ОтветитьImagine if Beth and Kassie bump into Ash after everything they had to put up with and Ash goes "First Time?"
ОтветитьNew Subscriber ❤ here 😂😊
Ответитьthe best way to get rid of the book is simply put it in a safe and then put that safe in an even bigger safe and take it on a boat that goes far out into the ocean and throw it into the deepest fucking depths
ОтветитьThis was my first video I watched of you been binge watching your videos :( new subscriber
ОтветитьJust speculation, but most true crime nerds considered the most likely course of events to b she regularly dosed caylee w Xanax hence xanny-the nanny, precumming colloquialism used by weight moms during the time, also known as Mommy's little helper, duct tape to cover her nose and mouth suffocating her. Drowning was the likely a positive explanation that was given in court to prove her innocence, either accidental drowning because Casey wasn't paying attention, or even further pushed that her father Kaylee's grandfather for some reason murder the toddler even though he was the only one that seemed to give a crap about her and actually attempted suicide after her death because of grief.
ОтветитьLove your Clue references and callbacks. Clue is my all time favorite movie. ❤
ОтветитьAlso I would not have went back in that garage for that girl. Sorry but that girl’s whole family dead and what she just witnessed she probably better off. I would have been GONE! 😂 couldn’t be me.
ОтветитьAnother gem. Fantastic❤
ОтветитьILY KING
ОтветитьParker posey is In blade Trinity!
ОтветитьBro calling the brother Tommy had me in tears the whole time 😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI subscribed because you looked stupid stoned and I know you would be stupid fun to get stupid stoned with lmfao 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьYeah, Evil Dead 2013 reigns supreme. I enjoyed Rise but it's not even close to the horror of 2013. ED 2013 was aggressive, fast-paced, and the story was set up and carried out fantastically. And the fact that they took movies that had previously been so camp and went full-throttle horror with it is just the icing on the cake. It's one of my top 3 horror films ever. It's proving extremely hard to knock out of probably first place lol.
Ответитьayy gonio la creta
Ответитьmaggot mommy kinda hot ngl
ОтветитьYou have the best reactions ❤❤❤
ОтветитьNah this is all Danny's fault for not putting the evil book back God Damn it
ОтветитьLook at you with your arms lookin’ all thick and split. Good Lord. 🥰
ОтветитьThat little boy coulda sold it to a goth on Etsy. He didn't need to read or play anything BOOM movie over
ОтветитьZzavid watch The Grudge!!
ОтветитьWhy you got to make such fking disgusting comments in your seriously, no one cares your gay, your sick comments are boarder line depraved