Summer Glam with a Pop of Color ||  JES_SPRINKLES

Summer Glam with a Pop of Color || JES_SPRINKLES


55 лет назад

30 Просмотров

Summer Glam with a POP of color!

Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been MIA. I got super discouraged when Youtube made so many changes for smaller accounts. I quit uploading my content here... if you like my channel, please follow my other social media’s.

IG & Twitter: jes_sprinkles

If you haven’t already, please subscribe & “LIKE” this video! Sending loveeee!



Too Faced Hangover Primer
L’Oréal True Match Lumi Foundation, shade n1-2 neutral
Too Faced Milk Choc Soleil bronzer
Maybelline Shine free loose powder / Shade Light
RCMA No Color powder don
Milani Baked blush/ shade Luminoso
Anastasia Beverly Hills Light/Med powder contour kit + Amrezy highlighter
Pur Cosmetics Miracle Mist Hydrating Spray

Maybelline Age Rewind Eraser concealer/ shade Ivory &
Tarte Cosmetics Fair Shape Tape / Tartette In Bloom palette
ABH single shadow/ Aqua
Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara
Layered Cosmetics Queen A lashes

ABH Auburn Dip Brow + Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow/ shade 3 + ABH clear Brow Gel

Dose of Colors Knock on Wood liquid lipstick

Camera: Canon T6i
iMovie to edit

This video is NOT sponsored.


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