"GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" was sung for the last time

"GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" was sung for the last time

Benny Stefan

2 года назад

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@jeffrains9569 - 16.12.2024 05:26

As an American, my heart broke for England when she passed. I can forget when she had the US national anthem played after 9/11. That lady had class! May she rest in peace for all eternity!

@christopherandrews2594 - 16.12.2024 20:51

Totally awesome. Makes me so incredibly proud to be English before all else.

@donaldsunpan - 17.12.2024 06:18

Always our Queen !

@valmojica8486 - 20.12.2024 08:06

I'm not British, but felt her passing very deeply.

@PhilipCartwright-c5l - 21.12.2024 19:30

Pity the country is going to the dogs and all these great traditions are going to be lost

@philippecarre2930 - 21.12.2024 22:35

RIP for this great lady

@simonsimon2888 - 22.12.2024 11:22

Do you know why this British bulldog has a tilted snout nose? When it bites it has that little space to breathe and "IT WON'T LET GO!"

@tkwillrise9805 - 22.12.2024 19:14

I never get why its the same melody as ,,Heil Kaiser dir"

@Paulakat517 - 23.12.2024 05:10

I remember when BC Ferries played God Save rhe Queen randomly on a ferry crossing as a kid in Canada and my mom started giggling and my dad started laughing. We were sitting at the front of one of the ferries between Nanimo and Vancouver. There was a giant picture of the Queen at the front of the boat. RIP to an interesting woman. ❤

@Bubblan42735 - 23.12.2024 23:57

True Englishmen, why are you slipping this between your handst too the men from Arabia, just a question?

@Bubblan42735 - 23.12.2024 23:57

It’s a big slipp up

@Bubblan42735 - 23.12.2024 23:58

Be proud of yourself and your heritage. Don’t be ashamed

@Bubblan42735 - 24.12.2024 00:02

Long live the king!🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

@Bubblan42735 - 24.12.2024 00:02

So beautiful!!

@jeanah685 - 25.12.2024 22:14

I watched her entire funeral and cried several times, even though my family hasn't been English in a couple or more centuries. There will never be another like her. May God rest her soul.

@krunoslavjares2432 - 27.12.2024 18:49

Britain, Britain I dont see eny minority in this footage👍

@longislandlawyer1905 - 27.12.2024 21:41

Bye! 😂

@Minushype - 02.01.2025 15:25

All who are Christians, she was the queen. Humans don't live just physically but spiritually.

@QnBrunhildis - 03.01.2025 21:15

I just cannot see or respect Charles as King and I detest the fact that Camilla is Queen. I'm American. Why should I give a rats ass about it, but I do for some damn reason. Charles being allowed to marry her and still be King is just wrong. Elizabeth was Queen because her Uncle had to give up the throne for the very same reason. To me it's shameful. It should have gone straight to William and Kate. Just this American's point of view.

@IronFoot-n1q - 14.01.2025 23:16

I love what Britain has been, but not what she has become.

@vickimckeown3086 - 15.01.2025 03:28

My grandmother was born in 1900, died in 1996 and lived through the reigns of 6 monarchs. Victoria, Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII, George VI and Elizabeth.

@Hashbrownsandsausages - 18.01.2025 01:53

Last time this will be heard for a long long time...

@alexanderperry1844 - 18.01.2025 16:11

The audience behaved impeccably that night. I hope they treasure that evening.

@michaelattia9834 - 20.01.2025 20:17

May her memory be eternal.

@CrystalMarie-h2l - 22.01.2025 21:56

Thats absolutely beautiful. Seeing how much everyone cared. ❤❤❤❤❤

@JeniCalab - 25.01.2025 00:21

rein over us.... never happened in America and never will

@bigtymetimmyjim7607 - 25.01.2025 20:20

Beautiful! 🇬🇧

@dharamveersingh8629 - 04.02.2025 15:29

Request to bring back Dharamveer Singh Parihar Pariharandera, Pariharandera, Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh India 212664 and Rajni Devi Madaiya Sikarwar Bah near Agra Uttar Pradesh India 283104 to New Delhi India on emergency basis along with two - two bag to carry clothes and luggage as well on 4th February 2025 by coordinating with Chief Minister of Delhi India, Kate Middleton or Catherine Princess of Wales UK and President of UK

Team Benny Stefan,

Good evening to all(as per IST time zone).

