We are frequently asked "How often should I rebuild or redo my website?"
There is not a straight forward answer and there are many unique situations. We have simplified this question into two types of scenarios.
1. Websites that are dormant or haven't been maintained or regularly updated.
2. Websites that are current and maintained.
Websites in category 1 are typically completely rebuilt every 2-3 years. Web design trends have changed and most of the content is likely to be outdated or the wrong messaging.
Websites in category 2 are current and typically on trend so rebuilding is not usually necessary. However, these sites should have goals and objectives that need to be re-evaluated on a quarterly basis. Some of these goals might be based on a SEO stategy, visitor tracking, conversions, or any number of metrics.
In our next video we will explore how you can evaluate the goals and objectives for your website.
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