Unleashed: Stig Abell challenges Boris Johnson's version of history

Unleashed: Stig Abell challenges Boris Johnson's version of history

Times Radio

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@randomdaveUK - 15.10.2024 11:24

On the polls point, they've been saying people would vote to remain since September 2016, not just recently.

But we never had a second straight vote, so it's been twisted one way or the next over the years to ignore the new popular position and deny the brexit betrayal. People knew they were lied to in 2016, before it came into being...

They rejected the tories in 2017, 60% of the electorate rejected the tories in 2019. Leave parties lost in the EU elections and most recently the tories have been wiped out at this year's election.

Also on the vaccine, within a couple of months the EU had outdone the UK on the number of vaccines administered, so Johnson is being very selective with his stats

@specialized500 - 15.10.2024 13:09

Lying about the Eu funding again.

@brianjupp1748 - 15.10.2024 19:13

An evil liar, just all about himself and f*** the trolls he used the ordinary people with brexit to become PM. if he is the best of Eton it needs to be closed down because it produces traitors who do Putin's bidding

@tonyord1067 - 15.10.2024 19:26


@futures2247 - 15.10.2024 22:31

the vaccines are anything but safe or effective and ever more harms is emerging from the suppression and censorship.

@flipurlid8029 - 16.10.2024 00:18

Johnson - trying to write his own history- TR why are you letting him talk over you- get a proper interviewer, this guy is corrupt and only wants to line his own pocket- he sold this country down the sewage ridden river

@hiwattman - 16.10.2024 00:52

He lies as easily as the rest of us breathe. Why did the UK get taken in by this charlatan.

@DavidSmith-lu7xv - 16.10.2024 05:14

Miss seeing Stig on Terrestrial TV and in the Sunday Times we don't have enough well read commentators

@jon780249 - 16.10.2024 12:25

He’s almost as incoherent as Trump.

@jon780249 - 16.10.2024 12:29

Johnson was always an opportunistic buffoon and a nasty piece of work beneath the veneer of silly humour. Now he is just a tedious pub bore.

@williamdfr1715 - 16.10.2024 12:56

He wouldn't take a suit ... ok, Boris make a list of the things you did get for free

@theworldaccordingto4555 - 16.10.2024 14:46


@JD-vq7nu - 16.10.2024 16:55

What's the name of his book? I don't think it was mentioned. Notice how he is not pulled up on the issue of donations

@alphabetaxenonzzzcat - 16.10.2024 17:12

Whilst I think Brexit was the right thing to do, I do accept that Johnson didn't really want it and only used to gain premiership. What he did with lockdowns and Vs was utterly evil, and I hope one day he faces criminal charges over it.

@EnglishroG - 16.10.2024 17:19

To think this charlatan was once Prime Minister!

@Crystaldisplays - 16.10.2024 17:35

He just cannot stop lying! It literally is a compulsion. 🙈

@RobertHeywood-i4k - 16.10.2024 17:43

Boris rewriting history this buddy of interviewer letting him getting away with it when will sumone hold him to the truth

@t.dmytryshyn2615 - 16.10.2024 17:52

You can object all you want Boris, but the truth is you are a pathological liar.

@ProfessorChomsky - 16.10.2024 18:39

A grotesque, repulsive, vile and appalling individual.

@ProfessorChomsky - 16.10.2024 18:59

A Grade A fraud.

@mickmccourt145 - 16.10.2024 20:36

I actually went in to a bookshop today to buy the book. I asked the assistant what section it was in; she said, "well, 3 actually...fantasy, true crime and fiction".

@amazinghangover4233 - 16.10.2024 20:49

Mentally, he has neve got beyond the 5th form has he?

@eddyk2016 - 16.10.2024 22:04

The only reason why he’s doing any interviews, is to plug his book

He wouldn’t go near anyone unless there’s something in it for him.
He’s only doing it because he has to, with his publishers or rake in the coin

@UniversalAwareness101 - 17.10.2024 01:04

Why the f*** are you inviting any hosts when you become so defensive? Take A different approach dudeYour anger is glaring. Chill, dude. Be more professional. "Your regime?" you tell Johnson, your choice if words says it all. Perhaps you need to look for a different job if you can't handle this professionally. 😮

@jonathanpercevalmaxwell8651 - 17.10.2024 12:36

Why do we listent to this idiot anymore... He is a liar, proven beyond dispute, a charlatan, and frankly a disgrace and total waste of pubclic money, as we continue to give him 100K per annum. He is an utter fraud, and an utter clown...

