Ali Wong Shares Mom's Brutally Honest Divorce Reaction

Ali Wong Shares Mom's Brutally Honest Divorce Reaction

The Kelly Clarkson Show

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@lucreziaborgia406 - 20.11.2024 05:56

Kelly and her look so good

@TheAirlock - 20.11.2024 06:06

Encouraging women all over America to get a divorce and break up families.

@fallen546 - 20.11.2024 21:17

Children of divorce statistically do a lot worse in life than children from 2 parent households. Though it's hard to know if that's because of the divorce, or because there's some overlap between those who divorce and those that are shitty parents.

@vikingsoftpaw - 21.11.2024 07:05

Marriage is a lot of work. That said, too many women show up unhappy, expecting to find a man to supply them happiness. This lights the fuse to blow up a relationship. 80% of women file for divorce and are rewarded with cash and prizes. That's an awful lot of unhappiness.

@dirkhartog7438 - 22.11.2024 14:27

Not many comedians can hold my attention and be amusing for a whole special but I was surprised I enjoyed Ali Wong's special from beginning to end. One of the best in the last few years. I'm a Chappelle fan but this was equally as good as his last few and even more outrageous in places without going too far.

@texavery8492 - 23.11.2024 03:09

Who would have thought she would be repulsed by the guy in the FRIEND ZONE!

@0num4 - 23.11.2024 11:51

On one hand, the "stick around for the kids" mentality is finally waning. On the other hand, couples don't acknowledge the amount of work required nor do they take responsibility for their part in maintaining a healthy relationship. Divorce rates are *insane*.

I'm not talking about abuse, etc. Just your everyday married couples not doing enough, early enough, to keep a marriage in a well-functioning state. It isn't easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is.

@fasdfasdf1783 - 24.11.2024 00:07

All non Asians laughed. I am an Asian and I didn’t laugh When she said what her mom said

@dancelep - 24.11.2024 00:26

So many m3n make up a big story in their head about a relationship they IMAGINE, and then they dive right in like it's already happened in real life. They don't want to take the STEPS and do the interpersonal WORK and put in the TIME to reach the "I'm going to send you this video song and you're going to love it" stage. They just want ONE BIG GESTURE, feel heroic about it, and not the day-to-day. YIKES.

@Matt-uy8tw - 24.11.2024 01:51

A good lesson for men to never get married in the first place

@farahng2867 - 24.11.2024 17:33

My aunt legit waited until my grandma died to get divorced😢

@MannysTechWorld - 25.11.2024 10:55

So you stand in a church and say till death do us part then leave when you are unhappy 😂😂😂.

@bossofniki4373 - 26.11.2024 02:38

Take home message. Do NOT marry these kinds if women. I almost did. Thank god I didn’t.

@almavallejocasarin693 - 26.11.2024 05:29


@Mike-In-O-Town - 26.11.2024 22:46

"Lets do another short break". Nah why not go ahead and just cancel the show and take a very loooooooooooooong break for all of us.

@sarahkim6670 - 27.11.2024 20:16

She’s 42?! She looks AMAZING

@LanceHall-m3n - 28.11.2024 21:09

My new response to people….WOW 😂

@Prxyshj - 28.11.2024 22:57

She was openly talking about cheating and insulting her husband in shows. It was all not only completely trashy but also cringe. She’s for the streets.

@stephenlamprou982 - 29.11.2024 00:08

It is one of the more embarrassing things in the world. You break an oath. Your word no longer has power

@우사민-r3c - 29.11.2024 01:06

Ali and Bill Hader have been a couole for a while now (both divorced with kids) and it seems to be going well.

@darkcurlz - 03.12.2024 16:46

Poor guy!

@James-hs3tu - 07.12.2024 18:50


Now that she's super Rich 💲💲💲💲


And the husband has some money

They should pay back for the WEDDING

@myvoice2223 - 08.12.2024 05:03

Nothing to celebrate about divorce

@southamcaballero - 08.12.2024 16:40

I think Ali's mom is an evil comedy genius, and Ali doesn't know it 😂

@jn8922 - 09.12.2024 17:48

It's in such poor taste to talk about those incidents. I mean those people made the gesture they thought would win you over and you can say no with grace and class instead of laughing at them on TV. Unless they're some sort of creep or stalker, I don't think it's necessary to make some guy who had feelings for you feel like a fool.