Theme: to get justice as soon as soon as possible. I am not against anyone except wrong

I am sharing with you below mentioned required details to get me justice as soon as possible by sending CIA & NIA within 24 hours at any cost without any delay.

Respected Sir, Pariharandera, Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh 212664 has more criminal, rapist, murderer but Kalyanpur police station, Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh 212664 is like their in laws house. there is no law & order. Law & order has been finished completely. 80 % Pariharandera men and women are deeply involved in heniest crime as murder, rape & gangrape but bahubali BJP MLA are saving with the help of Pankaj joshi, pankaj singh MLA s/o Rajnath Singh Defence minister of India, Amarjeet Singh jansevak bjp and his relative Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Rajsthan BJP, Nitin Gadkari, Anurag Thakur Himachal Prashad BJP, Rajendra Patel BJP, Karan Patel BJP, Raja bhaiya kunda, rakesh sachan, Bachcha Singh samajwadi party, Achal Singh Samajwadi party leader Chakki village, Malwan, Satish Mahana BJP, yogi Adityanath Chief minister of uttar Pradesh, Jitendra Singh Gautam Dudhikagar, Jitendra Singh Gautam Mauhar, Devendra Singh Gautam Mauhar, Ram Babu Yadav Nurupr Fatehpur, Prem lata yadav, Surendra Singh Kachhwah S/O Lt. Mr. Bhagwant Singh Kachhwah, Pawan Singh Parihar S/O Ram baran Singh Parihar, Vikas Singh Parihar S/O Santosh Singh Parihar, Surendra Singh Gautam Mauhar, Varun Singh Parihar Don, Gajendra Singh Parihar, Lal Bahadur Singh Parihar, Yogendra Singh Parihar, reshu singh chauhan, alka singh Parihar wife of Lal Bahadur Singh Parihar( he and his whole family have done pre-planned murder of his 55 years old murder in 2002), Rinku Singh Parihar S/O putttan singh Parihar, Manju Singh Parihar, Anil Singh Parihar, Ghanshyam Singh Parihar S/O Ram het singh Parihar, Shyam Sundar Singh Parihar. All needs to be hanged within 24 hours at any cost without any delay.

I need here forces to kill them as soon as possible by Indian army within 24 hours if you want to save me and clear my dues as possible by coordinating with Mr. Bill gates Sir, Joe biden Sir, Kamla harris ma'am as well as CIA and ICJ of Washington DC, USA.

I am not feeling safe because my documents are burnt by all of these people which are mentioned above it starts from Neha Singh Gautam Dudhikagar D/O Jitendra Singh Gautam Dudhikagar, Gajendra Singh Parihar, Arun kumar or Surendra Singh Kachhwah, Prem lata yadav and Nikki Dhirendra Singh Gautam Dudhikagar brother of Neha Singh Gautam Dudhikagar. India has become Talibaan now under the leadership of Mr. Modi & yogi Aditya nath administration. There is no law & order and judiciary. no action has been taken yet if there were in usa, they would have been killed by USA army and USA local police by presenting them in the court.

India is the 92nd place on the list of world hunger list. India is on 146th place in the world ranking list and USA is at 9th place in the world ranking list. you can see how Indians are destroying USA and Indian culture, law & order, judiciary, freedom, privacy, fundamental rights.

I need help from CIA, USA government, USA government including veto countries against corruption under the leadership of Mr. Modi. I don't have a single rupee in my account. my salary, official offer letter from Government of India, salary, perks, benefits and 6% incetive on extraordinary work as an IAS officer or as Cabinet Secretary of India(2014- 2023) which becomes 12,000 crore INR.
12 billions dollar from United States of America government before end of Aug 2023 at any cost without any delay otherwise I won't be able to survive here in India.

Prime Minister of India should available emergency medical services at Dharamveer Singh Parihar's permanent address by coming to his home directly to address his issues. Dharamveer Singh Parihar wife Rajni Devi should be kept safe in judicial custody all the time in jail to protect completely. her phone should be in the monitoring of Supreme court of India CJI 24×7.

India will not be remain a country if these actions are not been taken as soon as possible as Mr. Barak Obama Sir has done on Osma bin Laden and on Saddam Hussein terrorist.
Dharamveer Singh Parihar has been fighting with internal terrorism of his villagers, relative and their links of ministers of BJP since 2002 but Mr. Modi administration and yogi Aditya nath administration are busy in spreading terrorism with above links which I have shared above.

My policy is of: Honesty is the best policy, my policy is of truth king Harishchandra and Taramati, Lord Ram and Sita foot prints.

