I wish that Heartland would never end.❤❤❤😊
ОтветитьNathan is a gentleman, he took off his hat for Lyndy ❤❤❤😊
ОтветитьAnybody else pick up on the irony here? Nathan rescued Lou when she was a teen on the worst day, worst moment of Lou's life when a drunken alcoholic Tim, her dad, dumped Lou. Now in this scene, Nathan is once again rescuing Lou from her very, very bad mistake, of loosing Lindy that Amy trusted in Lou to be responsible for. And to top it off, Lou try's to blame Nathan. Amy fortunately see's right through Lou's excuses. Lou owes Nathan big time, not once but twice over close to 25 years later. Nathan is a very, very good and humble man. So far, he is Perfect to bring Love & Joy back into Amy and Lindy's life, and hope for the Bartlett Beef business.
ОтветитьNathan e um cara legal, determinado e inteligente. Merece a Amy.
ОтветитьWhen does season 18 start in USA
ОтветитьMore Lyndy and Nathan scenes please ☺️
ОтветитьThe sweetest scene. Nathan is who Lyndy and Amy needs. It’s such a beautiful dynamic. Hoping the writers go that direction. It’s a dynamic like Ty and Amy but almost better in a way. ❤
ОтветитьHe's wonderful 🤗
ОтветитьOmg where has the time gone she has gotten so big and beautiful. I am crying i can’t believe my eyes. What age are the twins now 7 or 8
Ответить❤this scene is so cute
ОтветитьAmy should concentrate on looking after her daughter than anyone else...
ОтветитьSure wish I didn’t have to subscribe to be able to watch this Wonderful show 😢
ОтветитьPlease Hearland. Do not move away from good wholesome family orientated tv. There are still 1000's of us that love family values, real lasting love, not lust or sxx, and families being good to themselves and other. Let our Heartland family stay good and don't erase the lines between the good and the bad. We have had enough of the "disfunctional" families. And yes, we dinosaurs still exist.
ОтветитьWhete and how to watch Season 18 in South Africa?
ОтветитьNO TY NO HEARTLAND AMY be a mother to your daughter and keep the legacy of your mother and TY that's the only thing that's going to save this show from going under no stupid love interest it makes AMY look too cheap and we don't want to watch another soap opera crap be yourself family with your daughter And legacy with TY and your mother you can literally save Heartland yourself by taking on that mentality...!!!!!...!!!!!!!!??
ОтветитьNot many episodes left, but fingers crossed Nathan and Amy will get back together
ОтветитьKinda over Ty love this Nathan ,thought I could never see Amy with out Ty
ОтветитьCan't wait to see Season 18 here in the States!
ОтветитьI absolutely love Nathan and Lyndy's dynamic. They are so cute ❤
ОтветитьWhere can I watch the full episode
ОтветитьWell I still haven't got to watch season 18 yet but I still don't like him !!!! And I think they should do anything or everything to get Graham wardle Ty to come back. Cause she needs her real father not some man trying too hard to be a dad to her !!! And I'm not sorry for what I'm saying cause it's the truth. She didn't even get to know her father and she needs to know him . I haven't heard anyone talk about Ty to Lindy other than Caleb . And I really don't think he should try to be a dad to her that's strange to me. And I know they can bring him back Ty cause they do it on other shows!!!! And that or those people were supposed to have passed away also .
But the way I feel is he needs to come back for his daughter and if Amy wants to be with that guy let her !!! But Lindy needs her real Daddy!!!!
I like that show 👍 heartland good mom 👍👍
ОтветитьWhen are the two new seasons coming cuz I just finished season 16
ОтветитьAwww! She gets to do with Nathan what she wasn’t able to do with her dad…swing.💕
ОтветитьLyndy is already wise beyond her years. She is such a sweet girl.
ОтветитьSorry but they are trying to put him in Ty's shoe again love Lyndy but not Nathan sorry just can't get into him.
ОтветитьPlease stop the stress between Jack and Amy. They have always been so close. I am still trying to like Nathan. I would love for Katie to move to Vancouver. Her character is boring. I miss all the fun! But I love Heartland!!
ОтветитьAmy really needs to be more of a mom to Lyndy. You hardly see Lyndy and Amy. Amy has forgotten Ty never talks to Lyndy about Ty. And Lyndy will never know her Daddy because no one will ever talk about Ty at all. This is supposed to be like real life. But here in HL it isn’t, no dinners around the table. If you look real close there are some episodes that are the same as Amy and Ty just twiked a little. I still think Nathan is dry for Amy. I only watch because I want the writers to come to their senses and listen to the fans. I feel that the show is not going the way it should.
ОтветитьSo happy Amy and Nathan are getting together ❤ I sure hope this show keeps going for years or at least til 20.👌💕🌹✨️🌠🍀🤞
ОтветитьWise words, especially from someone so young! Lyndy brings out the best in Nathan and their scenes are adorable! It's not enough to make me ship him with Amy (still Team Caleb!!) but I love that he listens to her and gets down to her level to talk. The Spencer trio (Nathan + the twins) works really well together!
ОтветитьI like Nathan alot. I think Amy deserves happiness with another man❤
ОтветитьWe definitely should take advice from Lyndy
ОтветитьAmy seems happy with Nathan. I think he is good for her and Lyndy.
ОтветитьLyndy is so wise beyond her years
ОтветитьLindy should have not taken off
ОтветитьCan’t wait to see more of them next season
ОтветитьOut of the 30 minutes of this episode, this was one of the two best scenes. The other, was when she asked for a burger from Nathan... All the other scenes of this episode were bad and are getting worse. The last good episode this season was when Nathan's dad ran his truck in to the ditch and ended with Nathan and Amy dancing. And OMG when Lou almost yells at Lyndy when she was in the way. Way to go Heartland, you are turning this family in to savages lol
ОтветитьLyndy says she didn't think anyone would notice, maybe she needs some attention
ОтветитьWant ty back Nathan got secret and being mean to Jack over Lou mistake
ОтветитьThis season they have managed to make Tim, Lou and Katie even less likeable than ever before.
ОтветитьNathan Price is definitely one of my favourite Heartland characters ever! I really liked the character right from the start, when we were just starting to get to know him in Season 17! Hope he sticks around for a long time!
ОтветитьSo sweet😇🥰
ОтветитьVery heartwarming scene between Lyndy and Nathan. Ruby and Emmy are doing a fabulous job portraying Lyndy. Loving Nathan more and more. ❤️❤️❤️Heartland!!!
ОтветитьShe’s so precious ❤
ОтветитьWhy did you lie about ty an Amy well I will not be watching Heartland anymore I just wanted them to be back together as a family ty only left the show because he was protecting them from harm to me that was a loving husband an father to protect his family I'm very disappointed in the way you said it was to go 😢
ОтветитьIf you watched the series well and observed carefully you will realize that the series repeats in 17 and 18. There is no joke that it has already come to an end. A series is not just for watching.
ОтветитьI don't even want to imagine the end of the story.
ОтветитьHere in my country it is seen more as a novel than a series, they could not straighten the course of history
ОтветитьHahaha, the hero imagined that he would find her, this is already repetition, history repeats itself, there is no joke in particular, we all know that it ends with him and without happily ever after.
ОтветитьAwe. She's so smart❤ Beautiful moment between those 2 ❤