@henrytuttle - 10.12.2024 10:42

I'd like to say "people shouldn't get divorced so easily" but I really should say "people shouldn't get married so easily". It's not about liking someone and then people growing apart or anything. That can happen in any relationship. It's about all the stuff that goes along with married. #1 is kids. You'll both be connected forever through your kids anyway so divorce should definitely be a deeper decision then. But even if you don't have kids? What about your family. Why should I call someone my BIL, SIL, FIL, MIL, DIL, or Son-in-law, if you won't even put some serious effort into staying together. You shouldn't get married until you are ready to accept someone as your family because you are expecting everyone else to too. And, to me, that means you shouldn't be getting divorced until you are miserable, not just "I could be happier". Cuz it's not just about you anymore.

My family still has a relationship with my first girlfriend who I had a 9 year relationship with and broke up with about 17 years ago. And I think that's fair and right. She was like part of my family for many years, and despite not having been married, she was wonderful and earned her place in my family. My ex, on the other hand, initiated divorce, tried to take me for everything I had, and my family rightfully turned away from her.

@famartin1 - 11.12.2024 02:37

She's screwed with that response, since in a previous standup special she mentioned how "Asian's don't die" 😂😂😂

@uhhmon319 - 11.12.2024 19:00

Why do people get married???

@Callie-z7c - 12.12.2024 19:40

"I wanna dance with you in the ocean..." 😂 It's great to know I'm not the only one who butchers song lyrics this badly! 😆 Even professionals do it!

For those of you who didn't recognize Kelly Clarkson's rendition of that song, that was Savage Garden's "Truly Madly Deeply". 🤭

@joeg4466 - 13.12.2024 04:31

Happy? You don't get married to be "happy". It's a partnership. Marriage guarantees you will be unhappy some of the time.

@Talex-vu4iu - 13.12.2024 22:59

Marriage is not for the husband and wife. It's for the children

@jvill4118 - 14.12.2024 00:47

That would be Savage Garden's Truly Madly Deeply.

@deannawegner4416 - 14.12.2024 19:39

That prenup ended coming in handy

@AnselSf1 - 14.12.2024 22:10

I love how they get along and how much fun they’re both having in this interview!

@raheelakhtar7 - 18.12.2024 01:19

Wasn’t one of her specials constantly shitting on her husband?

@theresamcgallicher - 01.01.2025 01:32

What IS that "I wanna dance with you in the ocean" song????

@istormbluekanya9554 - 01.01.2025 06:40

lord no! please dont ruin Truly Madly Deeply!

@vincentrivera7447 - 05.01.2025 23:39

Imagine a world where women are struggling for equal rights, but yet they get daytime talk shows where they get to talk about their divorces.
It’s shocking that men have no say in any of this venom that is being spewed onto the American public about families and marriage and raising kids it’s demonic !

@joselynchico9529 - 06.01.2025 04:22

I love my auto-tuned singer and I can't get enough of his songs❤

@HuyNguyen-kw4zc - 19.01.2025 11:49

Marriage used to last but now it doesn’t. Shows like this normalize it and you wonder why guys don’t wanna get married anymore. Live for yourself and you’ll end up by yourself.

@jyc313 - 23.01.2025 16:21

Would love to see her ex husband’s side of the story which we probably would never get. Divorce is a two way street where it’s rarely all one person’s “fault”.

@user-ek4nh8oq8f - 24.01.2025 00:47

Asians don't believe in divorce (whether you're in a happy marriage or not).

@user-ek4nh8oq8f - 24.01.2025 00:50

Who is interviewing who here?

@Cantblendthis - 24.01.2025 14:46

Different generation and different culture. My Asian parents are exactly like this, whatever happens to me, they always respond like it happened to them personally. And so to not have happen to them, they say something like what her mom said ... like whatever didn't happen during their life, didn't happen and they stay at peace :D

@Tommah1000 - 30.01.2025 04:38

My mom was just quiet…oh no, I mean the exact opposite

@unicornL - 08.02.2025 19:34

I want the auto tuned love song to be Keanu. I know it isnt....but I want it to be

@Ben-iq1pm - 09.02.2025 21:24

Ali is basically my cousin !!!

@jeffw1267 - 02.03.2025 19:37

You can justify it all you like, but a divorce is a massive failure and it's shameful. Her mother was right at the outset.
