Imagine your own mother threatening you with death if you leave Islam. And people actually think Israel is at fault? Islam would rather kill its own then allow them to leave Islam. Same with war. They would rather have their people die in order to blame Israel than save their own by building bomb shelters.
It’s a religion of war not peace.
Every time we hear from an ex Muslim it comes with a warning. Who best to warn us but someone that knows Islam and it’s dangers?
It took a lot of courage for this lady to escape Islam. She was even threatened with death by her own mother! Such is the brainwashing of Islam that your own family will kill you. That this third world mentality is allowed to thrive and grow in the west is the more incredible part.
We have invited in the Trojan horse.
Islam has no place in the West
ОтветитьAs a woman and mother of a girl, this is terrifying. I immigrated to Canada to be part of a society that fights for equal rights for women. This is very disturbing.
Ответитьthe video relies on generalizations about Muslims and Islam, oversimplifies complex issues, and uses inflammatory language. it is crucial to distinguish between specific interpretations and practices within Islam and the religion itself, and to avoid broad generalizations that can perpetuate stereotypes and misunderstandings.
ОтветитьYou think we have tariff issues now? The Republican party will control the three branches of government for the next decade..We need to clean up universities like MUN university and professor's like Alec Brooks and the anti Canadian Marxist Leninists Party. The NDP is controlled by Anti Canadian public service unions leaders. Defund Universities and the CBC.
ОтветитьCanadian government’s Should not allow any Muslim immigrants from any country
ОтветитьHe even said that you can have sex with even younger girls " if they can take the penetration".... islam is the anti christ or Religion of evil. They are of rape torture killing
ОтветитьWhere are the feminists in Canada now. Time to deport Islamists
ОтветитьRoll the carpet back up Canada, Islam has no place in Canada, a radical ideology that is dangerous should be thwarted wherever it slithers in.
ОтветитьBLOCK VOTING IN UK : all the Muslims of some cities have been voting by Post for one candidate, who knew about this mass vote. Once elected, they are the slaves of the Muslim Community and have to put in place Muslims in the Police, Social Services.... These Labour Mayors are fully infiltrated. The poor raped girls are not voters. No Muslim voter is fully innocent into these crimes, even by giving a vote by Post to a neighbour who will vote for a corrupted Council.
Paedophilians are hiding behind the Sharia. How comes this book is studied in UK ??? A Sharia Committee in Saoudi Arabia have amended the book as follows : Djihad is eternal, if one claims to be the Mahadi, he will be executed, as peace cannot come back. Womens have no soul, Allah created them for reproduction only. Christians cannot convert to Islam, they have to be slaves forever, as well as other non-Muslims. Killing, robbing, raping Christians is Hallal. Muslims have to be under close scrutini of their Imams, other Muslims... if this is not written by Satan ??? Saoudis have sent this "revised" Sharia to many places in the World during the 90ies. They now try to go back to the Sunna, but it is too late, the book has spread through the world and feeds paedophilians, murderers, robbers...
One obviou example of the hijab issue is in present day Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) which is different from the traditional Iran pre revolts of 1979 by Khomani’s Islamic system.
ОтветитьIt is unfortunate that despite all these knowledge about the effects of these barbaric practices, the politicians and leader do nothing to save the women in their communities.
ОтветитьThe word Islam comes from the Arabic root S-L-M and the meaning is "submission". When a Muslim lives in a country under sharia law, he is in the 'house of peace'...when he lives in a non Islamic country, he is in the 'house of war'. The caliphate purpose is to create a 'house of peace'...across the whole world!
ОтветитьAlways cowards with the some are ok BS, I just veiw them all as vile creatures.
ОтветитьRadical Islam is the poison pill China wants the west to swallow.
Canada is swallowing it.
What’s even more unbelievable than this (as if this isn’t enough) is the question; how can our politicians not know this and stop it? It’s like over 1000 years of history don’t exist, it is total madness!!!
