Easy Crochet Newsboy Hat | Bag O Day Free  Crochet Tutorial #670 Subtitles Available

Easy Crochet Newsboy Hat | Bag O Day Free Crochet Tutorial #670 Subtitles Available

Bag-O-Day Crochet

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@ellaniwalker6155 - 04.01.2022 11:34

I love this! And I hope you kept it! It is so cute in you 😊I love the way did the stitch. 😇🌀🌟

@marisawhite5381 - 12.01.2022 20:36

I just found this hat and made it. It is adorbs! Back to going through your old tutorials...

@cecemartinez6866 - 14.02.2022 17:41

Love the hat and you do look good in it too. Thanx for your tutorials, great instrictor.

@pinkyamormennealy486 - 16.02.2022 15:58

looks good on you..

@marysiazaj7895 - 24.02.2022 16:01

Piękna czapeczka. Szkoda ze nie ma po polsku.

@swangirl853 - 27.02.2022 06:00

Made another new hat.. I'm on a roll...😄

@elainecaines5208 - 15.03.2022 15:18

How come you yarn over in the opposite direction?

@GulfCoastGranny - 25.03.2022 20:50

I love this hat!

@nightrangercrane4342 - 18.04.2022 19:33

I love your tutorials. I plan to make this newsboy hat. But I want to make it a little smaller. So do I just need to use a smaller crochet hook? Say an H or I hook? Or do I need to reduce number of stitches or increases also?

@richter323 - 17.06.2022 05:15

Trying this one with a purple variegated.

@mishkac927 - 26.06.2022 20:36

Crystal- I am loving your channel having recently been pointed here. With this tutorial I am wondering why you clip the yarn before starting the brim?

@angelaharris1112 - 29.06.2022 08:52

I love this. I'm gonna give it a try! ❤️

@FirstTwin1 - 29.06.2022 09:20

I was honestly just thinking of looking for a bucket hat to make when this popped up!! Great minds think alike 😉 that way of doing a half double really makes a beautiful stitch! Starting mine now, thank you so much! Much love ❤️

@gailivis5971 - 29.06.2022 11:19

@ranasen242 - 29.06.2022 11:45

Actually Crystal, I made your red one with the flower

@judylee3589 - 30.06.2022 06:57

I love this!!!

@teencykizmitt9955 - 30.06.2022 19:00

Love it. Can't wait to make for my Granddaughter 😍
Stay Safe and Be Blessed
You can pull it off you're to cute..

@bonniemcpherson8021 - 30.06.2022 23:52

Oh so cute thank you .

@yvonnepiperata5995 - 01.07.2022 04:39

I just love this hat! I made it today, your directions are perfect 🤩
Thank you for your awesome tutorials.

@heidimcmickle2836 - 23.08.2022 20:13

yes I love it

@judyball2427 - 26.08.2022 03:26

I love it!!! Crystal, you are an amazing designer of crochet patterns; what a gift!!

@nekolesingleton5601 - 23.10.2022 22:05

This pattern was so groovy to make I had to go buy the pdf! You're the bee's knees and the dolphins elbows Crystal! You rock! I hope you have a boss day!

@pmonies - 24.10.2022 05:11

Love your crochet tutorials & so many patterns to choose from. Thank you for taking the time to explain so completely.

@teddietrue398 - 23.12.2022 23:07

If I want to make your newsboy hat bigger what do you recommend that I do to go up and size

@teddietrue398 - 23.12.2022 23:09

I want to say I really love the way you teach crochet it's awesome I have never did that Stitch before and I loved it and the hat that I made turned out great but I just need to make one bigger than the one I made so if you could help me out with that I would really appreciate it

@jodie7958 - 22.01.2023 19:52

I’m just learning to crochet. There seems to be controversy whether to magic circle or not. This way that you did on this hat, should or could that be used for all magic circle projects??? Thanks. I’m loving your videos

@kimberlyk418 - 14.02.2023 23:22

Cute hat, and love the color.

@andreabennie4689 - 22.04.2023 11:30

I love this with the brim attached. But with my memory failing me, those crossy stitches, I keep forgetting them lol, I would love it if you have a hat just like this but with a 1 or 2 easier stitches for people who like 1 type of easy stitch. I hate getting this Alzheimer's, darn it. I have 3 beanies posted on your FB so far, I tonight I finished a bucket hat, and just eyeballed a little visor in the center lol, it is pretty good! You my dear are beyond fab!!! Peace to you and BOD and the kids! God Bless!

@crochetizlife - 26.04.2023 21:54

Really enjoying this type of hat! Well all of your beanies are so cute! ❤ definitely trying this after i finished the dummer top im making right now❤

@crochetizlife - 30.06.2023 14:14

I finished and can't wait to share on FB

@Mahacklin - 12.07.2023 23:14

Made this with size 4 cotton and size J hook and turned out to small for me but my 5 yr old loves it!!!! Sometimes I really hate that I crochet so tight or could be that I used the cotton….

@rubypowell7599 - 23.08.2023 07:56

Thank so so much

@talayehgmailcom - 14.09.2023 15:25

You rock Crystal, love all your work!!❤

@earlyjackson2647 - 23.09.2023 05:06

I love all of your tutorials, always!

@dianebanco9297 - 30.09.2023 05:28

Love the hat, ❤❤ if you give it away I love to have it.

@marycato1361 - 06.10.2023 17:54

The hat is so cute on you.. this pattern is for the brain seriously to learn different with that stich in learning new te techniques

@racinewithlotsoftips2518 - 04.11.2023 19:23

This is so beautiful

@RubiconRebel1804 - 06.11.2023 22:57

You look great in the Newsboy hat, Sassy pants Crochet Queen.

@terryedecelle4802 - 15.12.2023 06:25

You look good in that hat😊

@susanholton622 - 09.01.2024 09:52

So beautiful ❤️. Making it now. Thanks

@doretheawatson4323 - 14.01.2024 08:26

Hi Crystal i love the hat but what size button did you use

@saarlandengel8362 - 23.01.2024 03:45

I love this pattern! Tried it out today and immediatly started a second one!

@jeniwoodbury4504 - 19.06.2024 19:14


@snichols8563 - 24.06.2024 17:27

The cutest hat I've seen in my 76 years. Crystal, you are the be best teacher. Even the most daunting looking patterns end up easy to accomplish with the help of your videos. Thank you so much for all of your creations or new stitch patterns.

@keynankimme1985 - 04.07.2024 17:32

How do I make this hat for a bigger head?

@Lotty100 - 12.07.2024 22:34

I’ve just made this. You are one of not the best teachers of crochet. So clear and made so easy to make. I’ve loved making this. Thank you.

@mariaHernandez-wy6pl - 31.08.2024 02:57

Checking all the hats making sure I don't miss any, this one I like very much, thank you.😊

@dorisreid5965 - 06.11.2024 03:59

Absolutely love it

@eileen10121 - 19.11.2024 02:40

That was a fun project

@kimjames916 - 18.02.2025 22:25

Soooo cute! Fun to crochet! Excellent tutorial!
