Look me up from the Fleet I can’t seem to meet up and introduce myself to your team it’s like I get a off balance message, in any case great job stay safe
Nicholas Bartell
I’m in Pensacola right now, where are they training?
ОтветитьThat last delta pitchout to landing was EPIC.
ОтветитьIt appears they flew 3x today, today being the 29th
ОтветитьGreat video, thanks. I love the right PUB. They come in right in front of you to land, AWESOME!!!
ОтветитьNice job Mike - thanks!
Especially liked the contrast with The Blues and the sky starting at 25.58.
Mike, question for you. I started watching your videos in Boss Bernachi's first season with the team. I seem to remember the pilot who flew the #2 jet would often wave as he went by on final. I think you even posted a picture of him doing that on one of your videos. Do you happen to remember his name? I'm just curious.
ОтветитьAlot better with the diamond roll today. team is coming together pretty good. parley the Blue and Gold!
ОтветитьWow Boss brought it in low 😄
ОтветитьAwesomeness Mike! Now that's an epic landing by BOSS! Diamond 360 and Diamond roll coming together and looking good. Cool to see the air off the wingtips as they land, and that final Delta PUB was great with the contrasts of dark and light coming head-on.. Thank you Mike.
ОтветитьThank you, Mike, for the great videos!
ОтветитьMy salute to the maintenance crews who keep the aircraft in peak condition
ОтветитьAnother awesome video! Thank you Mike
ОтветитьThanks Mike.
ОтветитьHey Mike, do you think the pilots watch your videos?
ОтветитьOther than an over field practice this is the perfect observer day. Takeoff and landing overhead is as good as it gets. Stay warm Mike. They are definitely getting the flights in.
ОтветитьWhat a landing by boss lol
ОтветитьAs always, Thank you Mike, your just the best!
ОтветитьBoss almost landing in the dirt.
Ответитьafter watching all these video, I finally understand the distance how the planes are flying in the early season versus at the end of the season.
ОтветитьThat was a sporty landing by boss. Back in the hay bales days, that would have been bananas.