BJP, Modi, Yogi Adityanath or Ajay singh bisht, RSS, Bajrang dal ideology and VHP they are anti hindu, Anti - gora or anti hindu or anti american, anti - humanity, anti - Kshatriya or Rajput, pro- Muslim community. this ideology has followed Bollywood and pon stars of USA policy which has completely finished indian culture of Lord Ram and Sita foot prints, King Harishchandra and Swami Vivekanand. nowdays yogi's are satta bhoog. Crime and corruption are on the top.
Note 2: these above mentioned names were involved with Bollywood terrorist Salman Khan, Shahrukh Khan, saif ali khan, Sara Ali khan, Javed Akhtar, Farhan Akhtar, Imtiyaz Ali Director of movies who have ruined Hinduism and American Christianity. They want to see India as a Ismalic state of Syria and Iraq therefore above mentioned names are following dawood ibrahim dubai and above mentioned names. it is a cancer for India and USA. Mr. Trump had said that India is a true friend of United States of America at white house during his tenure 2017- 2022( 5 years). M.S Ivanka Trump is following Mr. Trump and she will become one of the best presidential candidate in upcoming election of United States of America. she will strengthen our partnership and she will be keep continuing the both countries economic, cultural, defence, air fare, national security exchange of strategies and help to each others.

Dharamveer Singh Parihar(Dharamveer as per passport)
Pariharandera, Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh, India 212664
UPSC CSE with AIR 1: 2014 unofficially
UPSC CSE with AIR 1: 2015 unofficially
UPSC CSE with AIR 1: 2017 officially by clearing exam
UPSC CSE with AIR 1: 2021 officially through EWS quota as being a general category from poorest village on earth Pariharandera.
Roll no: 0131075
DOB: 15/06/1995
Subjects: English, Maths and GS
Father: Shiv Bahadur Singh Parihar
Mother: Pushpa Devi(Nanki Devi)
Elder sister: Lt. M.S Saroj Devi( She was murdered and harassed for dowry and burnt by keroscene oil in 2002 by her in laws whole family, Vijay Bhan Singh Parihar, Vijay Pal singh Parihar and their whole family under the leadership of Mr. Raja bhaiya kunda Samajwadi Party leader under world don of uttar Pradesh, India, Raja bhaiya has 50 plus murder case in high court but mr. Modi and Yogi Adityanath Sir administration calls him in vidhan sabha to sit beside them on chair. Mr. Modi administration and yogi Aditya nath administration are 75% corrupted and they give speech to world and especially to United States of America while their country is in danger as Pakistani or as Taliban)
Elder brother: Raju Singh Parihar(he was murdered by above name on 20th may 2020- case is pending in the court)
Elder brother: Jitendra Singh Parihar(Chintu Singh Parihar)
Elder brother: Ajay singh Parihar( Inku Singh Parihar)
Elder sister: Guddi Devi
Elder sister: Anju Devi married with a lawyer or advocate
Me: Dharamveer Singh Parihar
Father profession: Agriculture
Total land: 2 and 1/2 beegha or one acre
Total wheat crop in 6 moths: 12 and 1/2 quintal on an average approx
Cost of crop: 25,000 INR
Cost of crop sowing: 10,000 - 15,000 INR minimum
Toal expense of an year of 4 member family or 2 members family: 20,000 INR per month × 12 months or an year(2,40,000 INR)
Total saving from agriculture in 6 months: 10,000 INR while minimum 2,40,000 INR is required
Reservation on the basis of castes & religion in India: It is a cancer of India which is killing 165 crore citizens of India as Fire.
Econmy observation( 2014- 2023): econmy can be judged from poorest village on earth Pariharandera from Dharamveer Singh Parihar family
Relative( Father's sister husband); CJM (Chief Judicial Magistrate died on 14th mar 2021 at 11:30 PM IST by murder of his elder son whole family Hasnapur Saani, Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh, India Lt. Mr. Baij nath Singh Kachhwah)
Salary awaiting or pending as cabinet secretary of India: full service because I am been attempt to murder and given poision more than 2000 times since 2002 to till date by above gangs and I am sick need a small surgery.
Salary: 2,50,000× 12 months = 30 Lakh INR × 39 years(2016 - 2055 = 39 years of Service) which becomes 11 crore & 70 Lakh INR till retirement
Note: Chandrayan Mission 1 was initiated by Ex. President Honourable Lt. Mr. A.P. J Abdul kalam conducted seminar, ISRO & NASA in 2009 so Dharamveer Singh Parihar has gotten 1st rank in his school Sarvodaya Inter college gopal ganj Fatehpur U.P, India and he has gotten Rank 1, Rank 1 in Prayagraj Mandal(18 districts), Rank 2 in Uttar Pradesh therefore Dharamveer Singh Parihar was the main initiator of This Chandrayan Mission.
Dharamveer Singh Parihar was been ignored by his school faculty and above mentioned names only because of Vikas Singh Parihar S/O Santosh Singh Parihar and above mentioned names
Total Mark's: 1725/2025(85.18%)

