ОтветитьThere is so much plastic waste in the earth
ОтветитьTidak dengan motor greder.. ?..
Ответитьgood video
Ответитьsmieci sie nie zakopuje tylko wywozi na wysypisko odpadow ochrona srodowiska i wod gruntowych skazone
ОтветитьNot the same jobsite
ОтветитьWhy do the trucks take so long to dump?
ОтветитьPowerlines very low
ОтветитьI see by 37 mins into the video that there are 3 dozers on site ,,?
I was wondering ,,who actually pays for all this work ,,,?
Do you ever pick up the trash before instead of burying it?
ОтветитьHow about the plastic waste???!!!
ОтветитьWaste of money and time to build anything if you bury trash and plant material. It won't last a year if that long. Dirt is dry, lifts are to thick, zero compaction, piss poor backfill job.
ОтветитьAbartig dieser Müll am Straßenrand 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
ОтветитьO homem de colete laranja não sabe o que fazer 😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьTem mais drones que trabalhadores 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьAcabou a terra😅😅😅 vamos jogar lixo 😂😂😂
Ответитьyou have a good dozer operator, he knows when to tilt the blade, good job!!
ОтветитьHow can they do all this backfilling and leveling and do no compaction???? Can see if have a dozer can have lot of work!!! But if you have a compactor/roller?… make and Have just as much or more than dozer???
ОтветитьHallelulja,1 man works and 10 films?
the poorer the country, the more people hope to make money from it

Where did they get some of that fill dirt from the local landfill?😮
ОтветитьWhat you are doing is deep in the Stone Age. Burying garbage is stupid. Recycling makes money.
Ответитьuncleaned land and leaving so much rubbishes..
What country?
I see that they have the ubiquitous hotdog stand set up already! Outstanding gentlemen! 😂💪👍
ОтветитьI think they should deal with that problem before they want to come and get my gas stove and my gas hot water heater😂
ОтветитьQue estan haciendo , un aparcamiento para poder tirar mejor la basura?
ОтветитьIt's about time these folks start to fix their properties for future settlement far or near
ОтветитьLet's make our world habitable again for our sake
Ответитьi see 4 dozers and only 1 is worjing
ОтветитьIt is ok to fill with black dirt but what is the deal with the landfill Trash. Are they kidding.whatever is being built are the owners aware of the garbage underneath 😮😮😮😮😮!!!!!