World's Most Evil Killers - Season 4, Episode 3 - Christopher Hightower - Full Episode

World's Most Evil Killers - Season 4, Episode 3 - Christopher Hightower - Full Episode

FilmRise True Crime

3 года назад

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@ellapetrosova1130 - 26.03.2022 23:38

If he had a complaint against him he would be the number 1 suspect this guys thought process made no sense he’s crazy.

@marumae - 20.04.2022 17:03

He's wasn't only an evil narcissist he was also a complete moron. Did he seriously think anyone believe that Mafia story? And not even getting rid of the Lye in his car or blurting out that they hadn't been buried there?

@kristenferreira2334 - 20.04.2022 19:25

I can’t believe that poor baby was buried alive! I cannot imagine! And her Mother buried on-top of her! OMG! This poor family! I can’t imagine! Hightower is SICK in the head! The fact that Emily knew something was wrong when he picked her up-so fuckn sad! 🥺

@tarawehry7105 - 29.04.2022 07:24

There’s a special place in hell for him

@harrygiuliano1147 - 01.05.2022 20:15

This DID NOT take place in Guilford Connecticut. It was the state above connecticut in the hometown I hold close to my heart. Barrington Rhode Island. Most likely the nicest town in the state but most people still remember what happened on this evening.

@marialourdess - 03.05.2022 08:04

as a Rhode Islander I recall this story updating daily on the local news. I wasn’t much older than Emily. It left a huge impression on me, as I was so young & this being such a tragic & sad event. I’d never ever forget. This haunted me, ever since . I now live in Barrington, & not far from where the Brendel family lived. To this day, I’ve never forgotten . For me, the legacy they left, ‘whatever is done in the dark will come out in the light.’ They remind me often, to teach our children & ourselves, that our gut instinct never lies. If it feels wrong, it is wrong. Unfortunately we must be decisive with whom we allow into our lives & homes. Sweet Emily’s instinct was telling her the god honest truth. She tried, unfortunately, her father was not there to get her urgent message. Christopher’s worst nightmare came true, he was exposed for the Devil he truly is. Sadly, at the expense of 3 innocent lives. He can rot in hell. His wife did write a book, “Shattered Innocence, Shattered Dreams”. Rest in eternal peace & love, Brendel family.

@laurelgirard8475 - 07.05.2022 18:10

Many people drop loved ones from their lives, especially if they are “toxic” to them. For example; they enable them or participate in things like drugs that they gave up. It doesn’t mean they don’t have normal emotional attachments.

@corwilliams3098 - 14.05.2022 03:03

a narcissist believes his own lies, he is delusional

@malcolmmarshall5946 - 18.05.2022 13:25

Why would the Mafia let him live after they had "murdered" the family?? Lying scumbag. In Texas, he'd have gotten the death penalty.

@CherryPi314 - 11.07.2022 00:19

I’m from Rhode Island & I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this case; granted, I was 18 at the time & didn’t pay much attention to the news as a teenager

@didarden - 23.07.2022 10:34

RIP sweet Emily and parents🙏 peace to the sister speaking here

@LadyAngela678 - 09.08.2022 04:51

The mob should be offended.

@LadyAngela678 - 09.08.2022 05:12

Most church go’ers are demons. No better place for the devil to hide than a church.

@babyi2011 - 28.08.2022 07:04

I once wanted to be a detective..just out of curiosity. Never want to have that job now after listening to these horrible stories. I can’t imagine finding bodies, in any state all of these people have been found, let alone never found. This man is just sick!

@monamedley6666 - 03.09.2022 06:03

Wait. He drove the dead wife's car to visit the dead husband's sister??

@stoneypearcy8804 - 11.09.2022 20:57

I’m from Lakeland, Fl, 20 minutes away from Winter Haven same county and I can’t believe this monster came from somewhere so close to home 😧😧

@mckenzimiller4282 - 22.09.2022 00:44

Why did he think the mafia story would work? They killed everyone in front of him but let him live?😂

@lollipop6311 - 11.10.2022 08:53

Bury a child alive is about as evil as you can be

@jeffreywolfe4695 - 13.10.2022 10:32

Hightower is a real stand-up guy!

@harrieelias5756 - 15.10.2022 11:03

America is just like this killer. We trust her and go for vaccination to the doctors and the doctors intentionally infecting people with with fetal diseases for financial gain.
The same personality disorder.
Pharma give out toxic drugs to kill innocent people.
Food corporations adulterating the food rendering it detrimental to health.

@Altered4n892t - 19.10.2022 22:08

I read, “Shattered Innocence, Shattered Dreams, the True Story of Mass Murderer Christopher Hightower as Told by His Wife”, she & her sons were uncover and changed names. He had tried to kill her several times. He is such a piece of 💩. “You rooted bastard, I hope you rot in hell” said the judge. Perfect

@lithasmith8115 - 20.10.2022 03:47

I just hope that that thing runs into the right inmates and gets what he deserves!!

