"We are all one choice away from happiness", that's the lesson Bartosz taught us. Even though he lost both his arms in a tragic accident, he continued to pursue his dreams and became a professional sports driver.
In spite of losing something very important, he managed to make the best out of his life and having the courage, determination and power, he chose to learn how to live his new life without his arms, he chose to carry on his road to becoming a professional sports driver, to win prizes and awards and to even pursue and develop another one of his passions, which unbelievably, is painting.
What is your excuse not to pursue your passions?
Bartosz Ostalowski este singurul pilot de curse din lume care nu are brațe și conduce cu picioarele, fiind acreditat de Federația Internațională de Automobilism din lume. El participă în competiții sub aceleași reglementări precum ceilalți piloți ai Polish Drift Championships și ai ligilor europene.
Pe lângă faptul că este un sportiv extraordinar, Bartosz a început să participe la conferințe și seminarii ca speaker motivațional și a demarat propriul serial televizat, unde testează automobile exclusiviste și discută cu diverși invitați despre pasiunile lor. Mai mult, Bartosz activează ca artist, membru al VDMFK Publishing House – unde oamenii pictează cu picioarele și gura. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
#Dreams #English #Life #Limitation #Overcome #Painting #Passion #Personal_growth #TEDxTalks #[TEDxEID:48754]