Montréal: Experiencing the City  | Solo Travel Vlog

Montréal: Experiencing the City | Solo Travel Vlog

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@VD-or9nl - 29.12.2024 11:09

Québec City is by far our most European-feeling city.

@dreamcatcher75418 - 01.11.2024 22:15

Can’t wait to try Montreal food

@TagusMan - 30.10.2024 18:22

The closest to Old Europe in North America is Quebec City. Old Montreal comes close but Quebec City has more colonial architecture and even a defensive wall. Can't beat QC for European charm.

@roselynew4364 - 02.09.2024 20:59

Love Montreal

@123benny4 - 26.05.2024 02:08

I hate the erasing of the English history of Montreal and QC. We exist too.

@koenv5740 - 25.05.2024 22:05

I watched this video after the Toronto video. You may have missed Path in Toronto, the underground tunnels that connect buildings and are full of stores. It rivals Montreal's Réso but I think Path is bigger. Also, maybe you choose the wrong part to explore if you only saw bare tunnels... Still a nice video, I really like vieux Montréal.

@GoWestYoungMan - 13.05.2024 09:08

American Football isn't played in Canada. Those playing surfaces you saw were for Canadian Football. Canadian Football entered the USA in 1874 when Montreal's McGill University introduced it to Harvard University. The sport as played in the US morphed into its own distinct code but this lineage is why it looks very similar to Canadian Football.

@JTCFC1 - 01.02.2024 04:34

just discovered your channel. Ive really enjoyed your tour of the two most important historical Canadian cities, Toronto and Montreal. Thanks and I will stay tuned for what youre up to next.

@1Yh8HH - 05.07.2023 06:00

Vive le Québec!

@renemolina5159 - 02.06.2023 22:04

Excelente. Gran reportaje! Santiago y todo Chile son hermosos, de lo mejor!

@BFNLIONBUZZ - 17.05.2023 15:01

I can't believe it. This is incredible :)

@m.boivin8671 - 04.05.2023 19:27

Bel et excellent ambassadeur pour Montréal. L'Office du tourisme devrait l'engager et le rémunérer pour son bon travail.

@gregorydamienmech - 25.04.2023 10:11

The most important feature of Montreal...the strip clubs!!!

@CelticMickWalks - 18.04.2023 15:57

I see you started in old Montreal

@christofat2704 - 31.03.2023 20:10

Hockey was invaded in Montréal !

@christofat2704 - 31.03.2023 20:10

Fun fact , Quebec is responsibke almost 80 % of the world Maple syrup production

@georgiejackpot9540 - 20.02.2023 22:49

I don’t consider Canadian French as French French.

@iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643 - 10.02.2023 12:15

If you think that Montréal is European (which is not), go to Québec city!!

@PR-fk5yb - 08.02.2023 22:45

Thank you for this video. 🥰 I'm always proud of my city but prouder when described by an outsider. Le Parc du Mont-Royal (the mountain in the city) was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. The same architect who designed NY Central Park. Hence the similarities between both. 🖖

@bearmcbear6080 - 08.02.2023 20:28

Honestly, McCafe has better coffee while Tim Hortons has better food. Tim Hortons lost their old coffee supplier (the one everyone loved and held in high regards) and McDonalds Canada swooped in to get them with an exclusivity clause. So when everyone tells you that Tim Hortons coffee is superior, they're likely talking about the coffee that McCafe now has.

@onesabez - 08.02.2023 03:25

Great job. I just plan a last min trip to Montreal and I can't wait to check it out.

@RafaelCasagrandeav - 06.02.2023 17:42

I'm moving to Montreal in a few months and your video inspired me a lot. Thank you for sharing your experience!

@darthdaddy6983 - 05.02.2023 06:55

Dude you gotta come back and try the smoked meat on the poutine..
I don’t have it any other way.

@etow8034 - 05.02.2023 00:12

Although the history books will show Montreal as the second oldest city in North America after Quebec City, it is actually the oldest where Europeans landed in 1534 ...aka Nouveau France. It is the seed where all North American culture stems from and almost everything and every major business can be traced back to Montreal from beer, tobacco, sugar, pens etc...