@장순영-l8e - 08.02.2025 19:43


@PatrickOwens-f6o - 10.02.2025 00:25

Being British is like being part of a big family, nowhere in the world has the British sense of humour, culture, or of national pride! It does sound corny but it's true! Alot of subjects have suffered directly because of the evil of drug abuse directly or indirectly!Parliament has not done it's job correctly other nations in the world are openly allowed to have what is described as a dictator, well WWE have the answer, we have a monarch! Raised to lead his people and be benevolent! Not everything I believe is right! I am not as well educated as our monarch! But something happened at some point before my birth in 1982! A poison was unleashed on our land confusion was caused divisions widened and exploited by the bad! Hopefully this is being delt with greed seems to be the root of it ! Housing associations renting out property built for the people by the state and by the people, people openly and without shame dealing highly addictive destructive and also totally illegal drugs! Britain had been corrupted, just as America,Russia and every other nation had! Hopefully in our green and pleasant land the evils that have existed will be destroyed with new laws and legislation and people will be aware of how to keep themselves and their families! Safe then we can have friends and our sense of community and patrotism can be reborn!❤

@gillesguillaumin6603 - 10.02.2025 21:23

Tout simplement EUPHORIQUE. 😅

@davidebrownstl - 12.02.2025 10:33

Fun fact: The queen was backstage and said no one could sing this again, but she didn't realize she'd be dead a month later!

@jeanmornard8929 - 12.02.2025 19:20

Vive l’Angleterre !👍👍👍

@Mancunianblue - 18.02.2025 03:23

One false mare.

@xenophon3270 - 23.02.2025 02:40

Warum sollte Gott die Queen schützen, wo sie doch eine Vertreterin des kollektiven Antichristen darstellte.

@RobertStewart-i3m - 25.02.2025 05:54

I'm an American and knowing this is the last time sung fills me with a great sadness. Yet I'm given hope knowing She defended the faith and has Her reward. God- Save The Queen

@RickPeake01 - 25.02.2025 14:38

Ma'am. We serve you still. 🎉. May you rest in peace.

@blaiserochat890 - 01.03.2025 21:36

Nous sommes des Êtres Hautement Évolués sur le Plan Spirituel et Nous soutenons Israël

@GJPMeyer - 02.03.2025 01:00

Beautiful and moving Anthem.

@ANS84240 - 03.03.2025 20:18

Toujours émue d'entendre cet hymne 😢😢

@WandaDe-z1x - 05.03.2025 13:11

May our Hevanly vader bless all and also princess Anne and the rest of the whole family ❤❤❤❤

@mikeradley2676 - 05.03.2025 19:54


@AllenJones-w3p - 07.03.2025 05:09

This majestic rendition of the Soviet nation anthem made me weep.

@aiddaassirians - 08.03.2025 09:35

The firsth time I saw Queen Elizabet the second was when she and Prince Philip came for a state visit to my country. My grand father took me to the street where royal carriage was passing, The Queen and The Shah of Iran in one, and Prince Philip with The emppress Farah. I was five years old, my sister was just born, with no name...upon arriving home grand father told my parents , this girl must be named Elizabeth. So she is Elizabeth.

@mattiatrentini6470 - 10.03.2025 14:35

Here in 2025, and still, her absence weighs heavy upon my heart

@RogerCharlesRound - 10.03.2025 16:21

How many times I as a member of the Royal British Legion have heard this piece I ha e ordered it pkayed over my coffin when I am dead! This lady plays it beautifully

@redbigapplefloppa302 - 11.03.2025 12:21

One of my favorite hymne melodies

@erlik6300 - 11.03.2025 16:51

Heil dir im Sige.......!

@deanpetereast8782 - 12.03.2025 02:28

I Miss The Queen Very Very Much She Was Very Good at Her Job Always Remember The Queen