@michaelvarble4392 - 05.11.2022 01:24

The only justice for this crime is the DEATH sentence not after 10 years of whining but within 2 days of conviction

@tymom9313 - 23.12.2022 06:14

Buried a 8 year old alive? Wayyyy worst than a monster! Absolutely vile

@crystalshaw8744 - 26.12.2022 00:25

I didn't know you could call the FBI and just skip over the police.

@viviandarkbloom100 - 27.01.2023 01:38

You know how painful that must've been to be shot in the face with a crossbow bolt? Simply wicked.

@anupaghose5447 - 04.02.2023 05:52

This is crazy after House of the Dragon and how the religious Hightowers drew first blood

@alysononoahu8702 - 11.02.2023 08:17

Dogwalkers are superheroes

@alysononoahu8702 - 11.02.2023 08:21

Ya know have mercy, you can tell a happy tale to dementia patients. It's ok to be merciful.

@stevenr8606 - 17.03.2023 04:19

The "BOOT" ? This happened in America. Use American language. 😡

@combatgirl38 - 14.08.2023 23:35

What is increasingly common in these stories more often than not is that these depraved killers are simply normal looking people. Why are we still perpetuating the dangerous idea that killers are to look like terrible monsters? It does nothing to protect anyone and it would serve the public well if we dropped this false persona all together.

That's not to say that there aren't plenty of creepy before activity killers out there but it's not the standard by any means.

@Vanasse1 - 26.10.2023 00:54

CH lived next door to me for a little while. I always felt such a creepiness from him the few times that I encountered him. He’d be out mowing the lawn and I just felt such an ‘ick’ about him. His eyes were creepy! He married my next door neighbor. I remember leaving for work in the morning when they were looking for the Brendels, and there were tons of cop cars out looking for them. It was such a scary time.

@KushDragon420 - 16.11.2023 21:24

Did he really just say the FBI brought in mediums!? Did they also pray and sacrifice a goat to Odin. Perhaps preform a rain dance and wear the proper "finding corpses" cermonial garb? Perhaps they called the pope and asked him too. Cant be too sure right.

@GeraldDrake-p4r - 16.02.2024 05:59

The worst of the worst

@Celliam7 - 06.05.2024 05:12

This killer wasnt very smart, he left a trail of evidence everywhere...

@colinvannurden3090 - 14.05.2024 07:55

The eyes say it all.

@alysononoahu8702 - 23.05.2024 02:11


@francesmeyer8478 - 29.05.2024 23:21

I read about this years ago. I remember how stunned he was when the jury hadn't bought his story. It was ludicrous, Mafia, maybe even the Chinese.🇺🇸

@dougstyles - 03.06.2024 15:08

This guy was mental

@debrajenkins9211 - 29.06.2024 00:25


@LunaMoon518 - 03.09.2024 18:03

What a disgusting monster. I feel for all the family but in particular that poor little girl brought me to tears. May this family rest peacefully.

@CharlesAbernathy-u6r - 22.09.2024 05:53

A young fellow in a cell next to me in the C-Building, mini supermax in the Virginia State Penitentiary reportedly, and his brother had killed and buried several kids. I asked him why he killed the kids. He said, "I didn't do it." I had been falsely imprisoned for 1st degree murder. He was in the C-Building for protective custody. I was there for conspiring to murder a prison officer. A prison officer had asked me a year before I planned to kill an officer not to kill a prison guard. "If you do, you will never get out," he warned me. He must have known me better than I knew myself. Murdering a prison officer had not occurred to me. However, I got want I thought was a reason to. A guard shoved a member of a prison member group, a Muslim. I thought of myself as a Muslim. See Abernathy vs. Cunningham.

@ringo8410 - 12.10.2024 04:14

I know about this story because when I was a kid - god only knows why - I picked up the book "Death of An Angel" from a library book sale that detailed the entire sordid thing. Sad story. Emily was a year older than me and would be 41 this year if she had lived.

@jackiebeckwith1623 - 18.10.2024 02:54

What a horrible creature.

@Joe-d3t1t - 25.11.2024 13:43

All of these serial killers have multiple wives. I can’t even get a girl to talk to me.

@shannonmiller-fv8ec - 24.12.2024 10:05

The mob doesn’t leave loose ends.

@Amberlynn2228 - 09.01.2025 01:55

His sister doesn’t believe in souls?….

@RSAkimmaps87 - 06.02.2025 10:51

He’s got the eyes of a psychopath behind those glasses

@bvtgamer5707 - 21.02.2025 16:14

Those psycho eyes at the end . Good God 😨 trying to make the face of being "traumatized and scared" and instead looks completely psycho