Ответить religion and pedophilia
ОтветитьA common sense, Canada first, Conservative government cannot come soon enough.
ОтветитьDuring WW2 the german nationalsocialists cooperated with islam and imams visited Berlin regularly. Today socialist governments all over the west cater to islam. Same totalitarian ideologies.
ОтветитьThat Red carpet is the Flag to tread upon. My fkn flag is RED & WHITE not that other box of smarties. And it sure as fk isnt Blk Green or Yellow. And the obstacle they wish to topple is a living breathing one not some limp wristed legislation signed by a dictatorial traitor.
ОтветитьOnly a perverse government that hate their ppl would embrace this abhorrent cult. It makes sense when we hear and know how this government always target children and try to perverse them. P3d0s are in our government and this is such a display of the true colors. Only Jesus Christ says whoever dares to touch one of his little ones would better drown with a stone. Islam is a disgrace and if we do not protect Canada from this Cancer we will be doomed. Google Sam Shamoun to get more info about the disgrace that Islam is.
ОтветитьYou cannot speak bad about Islam because they will kill you and they are so aggressive. They are mixed with the government and Islam has horrible traditions. The crusades were necessary and muslims are extremely aggressive so the response is appropate to the sword the rose against Christians. They were doing muta with the woman in areas they "conquring" by the sword. That's the only reason they converted. Disgraceful and dirty cult.
ОтветитьCanadians are stupid. They’re too afraid to offend the devil.
ОтветитьNo. I don't want radical Islam in Canada. Only people who wish to integrate into the Canadian system.
ОтветитьThanks for standing up.
ОтветитьNo we arent ...
ОтветитьDeportation except no substitute.
ОтветитьThere is a big difference regarding “Christianity” and its reform movement which took people away from superstitions such as selling indulgences and started moving in the direction of the actual written words contained in the New Testament. In Islam there is more danger in adherence their “holy” book… although Jerusalem is not mentioned in their Quran… so I hope they come to understand one day that the farther away mosque wasn’t Jerusalem. From observation it seems Islam is the religion of rage. Rage, anger, unrestrained passions. So ugly.
Ответитьit's not "radical" Islam it is atcual Islam
ОтветитьThe government do support Nazis
Ответить9 WTF
ОтветитьThank You for this inspiring bit of news !!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!!!
ОтветитьKeep her
ОтветитьOpen yours eyes, islamic culture is at the opposite than west culture and absolutely incompatible
ОтветитьAllah's is all knowing but allowing Muhammed 54 to do boom boom with Aishah 9 year old baby girl and Muslims considered him as their role model is just insane 😂😂
ОтветитьIn Germany it is proclaimed to be inhumane and totally tabu to even see Islam with an critical eye. We embrace it with all our heart and wide open armes, protect it with all means and love it to become prominent on the streets and in politics. As we once prosecuted the Jews - now we do redemption by beeing all for Islam and Sharia. It is a little bit suicidal, but better that than critizising islamic cultur. Who would ever dare to be that far right?!
ОтветитьThis is not radical Islam but Islam in its purest form the prophet encouraged his followers to take prepubescent girls , filthy religion
ОтветитьStill more interresting the Ogliarchy or Monarchy😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьGoogle "inbreeding in Islam". Their problem is a genetic one. Their brains are broken from centuries of first cousin marriage and they have IQs that fall below the rest of humanity. Genetic defects galore. Ask any NICU.
ОтветитьNot anymore Canadians are fed up of Muslims and Indians. We have more than enough.
ОтветитьListen to Iranians & ask them what Islam can do to your country. Thanks Yasmine for your enlightening words.
ОтветитьAnother Trudeau scheme to destroy Canada.
ОтветитьIslam doesn't belong amongst Civilization?
ОтветитьWho said ,they were not stupid😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьThe leftists and moderate m*****m is why we cant talk about these issue honestly