@RichardWilliams-j9u - 17.10.2024 15:42

BIG. Liar. Liar. Horrible Person Liar 🤡

@williamirwinhunt229 - 17.10.2024 16:26

Liar, Liar - Pants on fire !! Proof that he should never be allowed anywhere near power again. !!
It's just desperate ....

@davidbeckett1565 - 17.10.2024 20:13

A verbal avalanche of falsehoods and alternative histories from a mendacious charlatan. This is a perfect example of why Boris Johnson was singularly unfit for high office and should never be taken seriously

@bradcobb3418 - 17.10.2024 22:37

biggest idiot and liar ever.

@PatrickWhelan-sp1th - 18.10.2024 00:52

This freaks Trump sized ego will not serve him at all he can even be considered worse than Truss she was dumb but didnt resort to his dishonesty

@WhizzRichardThompson - 18.10.2024 11:29

Johnson actively supports Trump. That one thing alone makes him unfit to any position of power.

@WhizzRichardThompson - 18.10.2024 11:33

Never forget putin wanted the UK to leave the EU to weaken European institutions, sow division and weaken the UK. Well done Johnson for assisting Putins desires.

@MIke-m1c8k - 18.10.2024 18:01

All the fancy, elaborate, dandy and effete language he uses. This is all a diversion to keep everything focused on himself and off the subject. There has never been a more self obsessed narcissist in the world. He continues to lie over and over and over again. Repeating the same disproven lies with complete contempt for any listeners. This is what the Conservative party considers a great leader. This is what you get for voting conservative. The conservatives and the Tory press are a threat to democracy in this country. He is still the eleven year old school boy who thinks he can lie his way out of anything. Repulsive.

@KirstyRose-w3f - 18.10.2024 23:24

Watched 30 seconds and realised it was just going to be the usual drivel and turned it off!

@Vince-l4k - 19.10.2024 06:32

His mouth moves, it's lies

@robingraham9395 - 19.10.2024 12:34

Sorry Boris but no matter how much you wave your book around I still would rather stick pins in my eyes than give you the money for it or even read it for free.

@MarkDaviesThailand - 19.10.2024 15:14

He reminds me of something I scraped from my shoe!

@rielsibley693 - 21.10.2024 10:37

Guy is truly disgusting and has embarrassed the UK so badly

@ClannCholmain - 21.10.2024 12:59

Lying Johnson.

@robnicable - 21.10.2024 13:05

Why doesn't he go to his homeland to live. He would be welcomed by Trump and the MAGA lot.

@RobertGibson-d4w - 21.10.2024 19:49

"Intellectual honesty". Good grief.
"Sole probity'". Blimey.

@jeeweewee - 21.10.2024 20:49

Is Boris trying to be thick on purpose? It's like uncanny valley watching someone who is genuinely thick but is so much of a narcissist that he thinks he is actually hyper intelligent trying to act thick?! It's hilarious to watch and listen to. It's like watching a child try to lie and gaslight you into believing that they didn't eat all of your chocolate while having chocolate smudged around their mouths.

@harshbutfair8993 - 22.10.2024 07:03

I'm 5 minutes in to the interview, and not sure if I am going to watch the whole thing. I don't see it mentioned in the comments, but was it discussed his plans to invade the Netherlands, that's next level bonkers stuff, that I haven't heard talked about enough.

@Tableturn - 22.10.2024 17:06

Strange how a proven liar tries to rewrite history and attempts to absolve himself of his national-level incompetence and mistakes.

@petergrundy6234 - 23.10.2024 13:34

People like you Johnson belohnt in Prison !!!!!!

@petergrundy6234 - 23.10.2024 13:35

Liar Liar Liar

@petergrundy6234 - 23.10.2024 13:36


@Allbar1888 - 25.10.2024 02:03

A classic case for aficionados in syphilitic study..

@Claymore5 - 25.10.2024 10:09

I felt sorry for Stig having to be in the same room as this toad of a man. I have been equally as unfortunate and all he wants is to be the centre of attention and have an audience. He doesn't want to hear your point of view and believe me he won't. Actually, toad isn't a bad description - if he was a fictional character he would be Toad of Toad Hall.
