Dale, dale, dale weon!!! Love it 🙌🏼
ОтветитьFirst of all congrats for the great place! I can't say how much did I love to watch this episode, I'm just a regular MTB rider, not a racer but I can't look away when I playing the video on my TV. 😁
I'd have a few questions to ask if it's fine:
- Is there a way to buy your custom outfits (bibs+jerseys) somehow?
- Is there any specific mount you use for GoPro Hero 11? The video is just really smooth and nice to watch.
- I'd like to buy merches, but I only found regular fit clothes. Are you planning to make also for slim fit models for skinny riders? :D
How long is the wait till the next one drops?! Let's goooo!! 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьReally awesome how well you both did here, that training is really paying off. Love the videos!!!!
Ответить"I futzed with the barrel adjuster and all I can seem to do is make it worse" is really relatable.
Ответитьwhat an epic video with epic views. good job guys 👏👏👏
ОтветитьMacky the ending to stay ahead was suspenseful!!! Good job keeping rubber side down.
Syd riding STRONG 💪 🎉
Thanks for doing all your videos. This is another super film to add to your collection. The xc season is just kicking off here in the UK, its been a long wet winter so most of trails and racing is a muddy affair but fun. Looking forward to the next video.
ОтветитьGood Job Guys. Double Win. 🏆
ОтветитьI haven't watched your videos for a while now and I came back for this. What a treat! One of the best videos from you guys. Thank you and good luck!
ОтветитьBoiled potatoes dipped in salt are the best aid-station fuel, and we’ll never see them at US events.
ОтветитьEven with out camera I talk to myself like Macky may not be out loud but it's how I push myself keep me head in the game
ОтветитьCongratulations to EVERYONE for outstanding rides. Syd, you are a b@d@$$! These folks do not appear to be as polite and accommodating with passing as bikers in your other races. :(
ОтветитьWhat an epic stage 1! Congratulations Syd and Macky on your 1st place finishes. This race was enthralling. Looking forward to the next episode!
ОтветитьShe's got a pretty good Spanish vocabulary
Ответитьcongratss to both of you!!
ОтветитьLoved the video! I don't understand why the race organisers labelled this as Patagonia? Pucon is the lake district... still civilised and warm
ОтветитьCongratulations to all of you! Everyone was pushing hard and ended up with great results in each class. Syd was really pushing, you could hear the breathing and guess the heart rate was up there for a while. Way to push through it.
ОтветитьSeriously Syd looked fantastic in this stage!
ОтветитьCould tell those guys did not like being passed by a girl.
ОтветитьBravo all!!
ОтветитьLike and subscribed.
ОтветитьWhat an adventure! Great job!
ОтветитьClimbing machine without dropper post can mean only 1 thing ... slow on the downhill! :D
ОтветитьSo cool to see all your training paying off so far this year!🔥❤️
Ответитьfork slow..due to cold.. "i wont get as much pop on decompression" i dont understand? 😁
ОтветитьReally fun to watch. I was counting all the times I would have crashed. 32. Before I stopped counting.
ОтветитьWow. That was amazing. Thanks for sharing this with us. Good job.
ОтветитьWhen passing racers in Chile you are supposed to say, "A la tuya." Just kidding, don't say that. LOL
ОтветитьSuch great story telling, fantastic video quality, what an adventure! I was PUMPED when you two crossed the line. So proud! And Lo is super relateable and fun. Looking forward to more of her antics.
ОтветитьGodd first day!
Well Done !!!
You guys are awesome. Syd going over every log even with no speed. Impressive!
ОтветитьOff to an excellent start!!
ОтветитьWatched this and day 2 so far. Macky, I like the self encouragement. I need to try that more often. Syd, enjoyed watching you catch and pass the men, how you handle the technical sections and don't stop for anything. Both, enjoyed watching the lines you select with no time to decide. Technical sections were really interesting on this trail.
ОтветитьYou can find Zipploc bags in any big store in Chile.
Ответитьget'em Syd... i mean, they should know to move and let you pass on the DH. so frustrating to watch
ОтветитьThanks! Easily worth $25. Completely nuts. It's like Single Track Six Leveled up and then got translated into Spanish.
ОтветитьWhat brand glasses is Lo wearing near the end of the video?
ОтветитьI’ve watched your other “fix it” channel. I’ve recently found you here. It’s awesome to see these race videos.
ОтветитьLo is a firecracker !! 😁
ОтветитьThat was fun to watch!
ОтветитьI have subscribed
ОтветитьWhat a cool adventure!
Ответитьawesome race , great video , congratulations !!!
ОтветитьDid you bring tire liners? I found transporting them inside the tires while in the bike bag was an absolute pain.
ОтветитьWatching this a year on. Great results! Impressed by both of your tech skills. I wonder what the BMI of rider no 5 is? I got down to 19 recently and it does help me on the climbs. Not that I have a chance against you lot ha. Great to share the experience with another biking couple.
ОтветитьI so appreciate that your politeness and respect on the trail translates to Spanish. You two rock. And Syd, your technical and descending skills have improved so much over the last few years. Inspired by your shreddiness! Macky, continues to be amazing.
ОтветитьI didn’t know you spoke Spanish. Sounds great. Good job. Looks like a fun race.