Eita  Momo  Yamada -kun To Lv999 No Koi Wo Suru

Eita Momo Yamada -kun To Lv999 No Koi Wo Suru

peee die die

1 год назад

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@rudolfren4901 - 17.06.2023 23:12

Eita is such a goood guy. It would be interesting to see the two of them together! <3

@ayanokoji888 - 18.06.2023 22:35

Momo is the hero! 😂

@pikppa - 22.06.2023 10:06

I hope they actually get together!

@hmmdoh7835 - 23.06.2023 10:03

Sad for Momo I don’t think they go out after this 😂n
Next arc in manga about Akane learn meeting random in online game and trying to be close n meeting in real life is dangerous

@marykrisselorio6748 - 01.07.2023 04:31

eita didn't end up with anyone cause his worried that his little sister (runa) might get jealous.