@romanmakowensky866 - 02.02.2023 04:08

He blew it with Tim Horton’s, which may be one of the most mediocre beverages, ever made. As far as being good, try again, somewhere else

@IHATEBADMUSIC1000 - 29.01.2023 05:16

You missed the entire underground city. Square victory is the corporate southern side, it connects to the northern part under St-Catherine where all the underground malls are connected.

@mozar5175 - 23.01.2023 16:42

As a native Montrealer, what I like the most about the city are its bike trails, especially the ones on Ile Ste-Hélène, île Notre-Dame and the trail going from Old Montreal all the way to Lake St-Louis, in the West Island. I can show you around next time you visit the city. Very good video.

@goodsummitguy - 22.01.2023 20:59

I noticed that you never smile much. are you depressed?

@emiriebois2428 - 19.01.2023 05:41

Québec city is even more european.

@djyanno - 18.01.2023 01:02

I love your videos. If I may, I'd like to make a few suggestions for your next trip to Montreal. You should try the poutine, steamed hot dogs and spruce beer at Paul Patates. Decarie hot dogs also has good hot dogs. Then another institution is Orange Julep where again you can find some nice hot dogs. For smoked meat, i think Schwartz is one of the worst in MOntreal even though it's the most well know. Next time, for smoked meat, try Deli Snowdon, Lester's or Main (right in front of Schwartz). Ma'aam Bolduc has an excellent poutine. Joe Beef and Au Pied de Cochon can satisfy the most decadent appetites. Park, Jun I and Aka-Fuji for the sushi. You should also try some Montreal Portugese food such as Ma Poule Mouillee. Those a just a few of my favorite places. Notice I did not mention La Banquise unlike many MOntrealers would, I think their poutine is sooooo overrated.

@timward3116 - 25.12.2022 01:14

I am amazed by the video's poetic descriptions of a masterpiece of a city. The wording really rose to, and highlighted, what was being shown on the screen. The narrative in this video is the best I've heard on any travel video. So nice to see (and hear) that the art of written/verbal expression has not been completely lost in this era of grunting, poorly spelled texts, and banal observations.

@9grand - 22.12.2022 01:48

You deserve more viewers.

@ehjo4904 - 17.12.2022 05:32

The cathedral Marie Reine du Monde is a small replica of St Peter of Rome a statement of power by the catholic french Canadians in the middle of the financial district which was onced controlled by the Anglos!

@ehjo4904 - 17.12.2022 05:28

Many cathedrals? In a city there is normal one cathedral as it is the seat of the Bishop in the Roman Catholic world . But you are right in Montréal there is also another the cathedral , the anglican one .

@neofils - 16.12.2022 07:41

Rue St Denis is more beautiful than the plateau mont royal

@neofils - 16.12.2022 07:41

It is the Le Plateau Mont Royal not le plateau Montréal

@neofils - 16.12.2022 07:38

Québec city is more european than Montréal

@neofils - 16.12.2022 07:37

Kinshasa is a french soeaking city with more people than Montréal

@robear54 - 06.12.2022 01:41

Hé! No Mozzarella in Poutine! It is fresh cheddar curd. And it must make squouik-squouik when you bite a piece ;-) Come back in the summer, when Montréal is a music festival for 3 months ...

@alexanderscharf2806 - 04.12.2022 10:29

this is a very very good vlog! I liked the vibe and the narrative a lot. Excellent language!

@TheTroyc1982 - 30.11.2022 05:38

This video would have been much different if you have also visited Quebec city which is the most European city in North America, not Montreal. Old Quebec city is older and much bigger than old Montreal.

@TravelWithSetareh - 22.11.2022 21:25

Thanks for your beautiful video.... new subscriber from Iran👌⚘

@ChristopherFehrenbacher - 18.11.2022 05:08

Rick Steves in training? I think so! Awesome work.

@bartel-shop - 17.11.2022 20:28

✌️ᓚᘏᗢ Nice!!

@DiscoverMontréal - 17.11.2022 08:34

Amazing video! Beautifully explained and documented. So glad you enjoyed the city, you'll have to come back next summer when all the festivals are happening in the streets, the vibe is something else! Great channel, keep it up!

@ExploratoryGlory - 17.11.2022 05:55

What a beautiful City to see and explore, thanks for sharing 🙂watching from Mexico!
